Can't We Be Friends?

Ben's pov

The next morning I couldn't wait to see Misty. Toby's mom got her and the others clothes. So I got up and took a shower and got dressed. I ran to the dinning room, she must not have come down yet, because I see Toby looking at the stairs. I went and took a set next to Toby, we were both watching the stairs. someone was next to us. We both turned our heads and there next to us starring at the stairs was the most beautiful man I have ever seen, he looked at us and said " why are you starring at the stairs?"

Toby asked " who are you?" He looked at us with the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen and said I am Jacob." I heard a guy say from the kitchen " get the hell away from me you she wolf!"tr

He came running in the dinning room he was gorgeous. He must be Jory. His eyes are such a light brown. I have never seen that shade of brown before. He was running from Rose.

Rose said " I just want to boing your curls." Rose " Misty stop Jory."

Out of no were a women jumped on Jory and pinned him to the ground. Rose went up and started to mess with his hair and kept saying boing, boing every time she pulled a curl. After about 5 min Rose got up and said that she was done.

The women must be Misty, she got up and helped Jory up. She turned and OMG she is hot! I see Toby just starring. Are all the agents this good looking? I mean damn. Her eyes are different colors.

I think I am drooling. She looked at me and Toby, she looked confused, Then she turned and looked behind her. Like she doesn't know that we are starring at her.

Toby's pov

When I saw her, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She is so cute when she looks confused. I saw Ben was about to go to her, but I took off and ran to her. She just looked at me. I took her hand, she looked at my hand. I see Ben on the move, so I asked her to come with me, but before she could say anything I started to pull her up stairs to my room. Ben started to follow us. But we got to my room and I shut the door and locked it.

I pulled Misty to my dresser and I opened it and took out the dildo. I handed it to her. She looked at it and looked at me. I said " You wanted to dick slap me." She did it! I can't believe she actually hit me with a dildo.

Then she left my room. I don't think I could be more in love with her as I am right now.

Ben's pov

It's night, I was so pissed that he pulled Misty away, but I don't think I laughed that hard when she said she dick slapped Toby with a dildo.

I went in the kitchen and she was there. This is it. " Misty" I called her, she looked at me. "Misty I like you, a lot, would you go on a date with me?" Her words crushed me. "can we just be friends?"