Prince charming

Aaron heard the urge to scoff, the watchman pay him? how much does he even have that he was blabbing before him, he raised his leg and stepped on the man's mouth pressing it to the ground vigorously while the man tried to get his leg off his mouth but the guy was too strong.

"What's going on here, who are you, and what the hell are you doing?" The headmistress asked as she raged towards Aaron in an attempt to push him away and help the watchman.

"Ma, he came here asking for xue lin but I told him to come back another day because the miss would be busy but he insisted on seeing her after I told him not to see her, he did this to me" The watchman said pointing to his face, trying to gain the headmistress pity and it sure worked because the headmistress gazed at Aaron disgustingly.

"What the hell are you still doing here, can't you see he's older to even be your father, kowtow and apologize now!" The headmistress yelled at him but she saw the smirk on Aaron's lip, she still couldn't see his face so she had spoken to him in that rash manner, if not, she would have knelt and begged him to forgive the watchman because she knew what he was capable of doing.

"If not what will you do? I just want to see my wife xue lin" He said as he removed his hoodie so the woman would see him.

Shock was plastered on her face, her eyes widened beyond control threatening to bulge out from their sockets, she never expected him to be here and she never thought that she would talk to this mighty man so foolishly, she lowered her gaze, in fact she fell to her knees and so did the watchman, he knew about this cold and heartless man, if he had known that it was Aaron, he wouldn't have wasted his time at the gate, no!, he would even dare to ask who he is.

"W-e a-a-are so sorry, we never thought it was you, I didn't know, please come this way, your wife is in the trail blazer's class" she said stuttering while she was still on her knees.

Aaron sighed as he turned his back and walked away from them, he had no time in dealing with stupid people, they would just ruin his mood however he was happy that he had done some damage to the watchman so next time, he would be able to control his mouth...

He walked over to the class called the trail blazer's, he removed his hoodie and adjusted his hair before turning the door knob. He entered the class.

He heard gasp coming from the kids as their eyes fell on him, he looked around for his wife and could hear her explaining something on the paper as she dipped her brush in the paint, gliding it on the paper and making a beautiful painting. He went slowly to seat on a chair, which actually belongs to his wife as he watched her, she looked so beautiful, he could see her wearing a white apron that had stains of color now and even her face had some colors on it.

she still hasn't felt his presence, the kids were looking at him as if they had seen something unbelievably beautiful that they couldn't get their eyes off, their jaw fell open, in fact they didn't talk but stare at him in astonishment

Xue lin directed a question to the class but didn't receive an answer, perhaps the kids didn't hear her so she asked again but they didn't answer. She frowned as she turned to look at them, they were looking at a particular direction and when her eyes followed her gaze, her mouth fell open and her eyes widened in surprise.

Xue lin hadn't expected to see Aaron in the school where she was teaching, in her class. What was he doing here by the way? is he alright now? is he still sick? she asked herself.

"A-Aaron what are you doing here?" She asked stammering..

Aaron raised his eyebrow at her then he slowly stood up from the chair and walked over to meet her, he envelopes her in a hug and gently took her lips in a passionate kiss, all in the presence of the kids, well he didn't care about anything at all but this woman before him.

The kids quickly covered their eyes with their hands, they had never witnessed this scene before and it was so embarrassing that they covered their eyes, "what is wrong with the two adults didn't they know a better place to make out" One of the kids asked the other with his eyes still closed.

Xue lin quickly pushed Aaron away from her realizing that they were in a class and in front of little kids, she wanted to scold Aaron for behaving so rashly, why would he do something like this here. She turned to face the class and was surprised to see the kids covering their eyes.

"Look, they are covering their eyes, shouldn't we continue?" Aaron whispered near her ear ad he held her waist and pulled her closer to him, he kissed her lips hungrily again until a moan escaped xue Lin's mouth.

"Aunty, is everything alright? is it safe if we open our eyes?" Another kid asked loudly, he wanted to open his eyes but he was afraid he might be welcomed by an unpleasant scene.

"Not yet" Aaron spoke as he deepened the kiss, he swept his tongue across her lips and penetrated her mouth with his tongue as he began licking her insides while xue lin was moaning, she tried hard to stop herself but her efforts were futile.

When Aaron had enough, he stopped and pecked her cheek, "I missed you, so I came to check on you, mind if I stay here?" He asked her as he caresses her lip with his thumb. she lowered her gaze as her cheeks flushed pink.

She shook her head and he nodded in satisfaction, he told the kids to open their eyes and they obediently did.

The kids noticed xue Lin's face turn pink and their eyes shifted from Aaron to xue lin, they were curious to know what happened, did he bite her cheek?.

"Aunty who is he? why did he kiss you?" Simon, one of the kids asked, he was the bravest off all, even if the kids didn't want to ask, he would surely ask.

"H-H-He i-s my friend" She blurted out, the children frowned and so did Aaron, what does she mean by that? friend? he wasn't her friend! he was more than just a friend.

"That's impossible, he wouldn't kiss you if you are just friends, uncle please what is your relationship with our Aunty?" Simon asked once again.

"I'm her husband" He stated, he sounded proud and happy to be a husband to their aunty, but to be sincere he was happy that xue lin was his wife.

"Oh, so you are the prince charming?" Mia asked and Aaron nodded.