
Aaron slowly walked towards Xue lin and the bloodlust in his eyes were still present, when he finally reached her, his eyes scanned her body to look for any trace if injury and luckily she was not injured.

"Are you alright?" He asked her and she nodded, still not able to believe that Aaron was standing in front of her, he had arrived and saved her in the nick of time, he was her hero!.

"Thank you for saving me" she said smiling at him as she quickly moved to hug him but the child in her arms were making it impossible for her body to melt in his.

"Your body is wet, what happened?" Xue lin finally asked, she had seen him dripping with water.

"It's raining out there" He replied and she finally looked out and saw that it was raining, how come she did not know? was this house sound proof?.

"Let's go home" Aaron told her and she nodded, he suddenly removed his jacket which was waterproof and draped it around her shoulders, his palm was over her head as he led her outside so the rain would not beat her that much, he completely ignored the child in her arms, the only thing he cared about was xue lin. Strangely, when he had heard that she was missing, his heart couldn't take it, he couldn't bare to lose her so he went to search for her. once they reached the car, he hastily opened the door for her and she got in with mia in her arms. He also followed and closed the car.

"Gu Chen, have you taken care of the corpse?" He asked.

"Yes boss" He answered and after then the car started moving.

*Hours ago in country C*

Aaron wanted to ask xue lin some questions before so he quickly called her, when the call finally connected, his eyebrows were creased when he heard the voice of another woman, what was she doing with xue Lin's phone.

"Who are you?" Aaron asked, his voice was cold and sharp that it sent chills to yang mi who was answering the phone, how could her xue lin cope with this man, what the hell did she do wrong in answering the phone on her friends behalf, she jolted when she heard his voice again, she wanted to hang the call but something told her not to so she quickly replied.

"I'm yan-" she wanted to introduce herself but was Immediately cut off by his menacing voice...

"I don't care who you are, give the phone to my wife!" Aaron shouted, yang mi quickly put the phone away so her hear wouldn't block later, what the hell was with the loud voice.

"She's in the restroom, wait let me give her the phone" Yang mi replied and hastily walked through the chairs then to the restroom, she searched the restroom but couldn't find xue lin.

"What now? where is she?" Aaron asked impatiently.

"I-i- don-t know" Yang mi stammered, she quickly put the phone away again when she heard the loud voice of Aaron.

"WHAT?!!, what do you mean by you don't know, find her this instance and give her the phone!" He yelled over the phone like a madman and hung up, he was fuming when he heard the response of the woman, where could his wife be?, xue lin, hope you are not in trouble? Aaron asked himself as he gazed at the ceiling.

*Country A*

Yang mi was panicking as she searched the whole area where they have been to buy there wasn't any sign of xue lin or the girl mia, her eyes welled when she couldn't find her best friend, what could have happened to her now?.

"Xue lin please just show up, I can't keep looking for you" Yang mi prayed inwardly and searched the area once again but she couldn't find xue lin or mia, she ran out of the cinema to look around if she could find them but she didn't, what she felt was a drop of water on her skin and when she looked up, the rain was pouring hard, "Could this day get any worse?" She asked herself as she went back to the cinema.

She immediately went to report to the headmistress that she couldn't find one of the staffs and the kids, the woman, Mrs Jones was scared because this was the first time she was hearing a case like this and she was afraid that the worst might happen. The other staffs heard about it and also went in search of xue lin and mia, the kids on the other hand were guided into the bus and taken note off, they were driven back to the school and we're informed to go to their respective houses even when it wasn't closing time.

The search for xue lin and mia went on and they still couldn't get a lead about where the two disappeared to.

They quickly went to check the CCTV footage and there they saw xue lin and mia being carried out towards a black van that drove off.

"What am I going to do now, Mia's mother just called, what would I tell her?" One of the staffs questioned the headmistress.

"What are you going to do?, idiot, can't you see we are all thinking of what to do, tell her that she's fine and we'll be back with her daughter" She ordered.

"But what if mia is not fine like we said to her, wha-?" The staff asked again but she swallowed her words when she received a menacing glare from the headmistress who hissed and walked away to get the situation into her head clearly.

In the middle of their panicking, xue Lin's phone rang again and yang mi picked it up, "Why is it you again? where is xue lin?" Aaron demanded, his voice was not soft at all, it was as if he was it with a plank on his head.

Yang mi looked around contemplating whether to tell Aaron the truth or not, she didn't know how the man would react so she told him anyway, since he was rich and powerful he should be able to get xue lin before them.

"She has been kidnapped" Yang mi said straightforwardly, she quickly put the phone away from her ear because she was afraid her eardrum would blast because of Aaron's voice.

"WHAT!!" he yelled.

"It's true Mr Wang, we don't know where she is now, we've checked the CCTV footage and now is been confirmed that she has been kidnapped" Yang mi explained, she couldn't say any word again because the line was disconnected.

"Sigh, I hope he doesn't run mad"