Meeting again

"The line that runs from top to bottom is vertical and the line that runs from a side to another is horizontal kids, do you get it now?" She asked and they nodded, the lesson commenced and when they were done, she marked their notes and gave them assignments.

"How was class today, you don't complain as usual" Yang mi teased as she sipped her ice tea.

"Those kids are adorable, why should I complain, I suddenly feel like having a child of my own whom I can teach" Confessed Xue Lin and Yang mi choked on the ice tea while xue Lin patted her back.

"Coughs, coughs* What the hell xue Lin, how old are you to think about that? dont you want to live your youth lavishly, why rush into getting married and having children?" Yang mi asked, after emptying the ice tea, she squashed the can and threw it into the bin, which of course was a pretty good shot.

"Say Yang mi, what are we doing this afternoon?" Xue Lin asked, quickly changing the topic. She didn't want to dive any further.

"Where do we go? oh I know, to the mall, you see I've run out of designer clothes and you heard the headmistress, we are taking the children out for excursion to the cinema" Yang mi said reminding xue Lin who has forgotten if Yang mi didn't remind her.

"That's on the 29th, today is 23rd, we still have time" Xue Lin said, feigning laziness that Yang mi had to shove her arm playfully.

"Let's just go, we never know if we don't get the chance to go again and something delays us, this is our opportunity" Yang mi pleaded pouting her rosy lips and xue Lin could only sigh and accept defeat. They stood up and paid for the drink they had in the restaurant and went to the mall.


When they got to the mall, Yang mi excitedly pulled xue Lin inside. Xue Lin was nervous because one, she hasn't seen a mall before and two, she doesn't know what's in there waiting for her. When she saw the escalator, her eyes almost popped out in fear knowing that they would climb it.

"I'm feeling slightly dizzy Yang mi, let me hold on to you" Xue Lin lied and of course, her best friend blindly believed the lies. She held onto yang MI's arm and they climbed the escalator.

'Oh God, please get this thing over, I promise not to lie again' Xue Lin prayed inwardly and thankfully her prayer was heard and they reached the top and walked away from the moving stairs.

They got to the clothing section and the two girls began inspecting each clothes they thought was nice. Xue lin was first to enter the ladies room to change into the dress she had picked.

She came out wearing a black coloured dress that has button lined up from top to bottom, the dress was small and tight that hung all over her body and exposed her mighty curves.

"Oh my, Xue Lin, I want this dress, look at you. I'm sure that if I post it, I'll get up to million likes" Yang mi complimented while xue Lin just smiled lovingly at her then she went to stare at herself in the mirror.

Meanwhile, Yang mi went to the ladies room to try out the cloth she had picked, still glancing at her beautiful self in the mirror, she saw someone pass by. The air suddenly became cold that she felt goosebumps.

She turned to look at a broad back and long legs, the guy was tall and staring at the back only made xue Lin's heart race. What is this? is she scared?.

Feeling the gaze of someone on him, Aaron turned to look behind him and his gaze fell on the woman who stood In his way back then. What was she doing here again?, was she stalking him?.

Their gaze met and for a moment, xue Lin heard the loud heartbeat of her heart, she felt like it wanted to jump out of its ribcage. All because of who? Aaron Wang. None of them tore their gaze away leaving the rest of the people wondering whether they were having a staring competition.

Aaron was the first to tear his gaze away and he looked at his bodyguards before ordering them, "Get all the clothes in here" He spoke and their eyes went wide. Their master wanted to buy the whole clothes in the section, they shouldn't be surprise because he is a billionaire who doesn't care about the money he spent.

"Hi" Xue Lin said shyly waving her hands as she stood in front of Aaron who looked at her, then remove his gaze as if she was just thrash that he didn't want to waste his time on.

"I'm Xue Lin" Xue Lin said as she offered her hand for a handshake..Aaron only gazed down at her as if trying to intimidate her, but Xue Lin already felt intimidated because of the dangerous aura emanating from him.

"So?" He asked coldly and xue Lin slowly retracted her outstretched arm and she smiled nervously.

"We meet again, I'm sure you remember me" Xue Lin said as she pointed at her face, her bangs covered her forehead and her hair was let loose.

"And?" He asked shortly at the same time glancing at his wristwatch as if the time was important to him than the woman talking.

"Uhmm, if you don't mind, can you join me for dinner at the golden crown restaurant?" Xue Lin asked, her heart kept pounding in fear that this guy here would reject her, something he did excellently well in her past life..

"Yo! what's that, this goddess here is asking the almighty Aaron on a date?" Aaron's friend, Yuxi came over and he draped his arm around Aaron's shoulder.

Aaron didn't bother to hide how irritated he was upon the position he was with his friend and he slightly glared at the arm making Yuxi retract his arm.

"So I'm smelling now huh?, did you know that I had to select the perfume to use so I can get close to you, still you don't like this smell or probably you don't like my arm, should I cut it off?" Yuxi asked raising his brow at his friend. He doesn't know why Aaron was always irritated whenever someone gets close to him, it wasn't only restricted to females but also males. And it got Yuxi worried, his friend being like this, he might not get a wife.

"Might as well cut the second one so you'll not be useful" Aaron spat irritatedly and heard his friend scoff. He then turned to the lady who was still waiting for his answer, what was he going to do? decline? sounds like a good idea.

"No!" Aaron replied to the woman and both she and Yuxi had their eyes widened.

'Hasnt changed at all' Muttered Xue Lin under her breath.

"W-why?, is it because I'm not beautiful or rich enough to ask you out" She asked sounding dejected, disappointment was evident in her tone and she had to sigh inwardly. What does she expect?.

"It's because I'm visiting my soon to be wife and it's also this night, I can't leave her and come to you" Answered Aaron as he sounded disgusted when he mentioned 'You'.

"Oh, I see" Xue Lin said as she tried to mask her disappointment, her heart was aching upon hearing his rejection.she doesn't know why, her hand subconsciously went to her chest and clenched it when she saw Aaron walking away with his friend and bodyguards. They were going to meet his soon to be wife.

Why can't she just have Aaron, she doesn't seem enough in his eyes, and whenever he looked at her disgustingly, she felt a pang of pain in her chest.. 'Someone else is going to have him Xue Lin, maybe it's time to let go, yeah, it's time to back out, he doesn't like you after all" she said to herself.

"Are you alright?" Yang mi asked and xue Lin nodded, she smiled a bit to show that she wasn't sad and Yang mi unconsciously nodded, they both went over to the counter to pay the cashier, after paying for the dress, shoes and bags bought, they left the mall.

A/N: I would love if you comment and drop reviews on the few chaps guys...Please vote for this book. As I've said earlier, 1000 power stones= mass release of 3 chaps.

Follow me on IG: Zenny0014


Fb:Liz zenny.

Thanks guys! Love y'all ◉‿◉