Flash marriage

The two were suddenly awakened by the beep on Aaron's phone, he creased his forehead as he read the message, he totally forgot about the wedding and now his uncle was ordering him to go have a flash marriage with her.

Waking up xue Lin and ordering her to go take her bath and get dressed while he waited for her downstairs. Soon, she came out of the room wearing a white dress sparkling with diamond stones on it, her brown hair cascaded down her shoulder and she was wearing a light makeup, Aaron's gaze was glued to her face as he watched her descending the stair, he realized that he was gawking at her for a longer time and she was already close to him, staring at him, making him snap back to reality

"Ready?" Aaron asked her, he just wanted to get things done so he could go back to work because he was already late. And when she responded with a nod, they both went into the car and drove to the civil's affair bureau to get their marriage certificate done.

"Please sir, smile a bit, this photo will last you a lifetime" The photographer said as he took another shot of their photo, Aaron managed to smile a bit and when everything was done, They departed.

Xue Lin could see that things would not be easy for her because Aaron seem to prefer his work over her because he was in such a haste to get the marriage certificate done and leave there for his work. This morning when they were in the car driving silently, she tried talking to him but he seem like he wasn't in the mood.

He even looked as if he was annoyed and xue Lin had to make reference to last night to think maybe jumping into his bed, was what was still disturbing his mind. But then she would sleep in his room tonight, on his bed wouldn't she?. Her face burned red thinking about the things that they might do with each other this night, since they were married, they would have to consumate their wedding right?.

But the possibility that nothing might happen this night was so high that xue Lin felt an unwelcoming feeling settle at the pit of her stomach. She was thinking like that because of the cold shoulder he was giving her in the car, he didn't even bother to compliment her look and xue Lin was beginning to ask herself if it was alright to marry him and if she'll eventually make the marriage between them work. If Aaron was willing to give her a chance, she would surely make use of it.

Sighing, she boarded a cab and went to the school where she was teaching because Aaron had left her after they had gotten their marriage certificate telling her that he was in a hurry to do something.

When she reached the class, she was greeted with uncontrollable noise from the kids, they seem to be enjoying themselves in turning the whole school upside down, the source of noise was always coming from this class that the headmistress would have to warn them to keep that dirty mouth shut, almost everyday.

"Aunt Xue Lin is here, get back to your seat" The kids mummured to one another as they frantically made a beeline towards their respective seats and gently sat down while gazing at their beautiful teacher, she was looking so bright that one of the kids couldn't help but ask her a question.

"Aunt xue Lin, you look as if you just received a kiss from your Charming prince, now I am too eager to meet him. Aunt xue Lin, can you tell us when we would meet the mysterious prince?"

"Very soon" She replied curtly, actually her day was very bright because she was finally married to the man of her dreams, she was sure that if she was still in the other world, she would have had an heart attack on knowing that she was married to Aaron.

" How's he?, does he look handsome?, cute or beautiful?" The kids asked again and xue Lin could only give up as she kept answering their questions, but then she thought about inviting Aaron to meet with the kids, he wouldn't even accept her invitation because he hates people clinging to him and the kids looked like that was what they were planning to do once they saw the charming prince, which would only leave Aaron irritated.

"Alright let's stop for the time being, we should revise on the four letter words now" She said changing the topic swiftly and the kids also stopped asking her questions. She gestured for them to come out one by one and recite the four letter words taught and thus the class was again filled with noise of kids reciting four letter words at the top of their lungs.


"Tadah...Look at this!!!" Xue Lin yelled at her friend who was seated on the chair and her phone was held closer to her as if anticipating for something.

"What's it this time, do you want to show me your teeth that has removed" Yang mi asked her super excited friend as she teased her.

"Not so funny yang mi but see this" Xue Lin said again and showed her friend the marriage certificate she held in her hand, yang mi grinned as she took a look at the photo.

"Why does it look as if he was forced to take the photo but anyways congratulations..It's beautiful" Yang mi complimented and xue Lin smiled happily as she hugged her friend.

"What do you think will happen this night? are you excited, nervous or scared?" Yang mi asked as she gazed at Xue Lin's slightly worried face.

"I don't know yang mi, I think I am feeling everything" Xue Lin muttered while pouting her lips and her friend took the initiative to caress her hair and pat her back simultaneously, coaxing her.

"It's alright xue Lin, you'll get through this, now that you are married, you better behave mature and stop behaving like a baby, you'll only make him more annoyed if you do so okay?" Yang mi asked and xue Lin nodded as she stared at the register in her hand, gently caressing it.