
Xue Lin ran faster and splash chased her in lightning speed. Tears was rolling down her cheeks like rivers as she kept glancing at the dog then at her front.

She didn't even know when she stumbled on something hard... Aaron was quick to catch her and xue Lin jumped on him wrapping her arms around his neck for protection against the dog...

"Where is Da Huang, how dare he release the dog to make her cry?" Aaron asked the butler, the butler who just arrived in front of them felt that his glass would break due to his boss menacing tone.

"I'm sorry Young master, Da Huang left for the market to get dog food, we've run out of dog food so he hastily left to get the food" The butler explained.

"Left to get food? why can't he tie it properly before leaving?" Aaron asked again and the butler just shrugged his shoulder, truth was that he actually told da Huang to tie the dog down before leaving, but the boy was so stubborn that he wished to do whatever he wanted when the boss was not around. Only when the boss was not around.

"Sorry xue Lin, it's gone now okay" He said as he caressed her hair and dropped her down, she turned to look and saw that the dog was gone with the butler, she was so happy, mostly happy that Aaron was back.

"Darling, are you done with your work?" She asked and Aaron nodded as he began walking ahead of her into the mansion. Xue Lin was quick to follow him as she grabbed his arm to turn him.

Aaron turned to look at her, then his gaze fell on her hand on his arm. When xue Lin saw this, she quickly retracted her hand and rubbed her nape.

"I was thinking that we should go watch some movies together don't you think?" She asked as she smiled at him ackwardly.

"I'm not interested in movies" He replied curtly making xue Lin blink at him, what does she expect from her husband, there wasn't even a single TV in this house. If there was a speaker she would have connected to it and started playing music to make this boring house more lively but there wasn't any speaker.

"Oh, why don't you have your first try with me? I can assure you that it'll be fun" She offered flashing her sweetest smile and her dimples at him, but he turned her down.

"Xue Lin, are you here to bother me or frustrate me?, if I tell you I'm not interested in something do not pry or you are just wasting your time" He answered as he turned his back and walked inside.

Xue Lin pouted her lips in disappointment, what should she do in this huge mansion? this place was as boring as hell and him refusing for them to go watch movie was the worst thing.

Sighing, she walked into the mansion, she was expecting to see Aaron In the sitting room or dining room but he wasn't there, she creased her brow when she couldn't find him so she decided to check the library.

When the door opened, Aaron sighed, could that person not just disturb him and when he saw xue Lin peeking, he sighed again. What the heck was with this trouble?

"I'm sorry to disturb you, I was looking for you and erm...I found you here" She said softly, she then walked towards the shelf to get a book to read, seeing Aaron reading, she decided to pick maybe a romance novel to read.

"Romeo and Juliet" She uttered and went to seat at the far end, flipping the pages she started reading.

After some minutes, Aaron didn't seem to concentrate on what he was reading, his gaze would always land on xue Lin every second and he doesn't know what was happening to him... He would look at her lips, then her eyes and every expression on her face.

He didn't even realize that he had closed the book he was reading and was not staring at her intently until. She raised her head and their gaze locked on each other.

"Alright let's go" He said and saw the excitement and sparkling stars that shone in her eyes. For a moment, his lips curved up into a smirk seeing her smile like she was about to receive the most beautiful and expensive gift in the world.

They both went out of the mansion and got into a black jeep, Aaron was the one driving and xue Lin was seating beside him while the bodyguards were always following their boss in the shadows.

"What's this, boss actually agreed to go to the cinema?" Gu chen asked his mate.

"Yeah, that's unbelievably weird of him, I didn't even believe it at first until I saw his car there" He replied pointing at the jeep.

"Let's see how this goes, if the almighty Aaron would be conquered by his wife" Gu Chen muttered.

Xue Lin and Aaron finally got into the cinema, On seeing the almighty of the business world, everyone turned to look at him as they paused and their mouths hung open in the air. They also couldn't ignore the woman by his side, she was just beautiful enough for Aaron.

"Wait here let me go get the tickets" She said excitedly and Aaron muttered an "Mn".

Xue Lin left Aaron and the guy just stood leaning against a pillar with his hands in his pocket, on leg leaning on the pillar while the other was on the ground, he looked like a celebrity. He left three buttons of his dark shirt opened making you see that damn hard chest, that you desperately want to run your hands on.

His gaze never left his wife who was running, she looked so happy that he didn't want to take that smile away from her face. As his gaze was fixed on her, he didn't see the woman who was waltzing closer to him.

The woman touched his arm and as expected, Aaron's face twisted in displeasure, his eyebrows furrowed hard and he started emanating a dangerous aura. Who had dared to touch him?. When he turned his gaze, his eyes fell on a lady who was wearing a tight gown that didn't even reach her knee, her lips were painted red and her nails were long that Aaron was thinking if she was an accomplice of the devil.

Who the hell did such long nails?

"Get your hands off me" He shouted at her and the woman flinched, she started walking back and then scurried away.