Wedding night

When xue Lin got home, she was informed by the butler that the young master hadn't arrived so she went to take her bath and ate dinner before going to lay on the bed, in Aaron's room.

she was wearing a cream nightgown although it wasn't a see through dress, you could definitely see all her curves that hung in the right proportions. She was nervous, anxious and also excited because she would give her first night to someone she loves, or maybe she isn't aware of the feelings she has for him right now.

The door opened and her heart started beating faster that she could hear the thumping of her heart as she placed her hand on her chest. He stood there watching her curiously with his brown eyes that seem to be calm. He walked closer towards her and each step of his made her heart skip a beat.

"You are so eager to sleep in my bed tonight aren't you?" He asked. What does he mean by that statement? why wouldn't she be eager?, he was her husband now and tonight was their wedding night .

"Uhmm... I. thought that since we are married, we can sleep together" She replied and he just nodded, still looking at her. Xue Lin then racked her brain for something she could do. If her husband returns back from work what should she do?.

Seeing that he was still wearing his shirt and tie with his dark pant, she sat up on the bed and moved towards him, while his left eyebrow was raised at her anticipating for what she would do.

When she was finally standing in front of him, she reached out her hand to help loosen his tie and she did it so gently afraid to hurt or piss him off that he would throw her away like he did in the car and Aaron was having an inexplicable feeling inside of him as he watched her loosing his tie.

She suddenly stood on her toes because he was taller that her and she have him a peck on his cheek and whispered in his ear, "Darling, welcome home"

What she said drove Aaron mad instantly, his eyes flickered with some emotion he couldn't comprehend, what was this woman made of? why does she seem to affect him with everything she does? every movement of hers made him speechless.

As she dropped herself on the ground, his gaze followed her, xue Lin lowered her gaze because she was feeling shy, that movement took almost all the courage left in her. Aaron's arm subconsciously wrapped around her waist ad he pulled her closer to his body, his other hand went to tuck the strands of hair on her face behind her ear and that movement made her heart skip a beat.

His hand then caressed her face as his finger brought up her chin so she would make eye contact with him. "You... do you realize how much I want to have you right now?" He asked as his gaze started undressing her from her nape to her chest, it lingered on her soft breast that was hitting his hard chest and he wondered how it would feel if he holds it. Then downwards, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gazed at her body. This woman was surely the most beautiful that he had ever come across.

"Then don't hold back since tonight is our night" She whispered softly and the last bit of control in Aaron's body snapped, he pushed her closer to him and he slowly lowered his head, keeping her gaze locked with his as he captured her lips.

The kiss was slow and passionate like they had all the time in the world. It was the sweetest kiss to the both of them and they were lost in it. Xue Lin still kept her hands down, afraid that if she mistakenly touch him, he would pull away and walk away from her, feeling irritated. so while he was kissing her and she was returning his kisses, her hands were holding his tie that was still hung loosely around his neck.

Aaron broke the kiss so he could allow her catch her breath, he gazed deeply into her eyes before uttering; "Touch me, I want to feel your hands on my body"

Xue Lin blinked thrice just to make sure she wasn't hallucinating and when he reiterated his words, she was sure of what he wanted. He kissed her again, sucking her upper lip that was in between his while her's sucked on his lower lip. Xue Lin let her hand travel up his chest and later rested on his neck while his arms were wrapped around her waist.

He slowly slid his tongue inside her mouth just to savor the sweetness, she was damn so sweet that he just wanted to lick the inside of her mouth throughout the night. The kiss was so intense and full of passion.

Xue Lin pulled away from the kiss to catch her breath, kissing Aaron knocked her senseless and all her breath was taken by him.

"What's wrong, are you alright?" He asked her, that was the first time he felt so worried for someone, if his bodyguards or friend happen to see him that particular time, they would have to rub their eyes to clear the fog that might have appeared. They believed that Aaron could not just care for anyone, he was the rumored heartless, ruthless devil. Seeing him like this, they would eventually faint.

"I'm fine" she replied curtly and Aaron nodded, his eyes was still clouded with desire and he just want to make her feel loved like she has never before. He carried her, princess style in his arms and heard a soft gasp from her because it was unexpected. Making quick steps to the bed, he placed her on it slowly and hovered above her.

He claimed her lips once again and she responded to him by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to her, kissing him.

A/N: Something to make you smile readers. Hope you enjoyed this chap? Also merry Christmas. I promise to release three chap tommorow around 9:00 - 11:00 pm.