I Love You

Toby's poc

The baby shower has ended. I am in my room with Misty, all I can do is stare at her. I want to tell her that I love her, but I'm scared.

I did something maybe I shouldn't have, I leaned in and kissed her. I pulled away. She punched me in the face. I looked at he, she looks confused. I need to tell her my feelings, but she got up and left the room,

My heart hurts.

Misty's pov

Toby kissed me. I panicked, so I did what I thought was right. I punched him. I got up and left the room. I don't like all these feelings that I have been having. I don't understand them.

Jory left with a women called Lilly, but he keeps calling her his bunny. I haven't seen Jacob and Ben for awhile. I went to my room to take a bath. I don't understand what Toby is doing. He said he wanted to talk but he didn't. I guess after my bath I should go see what he really wants.

Ben's pov

I pulled away from Jacob and looked at him. Ben' I want to take you out on a date." Jacob looked at me. I'm scared that he's going to reject me.

Jacob "Ok but your paying for everything." I was shocked and happy. Ben " Ok I can do that." Jacob " You have to tell me why you look at me like how Misty looks at tacos." I looked at him. It's funny how he doesn't understand. It's cute.

Jory's pov

I am with my bunny. She asked me why I keep calling her bunny. I told her , she laughed. I told her the truth about how I don't know what I am feeling, but I told her that I will never let her go or let her out of my sight.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that if I see a guy looking at her I will kill him. She looked confused and scared. She asked why and I told her that she will forever be my bunny and mine alone.

Toby's pov

I sat on my bed with the pain in my chest. I started to cry. My door opened , Misty walked in. She sat next to me , she looked at me and asked why I kissed her. I told her that I love her that's why. She tilted her head and asked " what is love?" I looked at her. I told her what love means and feels to me.

I told her that if she would give me a chance I would show her what love is. I asked her yo be mine and I will teach her.

She looked at me and said " I don't understand, but I will try."

I am so happy. This is going to be the greatest day of my life. as long as she doesn't punch me again.

I took her face in my hands and said " I love you.' Then I kissed her with all the love I have for her.