Unlike him

Aaron's heart was palpitating erratically after he heard what yang mi just said, his wife? kidnapped? how could that be possible when she was just in the restroom, the person that planned everything must have been planning it since that was why it was easy for him to get xue lin just like that.

His fingers tugged at his hair as if he was about to uproot his hair, no, he couldn't let anything happen to xue lin... He couldn't imagine her in the arms of another man, he couldn't imagine another man doing all sort of things to her and whoever tries that is ready to go to hell!...

"Gu Chen!" he yelled and immediately his bodyguard barged into the room as if he was expecting his call, seemingly, their boss doesn't like delay whenever he wants something.

"Yes boss, is there any problem?" He asked, he could see his boss was in a terrible mood because his eyes was clearly evident with bloodlust, intention to kill and it's only when he killed that the bloodlust disappeared from his eyes. Right now, he was nothing less than a demon.

"Arrange my flight, we are going back to country A" He said and then stood up noisily from the chair to get his suitcase packed up, he couldn't leave his wife for another minute in that place, what could they have done to her?.

"But bos-" Gu Chen wanted to protest but he wasn't given the chance to finish his statement when a deep cold voice spoke to him, sounding menacing.

"If you dare waste any single second consider your life a waste" Aaron threatened and continued packing up, he was rushing up everything which was unlike him.

Gu Chen didn't understand why his boss wanted to return to country A, he came for a prominent meeting in country C and now he was going back as if he didn't care about anything, this rash decision would definitely have an immense effect on the company but Gu Chen followed his boss instructions anyway and after some minutes, they were back inside the plane to country A.

After the plane had landed, Aaron quickly drove to where xue lin was working to get more information, he was driving like a mad beast while Gu Chen and the remaining bodyguards were watching out for him in the shadows, they just needed an explanation as to why they came back and their boss was behaving like a madman. They had never seen him panicking until today and they wanted to know what was wrong.

As he was driving, he received a call from one of the prominent shareholders that he wanted to withdraw his investment from their company because of Aaron's negligent attitude towards them, and unfortunately for Aaron, the man had the highest number of shares.

What was strange was that Aaron had told the man to go straight up to hell, he really didn't care about anything right now other than to see his xue lin...

When he arrived at the cinema, he alighted like a raging beast and slammed the door shut, he went straight to headmistress as if the woman had something to do with the disappearance of his wife.

"Where is xue lin?" He had asked menacingly, it was so hard to control the anger that was threatening to burst out from within him, he wanted to kill, to smash anything smashable. He wanted to spill some blood and the situation would be damn worse if something happens to xue lin.

Mrs Jones had her eyes widened like it wanted to pop out of their sockets, never in her entire existence would she think about standing in front of this billionaire and having a conversation with him, but this wasn't a conversation the guy in his front was just interested in knowing the whereabouts of his wife!.

"Uhmm, we are looking for her, the CCTV footage confirmed that she was kidnapped along-"

"Enough! why can't anyone go with her? why is she the only staff kidnapped?" Aaron asked and the headmistress looked at him in confusion was he trying to ask why all the staffs weren't kidnapped and it was only xue lin... The question right in her head was the relationship between xue lin and the god of business, the popular billionaire standing in front of her, she wanted to ask out of curiosity but she couldn't bring herself to say anything stupid while she was in front of this man who was rumoured to be cold and heartless!.

The other staffs were quivering in fear as they witnessed the conversation between their headmistress and this godly man, they couldn't bring themselves to make a pindrop because that would only annoy the man and get on his bad side, they knew how devilish he was.

"If anything happens to my wife, consider your school closed forever and a warrant to end up in the prison!" He told her and the woman suddenly knelt down in front of him, she knew people like him doesn't joke, she didn't even know that xue lin was his wife if not, she would have treated xue lin better than other staffs. Now that he was threatening her to close her school, she had to kneel down to beg for mercy but the man fuming with rage didn't find her pleas plausible.

Gu Chen, Han shuo and the other bodyguards had arrived already and this scene in front of them, they clearly knew well but they didn't hear what Aaron had said to this woman to make her kneel and beg for mercy.

"Sigh... Boss is in so much rage today" Han shuo whispered into Gu Chen's ear and the man just nodded affirmatively.

"But what could have happened?" He asked and Gu Chen glared at him dangerously.

"Go ask him you fool!" He shouted at him as he walked away.

"Hey what did I do, I was just asking a question" Han shuo defended himself as he sighed, the day was so much worse with rain falling from the sky, the sky was still very dark showing that the rain wouldn't end anytime soon and the problem at hand wouldn't get solved anytime soon.

Not long Aaron heard a beep on his phone and he glanced at it, he could see a location on it, his finger swiftly moved to tap on it and finally he got the location of xue lin. Thank Goodness that he had installed a device on her clothes, shoes and even bags that he had bought for her because ever since the problem in that restroom in the bar, he became conscious, he doesn't know why but his hearts ache whenever he learnt that xue lin was away from him.

"Gu Chen, hand me the gun!" Aaron said and gu Chen immediately gave his boss the gun that was hidden in his suit although he was confused to who he wanted to use it on, he hoped it wasn't the headmistress because clearly the woman doesn't know anything about the crime.