
"Huh?" Xue lin asked, this wasn't the Aaron she knew, what was wrong with him. He really has changed, he wasn't being irritated and annoyed with her, instead he was saying those cheesy lines and smiling at her. Was this the loving side of him? if this was it, she would like to be loved by him all day.

"You heard what I said xue lin, Huh what?" He asked.

"I just wanted to make sure I heard it right, you know it's unlike you to say something cheesy like that" She said while staring at him lovingly, she then pinched his cheeks and also noticed how soft it was, he looked excessively cute today.

"Okay" He replied and held her hand, she was pinching him hard and he didn't like it, it was the first time that someone had to drag it, he didn't know he was cute when his cheeks was pinched.

"Aaron I want to tell you something that has been bothering me for some time now, I hope you don't get annoyed?" She inquired and he nodded, urging her to say whatever it was that was on her mind, he couldn't do anything to stop her.

"You see Aaron, before we've met in this life, we have met in my past life, I don't know if you remember anything or it's just me imagining that you can remember, when you were in my past life, I had a crush on you, I didn't tell you because of how hard you were on me, sometimes I wondered if I have offended you before we met at that college but after reminiscing, I don't think I've met you anywhere aside the college, that time I was shen Yue, someone whom everyone despises because I wasn't pretty, I was avoided like the plague, no one wanted to associate with me because of what I looked like, you must be curious to know what I look like so i will tell you, the left side was burned and the right was filled with scars, you made my life miserable at the college, in fact you were considered the number one bully in the college, countless times teachers have told you to stay away and stop disturbing me but you did the complete opposite, despite all what you did, I liked you, strange isn't it. I was attracted to you and whatever you did to me, It pained me. On the day of our graduation, you instigated those boys to get in my way, making them tear my cloth into two before everyone, I was seriously angry that day and I left the arena until I reached the library, then something happened, I fell from a portal... You might not believe that but there was really a portal, I was thankful that you had told those boys to tear my cloth if not, I would still be living a hellish life" She spoke, she paused for a minute to gather her breath, she had made up her mind to tell him everything.

"Because of that portal, my life changed for the better, I had a good relationship with my aunt and uncle whom I considered as my enemy. Then I met you, you were completely different from your past self, you were cold and hard to reach, before you were the mischievous type who liked to cause trouble everywhere. I was happy the day I learnt I would marry you, you don't know how ecstatic it was. Aaron I really liked you before we met, I'm sure that what I feel for you right now isn't like anymore, it's love Aaron. I love you, I really really love you, I would never do anything to hurt you. I promise to always be by your side,I promise you to love you till you had enough, you would never regret being with me. I promise that I'll support you no matter what decision you make, I promise to give my all to you and to be a better wife, no the best wife ever and lastly I promise to love you till death do us apart" She spoke, she was expecting him to say something but he just gazed at her, his expression was blank. After all what she said she should at least see a reaction in him but he was like a living dead.

"Aaron, I only have one request, I want you to love me, you know love from only one side isn't enough, I don't want to suffer from unrequited love, please love me back, it's okay if you can't do it now, I'll wait, I'll wait till you tell me you love me but I hope that time it'll not be too late" She spoke out loud, there was a deafening silence after her long speech.

Aaron was in a trance, no one had ever told him that they loved him, even if they said it, it wasn't sincere. But he could feel the sincerity coming from xue lin, she was looking back at him with love in her eyes, he wondered what he should say, he only likes her, he doesn't know if it's up to love.

"Please say something" She begged as she shook his body trying to bring him back to presence.

"I'm sorry what were you saying?" He asked.

Xue lin looked as if she was struck with thousands of lightning, what did she do to deserve this?, she already made promises to him and she would definitely fulfil it, what she wanted from this man was for him to love her back, she wanted to experience the feeling of being loved, she wanted to know how it felt being in love... she doesn't want to be the only one in love, was it too much for her to ask him to love her?

"Nothing" she said as she fell back on the rug that had so many flowers on it now, she sighed internally, maybe it wasn't the time to express her feelings.

Aaron looked away from her, he could see the hurt in her eyes, he knew what he said wasn't the right thing and he had heard everything she had said without omitting anything so why was it hard to give her his heart, was it because he was afraid of hurting, was that the reason why he had played with all those ladies before without being in a real relationship with them?. 'I don't know what to do, I'll see the doctor this night' Aaron spoke in his mind.

He looked over at xue lin, he could see her wiping her face, was she crying? because her face had turned crimson red? oh! he felt like his heart was pricked with a needle.