Mr unknown

After the day's work of teaching the children how to spell- four letter words. Xue Lin felt exhausted, that was the first time she had to go through bunches of questions from the kids. Their questions seemed never ending and it was bothering her because her mouth was already feeling painful of answering their questions.

"Looks like you enjoyed yourself today" Yang mi teased her friend who sat opposite her, sipping the lemon and lime drink. It tasted sour but Xue Lin preferred it to other drinks which had high content of sugar.

"I didn't" she replied curtly and started looking at no where in particular, actually her mind was occupied with Aaron, what she did to him, by leaving his body hanging. She was totally aware of it but she feigned ignorance.

"well, what to do to make you feel better?" Yang mi asked but Xue Lin was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear her friend question. Yang mi sighed but then a message beeped on her phone.

Mr unknown: How's your day babe, I hope you are enjoying yourself? The guy asked, Yang mi has never seen the guy before but chatting with him was really cool. Although she wanted to find out who he was, anytime she brought the topic, he always avoided it like it was some forbidden thing to talk about.

Yang mi: I'm fine, what of you? Are you good?. She sent the message like five minutes later, she wasn't a type of girl that could easily get swoon by men advances. If she was chatting with some, she might leave the message unread or just ignore it after reading the thrash content.

Mr unknown: I'm fine, is your friend with you?" He asked, apparently yang mi had told him everything about herself since she trusted him, after all they've been chatting since the past two years.

Yang mi: Yeah she is and she is feeling down, I'm thinking about what to do to make her happy- she sent an emoji that reflects sadness.

Mr unknown: Well, you could take her to spa, park or somewhere fun, I think that's how women like it, they just wanna enjoy themselves.

Yang mi: I guess so. Thanks anyway for your concern

Mr unknown: You're welcome beauty... After his reply, they didn't send any message again.

"Say, xue Lin what happened today at your new found home, should we go to the park and talk about it?" Yang mi asked, she also wants to visit the park because it has been long since she went.

Xue Lin was in no mood to go to the park, however after seeing her friend's eyed which was sparkling with stars, she agreed to go with her.

... Wang corporation...

The presentation was going on and the conference room was as silent as graveyard, no one dared talk because of their boss terrifying aura. Aaron was always like that whenever he wants something done, it's just that he believes that whenever he became friendly with his employees, they may start taking him for granted and that was why he put on his ever serious face whenever he was working.

He never smiled for once in the office and other's thought that he was a mannequin that one couldn't read his expression. So lifeless.

Yuxi who was Aaron's friend was seated at the right with his phone in his hand chatting with someone, he never cared about the office protocols anyway. And Aaron didn't bother to mention it to him, what could cause their fight was if Aaron asks a question from him knowing that he was distracted, he expected yuxi to answer him.

If not, all hell broke loose.

Yuxi, as soon as he saw the message the girl sent- Thanks anyway for your concern, he knew he couldn't chat further that to reply with 'you're welcome'. He dropped his phone on the table creating a sound and diverting all attention towards him, except for Aaron whose gaze was focused on the presenter.

After the presenter was done showing them the slides in a slideshow motion and explaining some points there, he bowed and left the podium. Actually he was sweating inwardly but didn't dare show it on his face, knowing that his boss was there- watching him.

"Yuxi, are we yet to launch the new product? or what has your research team found out?" Aaron asked, not gazing at his friend, whenever they were at work. He never treated yuxi as his friend.

Yuxi was the leader of the research team in the Wang corporation, he has never failed in his research before and that was why he was made their leader.

"Currently the red rose corp is still ahead of us in their technological advancement but it's just that, they might not gain the market Stare because they didn't actually produce what the people need. What we have produced is what we have researched that the market need, What they have produced is a car that uses water, but what happens then the land and everywhere is dry. but we have produced the latest car ever that doesn't need the use of fuel but charging it, the market would surely be interested because it saves the cost of buying fuel and whenever there is fuel scarcity it becomes a problem, Right now, red rose have gotten the information that we changed the setting by using battery and charging instead, and just like the copycat they are, they have started changing their own setting also. Whenever we do this, they copy us, they are not just good in selling their own product, they believe in stealing others and combining it with theirs" Yuxi explained.

"That's no problem, cut every connection that leads to them finding out our new plan.

"After that we shall launch the product" Aaron ordered and they all nodded.

The meeting was finally over and the employees could now breathe, only God knows for how long they've been holding their breaths, maybe since when he entered the conference room.

"Aren't I cool Aaron?" Yuxi asked referring to what he just explained in the conference room earlier. He draped his arm over Aaron's shoulder and as expected the guy wasn't pleased.