Because of you*

Aaron collected the gun from Gu Chen and immediately went into his car and drove off like a mad beast, his anger wasn't going to subside until he kills someone and that was what he intended to do. Gu Chen told the headmistress to stand up because she was in a daze, she didn't realize that Aaron was out of her sight. Her head was in chaos because the famous billionaire had threatened to close down her school if he doesn't see his wife.

But why is it Xue lin? why does she attract trouble like magnet.

Another call came in and it was from mia Lee's mother, she was asking for her daughter but the headmistress told her not to worry that she is with one of the staffs and her daughter would come back home tomorrow, mia Lee's mother could only shout and shout but at the end she gave up and finally accepted...

The headmistress ordered the remaining staffs to return home. She told them to pray for xue Lin and Mia so that Aaron wouldn't end up closing down the school, that was the worst nightmare for her ever. She also went back home, she couldn't believe that things like these were happening to her, just why the hell was today like this, the rain that was pouring down hard was making it hard for her as she quivered both in fear and cold.

Gu Chen and the remaining bodyguards already left some minutes ago, they were chasing their boss in a hot pursuit to stop him from killing but all their efforts were futile because he already arrived at the destination where his wife was kept, he had fought with the bodyguards and had broken their bones.

Before they could stop him, he had already shot two of Darren's bodyguard as he got inside the mansion, he threw the gun in his hand away as he faced his wife. His eyes scanned her body to check if there was any injury on her and luckily she was unscathed.

"Are you alright?" He had asked, the bloodlust in his eyes completely disappeared only to be replaced by longing and worry. He was glad when she replied with a nod.

Returning back to the present, Aaron was inside the car, his clothes was wet and he couldn't deny the fact that he was cold. He closed his eyes and leaned his head on the headrest, he closed his eyes and covered it with his palm.

Xue lin on the other hand was relived that Aaron had saved her, he was like her knight in shining armor, her hero, surprisingly he was there the moment she needed him but one thing terrified her, she knew that Aaron had killed the two bodyguards and that was what scared her the most when she saw those people lifeless bodies on the ground.

She looked over at him to see that he was slightly trembling, was he feeling cold?

She placed her hand on his and the guy looked over at her, "What's wrong?" He asked, she bit her lips hard and her eyelashes lowered as if she was shy to say what she had in mind.

She dropped mia on the seat next to her and used the jacket to cover her so the girl wouldn't feel cold. She slowly moved her body until she was sitting on Aaron's laps while the guy's eyes watched her with curiosity, what was running in this brain of hers?.

She slowly held his hand and wrapped it around her waist while she rested his head on her chest. "Does she want me to hug her, anyways it's okay with me" Aaron said in his mind as he hugged her tightly feeling the warmth her body produced, her hands were caressing his hair as if trying to lure him to sleep and it indeed worked because his eyes felt heavy and he closed it to get some sleep.

Xue lin was smiling in her mind, her hand was slipping through his hair as she felt the softness and silkiness of his black hair, she felt like running her hands in it forever. It was just too soft that she wanted to keep caressing it.

"Mrs Wang, we've arrived" The driver said and xue lin looked out to see the huge mansion looming over them, she knew she had to wake Aaron up but she still felt like caressing his hair.

"Alright, please take the girl Into the house, I'll come meet her" Xue lin spoke and the driver nodded as he opened the car door and carried the little girl mia lee in his arms and took her to the mansion.

Xue lin watched as the man left, she didn't know that Aaron was already awake but he was still hugging her body.

"I thought you were going to wake me" He mummured as he kissed her chest while xue lin blushed profusely.

"I didn't want to wake you because I can see that you are tired" she replied to him as she caresses his hair again while his arms tightened around her waist, he was pulling her closer to himself until there was no space between them.

"Xue lin, why were you kidnapped?" Aaron asked and she looked down at his hair in confusion because she couldn't see his face, his head was still buried in her chest. What question was this, was she the one that called the kidnappers and said "Hey come kidnap me". she didn't know that she was going to be kidnapped today, if not she wouldn't have entered that restroom and again why was she always cornered whenever she went to the restroom. The question was what Darren wanted from her knowing she was married.

"I don't know" She replied innocently, "I'm sorry that I had to trouble you and thanks for saving me, without you I don't know what would have happened to me" she spoke truthfully.

"You know... because of you... I lost one of the prominent shareholders in the company who decided to withdraw his investment, do you know what kind of effect it has on the company?" Aaron asked xue lin, it truly pained him that the man decided to withdraw all his investment but he couldn't joke with his wife's life, he didn't even know since when she became important to him, maybe he just felt like it was his responsibility to protect his wife. He wasn't sure what it was yet.

"I'm sorry Aaron, I'm sorry that this had to happen, is there anyway I can help?" she asked him but she knew she was of no use to him, how much was her salary in the school that she had to repay Aaron who was a billionaire?

"Who was the person that kidnapped you because clearly when I got there, there was no sign of the perpetrator?" He asked her gazing deeply into her eyes as if trying to find out if she knew anything, if truly she does, he would deal with that person...