Lover's Quarrel

That morning....

Aaron was busy knotting his tie when an unexpected call came in, he looked at the screen and saw that it was an unknown number, he narrowed his eyes as he picked up the call.

"Hey darling, did you miss me?" Sang tian spoke over the phone while crossing her legs as she twirled the wine in her cup.

"Who are you?" Came the harsh tone from Aaron, he recognized the voice but just wanted to pretend.

"You can't say you've forgotten about me so soon, can you?" She asked as she dipped her wine and chuckled lightly, when she heard no response from him, her lips twisted into a smirk as she placed her wine on the glass table next to her.

"Aaron did you forget that night when we both went to the hotel, you had your hands all over my body and did things to me..." She spoke in a reminding tone, she knew he wouldn't forget her, even if he did, she was coming back to remind him of the dilemma he put her in, she was pregnant with his child. At least that was what her boss instructed her to do right now, their ultimate goal was to destroy the Wang's corporation and Aaron. They wanted to make it nonexistent.

Sang tian was pregnant with another man's child but her boss already instructed her to force the child on Aaron, that way she would be able to lay her hands on anything that was Aaron's. Also she would be able to get the most confidential information about the Wang's corporation and hand it to her boss... Her boss had promised her that the value generated from the stolen information would be shared equally by them both. And her boss was none other than Darren, Aaron's twin brother.

"What do you want now, tell me and stop wasting my fucking time" Aaron yelled over the phone as he gritted his teeth, his fist was balled ready to smash anything smashable.

"Oh, I have this good news for you, I am pregnant and the child is yours, you know you have to take responsibility right? that's what a good father does right? I'm coming over so get ready to receive me and your unborn child-" She said and quickly hang up the phone call. A menacing laughter erupted in the room as sang tian picked up her wine and began sipping it effortlessly.

Aaron stared at his phone and he started fuming with rage, out of annoyance he threw his phone away and bent down while tugging his hair, he seriously made a huge mistake that day.

Xue lin who heard Aaron yelling over the phone, slowly climbed off the bed to find her husband tugging at his hair as if he wants to rip it off, she didn't like seeing him like that. It always hurts her heart to see that he was hurting himself so she went over to calm him down by placing her hand on his.

"Aaron what happened to you?" She asked softly as she knelt down beside him trying to look at his face but what she received was the coldest and deadliest glare ever, she slowly retracted her hand that was placed on his.

"W-what hap-" she trailed off but was cut short.

"Can you just shut up and mind your business huh?" He shouted as he pushed her away from him, she fell back due to the impact and ended up bruising her elbow, xue Lin's eyes widened, she couldn't believe how he was shouting at her right now, what had she done to him? she was just asking him what had happened.

Aaron didn't even look apologetic after pushing her, he didn't even look at her face as he crossed her and walked towards the door,

"Wait Aaron, what do you mean by minding my business?, you were here tugging at your hair hard, don't you get it that it hurts me-" she trailed off but was once again cut short before she completed her statement.

"Don't you think you are being too nosy xue lin, can't you just leave me alone huh I seriously haven't met anyone as annoying as you are, stop meddling in my affair if you don't want us to fight okay?" He shouted, looking really angry, he saw that she was already close to crying but he didn't do anything to prevent her from crying instead he just turned around and walked away.

Xue Lin's tears was running down her face, was it her fault for asking him what was wrong with him or he just wanted someone to vent his anger on, that must be it. But why was he venting his anger on her when she didn't do anything. She couldn't even stop herself from crying, all what he said had struck her heart like lightning, unknowingly, she clenched her fist and her eyes blazed blue like the hottest fire. That same time, the sky turned darker and lightning began to strike.

"Woah, what's this, I guess someone had angered the god of lightning... Eh! don't go out boss you are going to get struck" Gu Chen said as he immediately pulled back Aaron who was close to going out in the open, if gu Chen hadn't stopped him, he would have been seriously hurt by xue Lin's lightning.

"Boss are you okay? why do you look like this?" Gu Chen asked but received no answer except a deadly glare coming from Aaron. He threw his gaze to his side where he saw the driver sun hao standing.

"Hey what happened to the boss? he doesn't look like himself today, he looks so cold" Gu Chen asked, he just wanted to know so he could tell the staffs at the Wang's corporation to prepare themselves for the upcoming hurricane.

"Boss and ma'am are quarrelling, it seems like ma'am had angered him" He spoke what he knew and gu Chen nodded. Sun hao didn't want to disclose anything but he knew that Gu Chen would keep pressurizing him to tell him what happened.

"So they are having lover's Quarrel?, that's good for you boss" Gu Chen said in his mind as he ran to the backyard to quickly send messages.


Xue lin received a telephone call and was instructed to make the boss's coffee during 2:00pm, she got up quickly and went to the place the coffee machine was placed and then she started brewing coffee for Aaron, her mind went back to what happened in the morning.

"Is he still mad at me?" She asked herself as she sighed, she didn't know that Aaron liked his coffee raw and didn't like cream on it, but xue lin had already made the mistake and was now heading towards his cabin.

She adjusted her skirt properly and breathed in and out, she didn't know why she was suddenly nervous to enter. This was the first time they ever had a quarrel and xue lin didn't want it to last a day, the few hours that it lasted was already eating her up.

she knocked gently on the door, "Come in" She heard from inside, slowly like a turtle, she opened the door and walked inside. Thank goodness his eyes was fixed on the screen else, she would have fallen down on the ground by now.

she got nearer to his desk and her heart started palpitating, she felt cold sweats run down her spine and she felt her palms sweating, dropping the cup on the table with unsteady hands. She turned to leave after bowing.

Aaron frowned when he saw heavy cream on his coffee, just who the hell had prepared this when everyone knew he liked his coffee raw.

"Stop! where are you going and what's this?" He asked with his gaze still fixed on the screen, xue lin cleared her throat and spoke softly.