Get to know each other

Xue lin and Aaron were heading towards the restaurant, while they were inside the car. None of them spoke to each other, it was as if they were quarrelling. Xue lin was thinking she made a huge mistake by confessing her love towards Aaron. She was looking outside the window while Aaron's gaze was serious and kept on the road while he drove.

They soon reach the restaurant and they both alighted, Aaron walked in first with hand in his pocket and xue lin trailed behind him like a bodyguard.

Because Aaron was a very important person in the restaurant that all the staffs and even the manager knew about him so that was why he obtained the VIP card from them.

Xue lin was surprised that the setting of the dinner was somewhat romantic, there was candlelight and also rose flower on the table. She glanced at Aaron with a questioning gaze but his face was unreadable, he pulled out the chair for her and she sat down.

He sat opposite her and the waiter brought the menu, "Hand it to her first" He spoke to the waiter dressed in a black pant and white shirt with a matching black tie. He looked so elegant as he walked and xue lin could only guess that this restaurant was meant for the elites, people like her didn't belong here no matter how much she tried to deceive herself. She was poor compared to her husband who was a billionaire that everyone couldn't afford to mess with, they obviously adored and respected him a lot.

Xue lin took a look at the dishes on the menu, her eyes bulged out when she saw the amount, was Aaron really going to pay for this?

"Hard to decide?" He asked her, he sounded impatient as if he wanted to hijack the menu from her and state any food he wanted for her whether she liked it or not.

"Mn" She hummed as her gaze trailed over the menu card, after some while of contemplating she made up her mind, "Fries and roasted chicken" She stated, that was the least expensive and she couldn't afford to waste Aaron's money.

"That's all?" He inquired amusement etched all over his gorgeous face and when he saw her nod, he shrugged and ordered his own food, he also ordered a champagne and desserts.

The food came in no time and he instructed her to dig in, xue lin saw the forks arranged neatly beside her she didn't know which one to choose, her hands trembled as it passes by the forks, Aaron was watching his wife, was she really ignorant about these things, he couldn't let this woman embarrass him so he picked the right fork and presented it to her.

"Thanks" She whispered softly and her gaze returned back to the food, once she tasted the chicken, she had the urge to moan but actually suppressed it... She could vividly remember the day she embarrassed herself in front of Aaron when she was eating with him.

Aaron on the other hand was eating elegantly, there wasn't any food at the corner of his lips, he looked even more gorgeous while eating that xue lin started spacing out while staring at him, then she suddenly smiled when she thought of something funny.

"What made you smile?" He asked her, he poured some wine in his champagne flute and also in hers as he raised the glass towards her, xue lin stared at the cup then she understood what he wanted, cheers, the sound of the cup softly clinking could be heard.

"Nothing" She immediately denied and Aaron didn't push further either, somehow he wanted to know what made her smile.

"You know... smiling all the time without a valuable reason would make you look like a fool" He said and xue lin became offended with what he said that her smile faltered.

"Thanks" she replied, she thought that he was making fun of her but the truth was that Aaron had no intention in doing such.

The rest of the meal were eaten in silence,Aaron had an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach, should he apologize and say that he didn't mean what he said earlier and was just saying it without any thought. He glanced at xue lin and could see her emptying the wine in her glass and she licked those plump pink lips, he had to advert his gaze immediately so the thought of pinning her on the rug would disappear.

"You want more?" He asked and she shook her head.

"Xue lin, Let's get to know each other better okay? since I am done eating I should start" He said and she nodded, waiting for him to proceed with what he has to say, there wasn't anything prominent to her other than Aaron.

"I am Aaron Wang and 28 years old, I attended ming de university and graduated from first class studying business management, I took over the Wang corporation at the age of 20 years old, my father as I've heard, is dead while mother had abandoned me, I only grew up with my brother and that is Lan, Dylan Wang, I'll take you to meet him some other time, I grew up without any care nor love from my parents the only care I have received was from my uncle and my elder brother. I actually like that fact that I had an elder brother even though lan is annoying. we were there for each other during the crucial times and if there was anyone whom I should look up to, it's my brother lan".

"I love the color blue my favorite food is the casserole, I love orderliness and optimistic people, I love people who behave as themselves they don't like anyone influencing them for no reason and they don't allow themselves to be looked down upon, my ideal type of woman is someone who doesn't care about what other thinks about her or say about her, is someone who sees gossiping as thrash. I want someone who could stand next to me in both elegance and beauty. Xue lin, I don't need you to exhibit the character I just mentioned now, I like you for who you are okay? What I hate most in my life is unable to fulfil one's promise, whenever you make a promise to me I expect you to fulfil it.