I Want You

Jory's pov

I have killed millions of people, I had not fear, until I met a crazy pregnant she wolf, she keeps telling me to stop calling her that, but that's what she is.

She is having a baby shower today. I don't really care, but there is going to be a lot of food. So I am going to go and get some food. I stopped and looked around, I don't want Rose to see me, she will try and boing my heir. I spotted a very, very curvy women, she has brown hair, brown eye's. I see she is with the enemy, Rose.

The women got up from a chair and was heading to the kitchen, I got down on all fours and followed her. I don't want to scare this bunny away. I saw a lion do this on T.V. She went and got out drinks from the fridge. She put them on the counter. When she shut the door I jumped in front of her. She jumped, I think I scared her. I don't know what I am doing so I hugged her. I don't want to let my fluffy bunny go. That's when the enemy came in the room.

Rose's pov

I went in the kitchen to what was taking Lilly so long. When I got there I saw Jory hugging Lilly, they look so cute together. Jory looked at me like if I try to take Lilly away from him, he would hurt me. I know he wouldn't . Rose " Lilly OMG you got yourself a boyfriend!" Lilly tried to say something but Jory tightened his hold on her. So cute. Rose "I will take the drinks and leave you two a lone."

I left, I hope they start dating, Lilly's last boyfriend was a jerk.

Misty's pov

Toby has been following me around like a puppy with rabbis. He keeps giving me food. I love food, but I don't understand, He looks at me wired. I don't know why. He asked if I would go with him today, I said no. He asked why, I told told him that I want to make sure Rose will be ok at this "baby shower", so I am here I am with Rose. I am keeping my eyes on everyone.

Toby is sitting next to me, anytime a guy comes near me he wraps his arm around me. I don't get it. If the guys want to fight I can take them down. Toby asked when the "baby shower" ends could I go to his room, he said he wants to tell me something, I told him yes to get him off my back. He looked happy that I said yes. I think today is going to be a long day.

Ben's pov

I keep thinking about when I kissed Jacob. I am so glad that he doesn't understand. He may hate me if he knows that I am starting to have feeling for him. I don't understand it myself. But he doesn't act different towards me after I kissed him. I do want to know how he feels about it. But I am not sure how to go about it.

Toby's pov

I feel like a lost puppy when I am not with Misty. I didn't want to be here at this baby shower. But I want to be with Misty.

When she said yes to talk to me I was so happy I could have kissed her. I want to tell her everything that I have been thinking.

Rose told me that Misty can't have kids, I don't care I love her so much. We could just adopt, I just want to be with her and I want her to want to be with me.

Kevin's pov

I'm with my wife at the baby shower. I am scared to become a father. I want to be the best I can be.

I help my dad with his software business. So I know I can take care of my family. Sometimes it feels like Rove loves Misty more then me. It was weird, one night Rose had a bad dream, I woke up and before I could confront her Misty came running in the room with a gun in her hand. She asked what happened. After I told her, she got in our bed and hugged Rose. I tried to touch my wife and Misty hit my hand and said this was her time with Rose and the baby. I looked at her.

But I know that she would help me protect my family and for that I will forever be grateful.

Jacob's pov

I am sitting in my room. I don't want to be around a bunch of women talking about baby stuff, you can take someone saying "cute" so many time's.

I told Misty about Ben kissing me, she asked if it went better then when I tried to kiss that cat. I told her yeah, because Ben didn't hang on my face with claws and try to take out my eyes...stupid cat.

There was was a knock at my door, I said come in. It's Ben he came up to me and sat on the bed, he's looking at me the same way Misty looks at tacos.

Ben " I want you." Jacob " I don't understand." Ben kissed me again.