Splash Is Aaron's puppy.

Xue Lin woke up the next morning but couldn't find Aaron next to her, well, someone had called him stating that there was an emergency in the office and he needed to arrive quickly. And thus Aaron left without a word...They were still kissing when the call came in and he suddenly broke the kiss and left her alone.

Thinking about the kiss, xue Lin's face flushed red, if that person hadn't call Aaron they would have done it but no, and that was what made her heart scream in pain.

She decided not to get sad anymore, so she went to take her bath. She just dressed in a short and a baggy top while her hair was tied in a high ponytail. She left their room.

Since today was a weekend, she was thinking of spending the day with Aaron but her husband was nowhere to be seen. Apparently, he chose his work over her.

When she descended from the staircase, the butler was first to greet her.

"Good morning madam, how was your night?" He asked, the butler really looked friendly and xue Lin couldn't help but answer the man sweetly and politely.

"It was fine, yours?" She asked, how could she not ask? when someone like him was asking about her farewell, she intend to ask the person back.

"It was fine, thanks madam, the breakfast is ready but then would you like to have tea before eating?" He asked and xue Lin could not bring herself to reject the offer from this kind man and thus she accepted.

The butler instigated the maids to bring the tea they brewed and they served it to their madam.

A sweet smell of tea wafted in the air that xue Lin was actually longing to taste the tea. The smell was so strong and sweet. It smells like flowers...

"What tea is this?" Xue Lin asked and the butler immediately replied

"Oh it's chamomile tea" He replied and xue Lin answered with an 'o', she brought the cup forward to her lips and gently took a sip. It really tasted nice and she had to commend the efforts of the maids in making such tea just for her.

When she was done drinking tea, her food was served in the vast dining room, the dining room looked as if it was meant for 20 people but then only her made it looked lonely.

"Come join me" Xue Lin offered but the maids looked at each other with wide eyes, even the butler eyes darted across the room as if looking at some invisible people and asking them to join her.

She said it innocently and was still staring at the maids with a pleading gaze but they weren't fools to join her at the table. The table was meant for rich people like Aaron and his wife and them seating at the table would feel somehow.

"I'm sorry but madam we must decline, we can make use of the kitchen, no need to worry yourself" The butler replied.

"It's no worry, I am feeling lonely eating alone, please join me and I will feel at ease" Xue Lin begged again, her eating alone at this bug dining table really felt lonely. The maids didn't want to disobey her but they looked as though, Aaron might appear out of nowhere and they would be caught red handed by the devil. He obviously doesn't like anyone using his things, but his wife should be an exemption right?

"Okay then fine" Xue Lin muttered, seeing that the maids were afraid to join her at the table for some obvious reasons. She kept mute and ate her food silently.

When she was done eating and had enough rest, she decided to look around the mansion, ever since she arrived here, she didn't have the chance to do it and Aaron wasn't going to tour her either.

"Madam do you want me to tour you?" The butler asked and xue Lin shifted her gaze to him. As though she was saying 'Of course' through her eyes. The butler got the message and then he began to tour her around.

The mansion was two, one connected to another, one facing the east and the other facing the west. It was extremely big and there were numerous stairs in it. But the butler didn't want to stress her, so they took the elevator. One thing was running in Xue Lin's mind and that was, 'Why was only Aaron living in a mansion like this? Because the butlers and maids have their quarters and it was far away from the mansion but inside the compound.

Next place they went was the garden, the scent of the flowers and fresh air from the garden almost made Xue Lin want to lay down among the flowers and just sleep. Everywhere looks so nice but only one thing was missing, Aaron, if he was there with her, him touring her around his mansion would also give another feeling.

They visited the gazebo and it actually had a nice view, what was even more amazing was that there was a small river below it, the water looked so blue, bright and beautiful making xue Lin want to dive her body in It.

She was puzzled when she saw the largest fountain, it was amazing big and gushed out clear spring water. Aaron is definitely super rich, one look around his almighty house would surely confirm it.

"Miss, should we take a rest now?" Butler asked and xue Lin nodded, truth was that she was already tired after roaming around the mansion. She sat on a bench in the gazebo as she stared at the horizon, the butler went and came back with a bottle of water. Xue Lin appreciated it and drank everything in one go.

As they gazed at the horizon, xue Lin was sure she was hearing sounds again but it was like barks from a dog that was coming closer. Oh she hated dogs!, seeing the puppy run towards her, she jumped in fear and ran to hide behind the butler.

"Take that thing away" Xue Lin begged, her eyes started welling because she was afraid of those creatures that had fur, feathers, they were the ugliest thing in her eyes.

"This is splash madam, it is Aaron's puppy, don't worry it would t bite, say hello splash" The butler said while smiling widely.

But Xue Lin felt that her hair was about to uproot from her head, she couldn't bring herself to smile at the puppy because of fear that it might jump on her head and tear her hair apart. That would be the most amusing scene for everyone but not to her.

She dashed towards the door in lightning speed and the puppy followed her in the same speed.