Unruly eater

The sun probed through the curtains and hit the sleeping beauty on the bed, rolling back and forth on the bed feeling the softness again. Xue Lin was forced to get out of bed by the sound of the alarm.

She walked to the bathroom to get herself cleaned up. After bathing and wrapping her body in a towel she came out of the room. Her hair was still wet and her eyes darted across the room until she caught sight of the hair dryer, plugging it into the socket. She began to dry her hair, soon the room was echoing with the sound of hair dryer.

After drying her hair, she went to wear her clothes, a pair of pants and a off shoulder top with long sleeve. She applied a fruity lip gloss and wore her sneakers before going out. She thought of seeing Aaron but then she stopped, what if he shouted at her for waking him up.

'But he should be awake by this time, billionaires wake up early, don't they?" She asked herself. Walking towards his room, she got to the door and then started feeling sweaty all over, she felt her heart beating faster, 'hope I am not going to die by opening this door?' Xue Lin asked herself but as she kept pondering, the door was opened from the other side and Aaron stepped out.

"You seem to be early this morning, you going anywhere?" He asked her in his deadpanned tone and she quickly nodded.

"Then why stand here, you should get going" He told her and she nodded again and walked ahead of him, she didn't know this house that much and so she was slowing down so that he could be ahead of her and show her the way.

'I can't believe I am marrying a snail instead of a human' Aaron muttered, he felt the urge to scold her for walking so slow but what if she gets scared by his tone and runs away from him. Whenever he shouts at someone, they just prayed to be buried instantly and shouting at her was the last thing he intended to do.

They walked down the stairs to be greeted by the butler who led them to the dining. Aaron sat at his usual seat, he was used to dining alone but another person joining him gave another feeling.

Xue Lin sat down opposite him and looked down at the food served, how it looked like food falling from heaven. 'How would it taste?' Xue Lin asked and she gently picked her fork and knife to slice the steak, when she ate it. She moaned at the taste of it and Aaron looked up to see her face which was glowing with delight. why was she being like this because of a steak?

This woman...She got easily flustered by anything...

Aaron turned back to his food as he ate quietly, he didn't feel anything as he munched the steak, maybe because he was used to eating food made by his cooks and this was her first time.

Xue Lin was an unruly eater, ever since she fell down from that portal,and was served food in her uncle's house, she started eating like never before and she couldn't even control the way she was eating in front of her soon to be husband.

Aaron was slightly irritated as he watched her eating everything, she stuffed the bread in her mouth and she hasn't finished eating it before she drank the orange juice. Aaron narrowed his eyes watching her as to why she hasn't choked yet, not that he wanted her to choke, he just wondered if she has a wide throat to allow all the food she was eating to swallow easily.

When xue Lin finished eating, she covered her mouth and released a belch, 'Fuck' Aaron muttered as he slammed the fork on his table, jolting xue Lin. He had never seen someone as shameless as she was, did she just belch in his presence?.

"W-what happened?" Xue Lin asked slurring on her words as she gazed at Aaron innocently, the way he slammed his fork on the plate was so terrifying and she was petrified by his expression right now, he looked annoyed, irritated at the sight of her which made her heart tremble.

"I-Is it what I did right now?" She asked but before she could say anything again, she hiccuped and Aaron shook his head as he left the dining table for her. Signaling his bodyguards they quickly hurried to meet him.

Aaron was about to leave the mansion when he heard a beep on his phone, his eyebrows furrowed and he glanced at the message.

'Dont forget to drop her at work, you can't leave her and go away' Lan messaged him and Aaron felt like squeezing the phone until she screen cracked. If only Lan knew what this woman did right now...

He turned back only for her to bump her head on his hard chest and Aaron gritted his teeth again, can this woman stop getting on his nerves!

Fuck, he was tired of her already.

"I-I-I'm sorry" She pleaded as she stepped away from him, she slowly looked up to meet his hard gaze and she felt her body tremble.

"Come with me" He said and she obediently followed him towards the car which was opened by the chauffeur, she sat at the back seat and Aaron sat beside her.

"About what I did earlier, I'm sorry, I just don't know how to control myself when I see food" Xue Lin begged again making Aaron remember what she did again and he clenched his fist.

"Then you should start practicing how to control yourself since you would start living with me" He suggested to her, his voice was sounding irritated and xue Lin looked at him for a minute and then a lightbulb appeared over her head and she smiled sweetly at him, flashing her dimples which Aaron caught.

"Sure ice cream" She replied and leaned in on him to kiss his cheek, Aaron felt his anger subside, he didn't know how she did it, he wasn't feeling irritated or annoyed anymore but was feeling another type of feeling, he felt his body coursed with heat, before he could lean in on her to kiss her, she backed off leaving his body hanging midway.

The driver, sun Hao who saw everything through the rearview mirror bursted out laughing, he couldn't control his laughter again and both xue Lin and Aaron stared at him. Sun Hao managed to suppress his laughter, but he would surely distribute this news to the other bodyguards telling them that the boss was left 'hanging'