Are you a vampire?

The next second, she straddled him and Aaron's eyes widened at her every move, she placed her palm on the side of his face and he could feel the softness and warmth of her hand, strangely, Aaron didn't feel irritated, he was shocked when he wasn't annoyed at her.

Xue Lin tilted his head gently and brought her lips forward to the place he was injured and she gently flicked her tongue on it. HOLY COW, Aaron was feeling weird, his little brother was complaining and begging for mercy and Aaron just wanted to satisfy his little brother.

She wasn't done flicking her tongue on his wound, she sucked on it again and when she saw that the blood had stopped, she stopped and looked at his face. His eyes had turned dark, very dark and what he wanted was to pin her down and satisfy himself.

"A-A-aron are you okay?" She asked softly caressing his face and neck simultaneously, she didn't know that she was seducing him, she felt something hard hit her but she ignored it.

"X-X-Xue Lin, are you a vampire?" He asked stuttering, that was the very first time he stuttered, even the driver, sun Hao turned back to look at his boss. When he saw his boss vulnerable state, he wanted to faint.

"Why would Ice cream think like that?" She asked as she gazed deeply into his eyes, her hand and her soothing voice was stirring something in him..He couldn't believe that this girl got him.

"You....since when did you start licking someone's blood, what if I am infected by a dangerous disease?" He asked her, he didn't even know that his arm was wrapped around her waist and he was pulling her closer, their bodies was an inch apart yet Aaron didn't feel irritated or annoyed.

"Then my tongue will cure it" She replied and a noisy invisible crow flew over their head, even the driver choked at the miss cheesy words. It took a minute before Aaron realized their position, his eyebrows furrowed and he pushed her away from him.

He covered his eyes with the back of his hand and rested his head on the headrest 'Fuck, why can't you control yourself when you are with her' He cursed himself. Xue Lin groaned as she helped herself up, she stared at her hand that had a small cut due to the fact that he pushed her away from him.

She sat on the seat and faced the window side and thus, the romantic air became gloomy. When they arrived at their destination, Aaron was first to get out of the car, he didn't know what was wrong with him, he just kept thinking about her palm on his face and her tongue on his neck. It was driving him insane, he wanted to forget that particular scene but it was so unforgettable, her beautiful face Kept swimming back to his mind.

He walked straight to his room and ordered the butler to bring his food to his room. As he was eating, he stared at the egg for a long time, what was he seeing?, Xue Lin's face. 'Fuck, this girl is bad for me...she is bad for my mind and heart' he cursed inwardly, he didn't know how to explain what he was feeling at that moment so he later went to take a shower and went to sleep.

_In the guest room_

Xue Lin was informed that Aaron wanted to eat in his room and she too ordered for her food to be brought in the guest room.. After eating her food, she stared at her hand again and the cut was still present, it tore her heart that Aaron pushed her away from him. She could feel tears at the back of her eyes but she didn't let it out.

'Just you wait Aaron, I'll make sure to make you mine, you won't ever think of anything else but me' She muttered, she got up from the bed and rummaged the drawers for the fist aid kit, and she found it she treated herself and went back to bed.

Just when she started sleeping, she felt someone whispering beside her and when she turned to look, she saw nothing. She pretended as if she was asleep and when she kept hearing voices, she turned to look but she couldn't see anything. 'What's this?' she asked herself. She was feeling scared already when the voice became louder and louder. She covered her ears with her hand but could still hear the voice. It sounded terrifying and she felt shivers run down her spine.

"A-A-aron, come help me!" she shouted but she couldn't see anyone coming to help her. Suddenly the room got darker and the lights in her room went out causing fear to grip her.

"Please Aaron, please, save me!" She yelled again but nobody came to help her, She suddenly started crying, the room was too dark and she couldn't see anything, she tried finding the door and when she caught the door knob, she opened it and ran out.

She quickly searched for Aaron's room and when she found it, she bolted in not thinking about the consequences, she jumped into his bed and used the bed sheet to cover her face.

"Is the guest room not enough for you that you have to come sleep in here?" Aaron asked, his voice was husky and his face was hard that she had disturbed his sleep.

"I'm sorry...please..just let me sleep in here" She pleaded but Aaron was so annoyed that he couldn't help but shout at her.

"No, get out!!" He yelled at her.

"Please Aaron... please, I promise I'll not sleep here again but please just let me for today" She said and her eyes started welling and soon tears started trickling down her face, looking at her crying, Aaron felt something tugging his heart and he subconsciously hugged her and caressed her hair.

"Stop crying" His voice was amazingly gentle as he caressed her hair and pulled her even closer, her face was buried in his hard chest, she wrapped her arm around his waist and slowly drifted to sleep.

A/N: Dear readers, how much do you like this chap? please comment and let me know your thoughts.