Cute star fish

Xue lin went back to teach the kids instructing them how to paint beautifully and telling them to make their own paintings. She looked so beautiful as she talks and approached the kids one by one teaching them, Aaron couldn't seem to take his eyes off her. She was perfection.

She turned to look at him and noticed a smile on his face, she thought the smile would falter once he sees her but it was plastered on his lips like glue and she returned his smile. He slowly walked closer to her, he then took the color and painted her cheek.

"Wh-what are you doing?" She asked him stammering.

"Painting your face, you look cute" He replied.

He took more paint and painted her other cheek, he looked satisfied by her appearance and then leaned down to kiss her lips. Xue Lin's eyes widened as her eyes wandered around, thank goodness that the kids were focused on their work or they would have seen that scene again.

"Could you be less shameless?" She asked him as her face turned into that of annoyance as she wiped her cheeks with her sleeve but then she became irritated at herself knowing that her clothes became dirty.

"I would be more shameless when it comes to you" He replied brazenly and painted her face once again with a smile on his face, xue lin became furious with him, she pushed him to sit down on the chair and she painted his cheek with her brush, she thought he would be annoyed with her but he wasn't, he was even laughing, strange she thought. But she liked this side of Aaron, he made her feel at ease with him, she also found herself laughing back at him.

Once the class had ended and the kids said their goodbyes as they went to their respective houses, they had a nice time today, especially with Aaron. And the guy wasn't annoyed, in fact he enjoyed their company. It had been long since he felt so relieved like this.

"Are you going home now?, we can have lunch at the restaurant nearby, just the two of us" Aaron proposed as he watched her packing her things, she had washed the colors off her face and was back to being the dainty xue lin.

"No I promised to treat yang mi to lunch" she rejected his offer and Aaron somehow felt disappointed that she had rejected him, no one had dared reject him, they would blindly throw theirselves at him but xue Lin was different, whenever she doesn't want something, she doesn't want it and no one could stop her from changing her mind.

She picked up her bag and held Aaron's hand as she pulled him out, she locked the classroom and was ready to leave. As she turned she noticed yang mi waiting for her, she left Aaron as she hurriedly went to hug and kiss her friend's cheek. She didn't realize that Aaron's gaze had turned cold as he watched her back leaving him, he doesn't like her being with anyone aside him, she even kissed her friend right in front of him. He was so bitter.

Yang mi on the other hand noticed it so she pulled from the hug and gave xue Lin an ackward smile as she rubbed her nape, the next minute, xue Lin dragged her towards Aaron while yang mi just stood rooted on the ground. Her eyes wandered everywhere but from Aaron's scrutinizing gaze.

"Aaron this is my best friend yang mi, yang mi this is Aaron, the man I'm married to" She introduced them to each other and yang mi ackwardly laughed as she nodded and reached out her hand, Aaron stared at the hand outstretched in front of him.

"Nice to meet you" He said and walked away from there leaving her hand hanging in the air, he walked towards his car in an attempt to drive away quickly but when xue lin called him back, he halted in place, he couldn't even move if he wanted to.

"Aaron, what's wrong?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck, she noticed that his face wasn't good like before, what happened to him? what had changed his mood this quick? she thought.

He shook his head as he stared directly into her eyes waiting for her to say something like let's go home but he heard the complete opposite, "Let the three of us have lunch together, yang mi are you okay with it?" She asked as she turned to her friend.

"I wouldn't want to impose on you guys, beside being a third wheeler isn't fun" She said laughing ackwardly, she was so nervous that she couldn't stop herself from laughing like a fool, she really wanted to know what she looked like now.

"You aren't a third wheeler, Aaron is, you know we wanted to have lunch together and he is the third person joining us" Xue lin whispered in her ear as she looked over at Aaron and the guy immediately got that they were talking about him, although he was curious to know what xue lin had said.

"Aaron could you please drive us to the nearby restaurant, I'm sure you are hungry and I'm also hungry" Said xue lin as she walked over to him, she held his arm and gazed at him pleadingly with those beautiful eyes, at last Aaron couldn't reject her, he accepted and drove them to the restaurant...

The restaurant wasn't a five star Michelin that Aaron supposed it to be, all his life, he always spends money lavishly and didn't know how to live normally, this was the first time he was stepping into a restaurant that looks like this, he was slightly uncomfortable so he put his hood over his face as he followed xue lin and yang mi.

Xue lin and yang mi found their seat at the far end at the restaurant, she told Aaron to go get them food while she and yang mi were gisting each other, Aaron who didn't have any idea on what to do was looking confused that he had to waste his time, lining up. He was used to a waiter serving him while he was seated but this... this ... he didn't like, he didn't like wasting time so instead of joining the queue, he went straight to the attendant and demanded for the food.

"Sir please join the queue, you met us here didn't you?" A guy who was really hungry and angry stated, he couldn't believe that Aaron had jumped to the front ordering for his food while he was waiting...

Aaron ignored him and told the attendant to hurry, the attendant also told him to join the queue but Aaron stubborn as he was, wasn't willing. The guy that spoke earlier wanted to push Aaron away but he wasn't quick enough because Aaron had threw him a massive blow which made his hood fall back and everyone saw him, gasps escaped from their lips, they couldn't believe who was standing here. He was like a king they were supposed to bow down to. Even the attendant looked surprised, this restaurant wasn't really popular and it was meant for everyone not specifically the rich. He wondered what happened that he had to see this mighty god of business in here, or was this guy an imposter.

Aaron turned to face the stunned attendant and ordered for his lunch, including xue lin and yang mi's lunch, the attendant wanted no time and finally Aaron was able to get the food without having to join the queue.

As he got back to xue lin and yang mi, he dropped the plate on the table angrily jolting the two of them, Xue Lin's eyes widened when she saw how angry Aaron was. She should have known that coming to this place wasn't nice at all to this man, she should have helped him instead of sitting here and chatting with her friend.

She expected him to say something but he didn't as he kept his gaze locked on the food he was eating, she also didn't say anything as she and yang mi ate. When they were done eating, yang mi told them she was leaving because she couldn't stand Aaron's overbearing aura. He looks dangerous that if a person said something stupid before him, he was surely going to kill the person.

After yang mi had left, Aaron turned to her as he spoke, "Now that you have treated her to lunch, I would like to treat you to dinner but before then, let's go somewhere else" he said it was more like a order rather than asking her.

Of course she gave in to her Aaron and they both left the restaurant for the park, as they went through the gates, xue lin noticed that this park was specifically meant for lovers she could see people in two's, a male and a female enjoying themselves and some making out.

Aaron led her towards a red rug spread on the ground and he urged her to sit on it, it was the cherry blossom period so he invited her to look at the beautiful flowers and so they could know more about each other. Instead of sitting, xue lin lay on the rug and stretched her arms, Aaron had a smile on his face, she looked like a starfish, a cute star fish.

He also lay beside her as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him till she was resting her head on his chest, she reached out her hand for a flower and when she caught it and smelled it, she felt refreshed. Today is the happiest day in her life, and it was all because Aaron was beside her, she raised her head to look into his eyes. There was flower in his hair so she reached out her hand to remove it, she saw him smile at her and she smiled back. She noticed something, Aaron has been smiling to her lately, wasn't something off. He wasn't his aloof, heartless self anymore which she liked.

"You seem happy today?" Xue lin asked him as she propped on one arm looking at him.

"Yes" He replied shortly.

"Why?" She asked, she knew the question was stupid, why shouldn't he be happy?

"Because you are here with me" He replied.