Get to know each other

After xue lin was done eating her food, it was time for her to talk about herself but what does she have to say, everything she had on her mind she had said it to him in the park.

"You haven't finish talking about yourself Aaron, what is your favorite movie" She asked diverting the topic to his side one more time.

"I don't have" He replied plainly, xue lin blinked her eyes twice, what? how could someone not have a favorite movie does that mean that he isn't any fan of any actor or actress out there.

"Oh, okay, then do you have any favorite music?" She asked again and was surprised when he nodded, she asked the name of the music but he refused to answer her making her wonder if it was some outdated music.

"Can you sing?" she asked, somehow she wanted to know because Aaron's voice wasn't only deep and mesmerizing, it was beautiful and she wondered if he had ever tried singing before, she imagined him singing and her smile widened.

"Yeah" He replied and xue Lin's eyes sparkled with excitement, "Then can you sing your favorite music?"

Aaron was a bit bothered because she was annoying him with her series of questions, she should at least talk about herself, why divert all the questions to him. "What can you do xue lin?" He asked this time as he sipped his wine.

"Me? I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't do any other social activity but I can skate, I can eat and sleep and good at drawing and painting" She said, in her mind she was hoping she didn't sound boring to Aaron, really that was what she specializes in.

"I can tell, is there anything you can do apart from eating and sleeping?, Are you good at office work?" He asked her and her eyes slightly narrowed, what was the business with his office and the dinner date they were in right now. Does he want her to work with him, oh no! that would be embarrassment.

"Yeah probably, why do you ask?" she asked.

"I need a secretary and I had to fire the female staffs I have, they really don't deserve the post" He confessed as he watched her with curious eyes if she would accept to be his secretary, it would be good for the two of them and also for their relationship.

"You want me?" She asked, she couldn't find a better reason as to why he fired his female staffs, maybe they were trying to seduce him since he was very pleasing and alluring to the eyes, xue lin couldn't imagine another woman touching her one and only Aaron, she would definitely create Havoc.

"Yes and if it's possible you can start next tomorrow cause you need to inform your headmistress and your friend as well" He stated and finished off the wine in the glass cup. After wiping his mouth, he stood up, stretched his hand towards Xue lin in which she kept her hands in his and they both walked out of the restaurant.

"What would the headmistress say, can she really afford to let go of a staff?" Xue lin asked, Aaron then turned towards her, he pulled her in a way that she was very close to him, he wrapped his arms around her waist and they both leaned against the car.

"I really don't care what she'll say, I'll take you with me no matter what, I don't think teaching is safe for you remember what happened before?" He asked as he inched closer to her and placed a kiss on her lips, he wanted to kiss her when she was drinking the wine to know how she'll taste but he had to refrain himself and now that they were outside, he could do anything he wanted with her.

"So being your assistant guarantees my safety, Aaron you can't predict the future anything can happen at anytime" she replied as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"Let's not talk about that, we are in the present, why worry about the future?" He asked her, this time his hand grabbed her butt and she let out a soft whimper.

"What are you doing? someone might see us?" Xue lin asked as she looked around to see if anyone was secretly watching them, she sighed in relief when she couldn't find anyone.

"Oh you don't want anyone to see us? that's good, come with me" He said as he released her from his arms and pulled her towards the car, when they both entered the car, he closed the door and ensured the glass was all whined up, he then turned to her and pushed her gently on the seat.

"It wouldn't be comfortable Aaron, I don't like it how about we go home first?" she suggested as she pushed herself up to sit down.

"You complain too much xue lin, do I look like someone that can be convinced?" he asked, without giving her chance to reply, his lips captured hers in a fiery kiss, his hand rested on her nape as he pulled her closer, he could hear the loud thumping of her heart, he could feel her fresh breath on his face and her soft hands tugging at his cloth. His other hand went to stroke her spine and he felt her shiver.

Satisfied after kissing her luscious lips, he trailed wet kisses down her cheeks to her jaw and now her neck, he gently flicked his tongue across the length of her neck and he felt her body jerk. He could tell that she loved it, he didn't stop kissing and licking her neck and was now going down towards her bosom, "Take this thing off xue lin and be quick, or you want me to do it for you?" He asked her, she shyly lowered her gaze as she began undressing, she felt that she was exposing herself even though he had seen her naked, she still felt uncomfortable.

Her white milky breast that was now freed was grasped by Aaron, he gently caressed it as he kissed her again. His mouth slowly went to her breast as he took it in his mouth with rapt attention as he sucked on it, xue lin grabbed his hair as she arched her back against his mouth. Everytime he sucked her, she felt an overwhelming pleasure building up in her.