Meeting again (2)

On getting to the Zhou's mansion, the black jeep horned against the metal gate which was opened and drove inside to park in the spacious parking lot.

Xue Lin's uncle, Lanzhou was first to reach the black jeep as he waited to receive Aaron Wang, his uncle and Lanzhou were good friends and they agreed to match Aaron and xue Lin together.

"Aaron, it's nice to see you here your uncle is already present, we are waiting for you and xue Lin" Lanzhou laughed ackwardly as he stared at Aaron whose face didn't give anything away.

His face was hard and he was

enamating a dangerous aura that clouded the air as if he was forced to be there in the first place, yeah he was forced. His uncle insisted that he bought as many clothes and other expensive items for his soon to be wife and also her uncle, he was also forced to drop it in their house.

"Mn, let's go in now" Aaron said in a deadpanned tone and the uncle nodded as he and the butler led the way to the mansion

Lanzhou knew that the Wangs weren't ordinary people, they were the richest family in country A and no body dared mess with them, they don't tolerate mistakes and they don't find betrayal forgiving. Especially the youngest member of the family, that is Aaron, the guy was like a demon in disguise. Lan was far more better than him in terms of friendliness, hospitality but he wasn't as handsome as Aaron, the guy got all his looks from his late father.

His mother left them because her husband had died and there was no use in living, she left them because she couldn't raise them up alone. Then Lan and Aaron were entrusted to their uncle. Till now, they haven't heard about her.

"You didn't tell me you were coming here, if I had known you could have done the shopping and brought it here" Aaron said to his uncle, slightly irritated. He went through a lot at the mall, because he never bought anything by himself and now he was forced by this uncle of his.

"I'm not the one marrying xue Lin, when you two get married, you'll have to do a lot of shopping for her and other chores" Riley said and he ordered for the bodyguards to drop the gifts which belongs to Lanzhou and his wife.

"Can't wait to see our boss Washing plates" One of the bodyguard, Han shuo said to the other.

"You think he will, he's going to break everything if he by chance washes it.. what if they give birth and we see the boss changing the baby's diaper, that will be too funny...pftt..Haha, I will definitely record it and post it on Weibo so that they can see the great Aaron changing diapers" The next bodyguard, Gu Chen muttered and they bursted out laughing in the corner.

"Get ready to lose your job Gu Chen, you think boss will not fire you for uploading such things" Han shuo said. The two kept bantering while they waited for the miss which their boss was going to marry.

After some minutes, they heard the door open and all the heads in the vast living room jerked towards the door to see the miss they had been waiting for enter.

"Xue Lin, come here!" Her uncle motioned for her to meet them and xue Lin obeyed without complaining.

"This is my wonderful niece Xue Lin, Xue Lin, this is Riley Wang sitting on the left" Her uncle started by introducing her and then the uncle to her.

"Good day uncle Riley, how was your day?" She asked in an incoherent tone but the uncle heard and he responded to her;

"How are you Xue Lin, heard so much about you from Lanzhou, you are as pretty and humble as he had mentioned" Riley blurted and from the corner of his eyes he could see Aaron roll his eyes at what he said.

"This is Aaron my dear and Aaron meet xue Lin your soon to be wife" Lanzhou spoke and Xue Lin frowned a bit, was he talking about the same Aaron she had invited for dinner at the golden crown. Or was it another Aaron?

She slowly turned to look at Aaron who had his left eyebrow raised and the corner of his lips curved up on seeing the surprise marred on her delicate and beautiful face.

Aaron had to admit that his soon to be wife was very beautiful and today was the first day, he took in all her features. Although he had seen her that time she blocked his way, he was in so much hurry that he failed to notice the beautiful woman in his front.

"Soon to be wife? uncle you never told me that I'll be marrying Aaron" that was the first sentence that escaped her lips and the uncle sighed internally, he forgot to mention to her that she would be marrying Aaron.

"Xue Lin dear, come let's have a nice talk" Her aunt, Zhou fei said and she hurriedly pulled xue Lin to the corner to have just a small chat with her.

"Dear I know this is hard but could you please do this for us, we are in trouble now because the new business in which your uncle had invested all his life savings and loans from has begin to dwindle and now we need great help to get it back to it's feet. Xue Lin, please accept this proposal and marry Aaron for our sake, they are in need of a heir right now and we have what they need, that is you..." Her aunt trailed off but Xue Lin cut her off.

"How could you decide for me, I never accepted the proposal and yet you guys accepted without informing me first, Aaron doesn't love me...he doesn't even like me and you want me to marry him when he wouldn't even show any love to me, that isn't the kind of marriage I'm looking forward to"

"It's alright dear, you could always make your marriage work, and Aaron would be able to protect you and shower you with everything you'll need, if you marry him, you'll be the queen and become the envy of all those young ladies dying to have him. I'm sure you can do this xue Lin, you can make the marriage work, I believe in you..And in the end you'll thank me and your uncle for giving you to Aaron, he might look arrogant and distant but I know you'll draw him close and teach him the good things in life, you'll be a great match for him and also you'll save our family especially your uncle from going to jail" Her aunt said.

Xue Lin sighed internally, marriage wasn't child's play, it was another stage in life and now running to the man who doesn't like her, wasn't she just wasting her time. Even if he was her crush back then, could she still make things work between them?.. "Xue Lin, if you don't have him now another person will" She said to herself as she glanced at Aaron who was staring at the ground, feeling someone's gaze on him. His eyes darted across the room and met her's. She felt her heart skip a beat.

"That's it Xue Lin, you are going for him" Xue Lin muttered inwardly.

"Alright aunt, I'll do this for you and uncle, you two have always been kind and helpful to me, it's time to pay you back" Xue Lin spoke and her aunt's eyes glimmered with tears, tears of joy. She was happy to have someone as understanding as Xue Lin, xue Lin was the most understanding and kindest person ever, she was happy to be blessed with a niece like xue Lin.

"Thank you, thank you" Her aunt said, showering her with kisses all over her face. she was truly beyond happy.