New recruit

Aaron was all moody as he walked past his staffs, his face was marred with a deep frown, he didn't know why he was all angry today, he even shouted at his wife when she did nothing wrong to him. "Where is the manager of the human resource department?" He asked, his voice cold and frightening as it jolted the staffs making their heart jump right into their mouths.

"H-Here I am sir" A young lady answered from behind as she walked to meet him, she was trembling in fear because today was the first day she ever saw him looking so much like the devil.

"A new recruit is going to join us today, be prepared to welcome her in the most appropriate way you could, she would be taking the position of my secretary since the previous secretary isn't loyal, we should assign a more staunch personnel to the duty shouldn't we? Make sure to guide her properly, that includes looking into my schedules and attending meetings with me and the rest... You know what to do don't you?" Aaron asked.

"Sure sir" The woman replied, trying so much to maintain her balance because she almost fell on the ground due to his menacing tone.

With that instruction given, Aaron turned his body and started walking towards the office not giving any room for questions, after he was gone, the whole hall was erupted with noise as the crowded the manager to ask what was going on and who was the new recruit that was going to join them.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her yet but if she is recommended by the boss, I guess she would be a professional"

"How do you know that? aren't you just jumping into conclusions?"

"All I care if for the new recruit to be beautiful so I can try to woo her, all the girls here aren't beautiful"

The girls turned to look at him including the human resource manager, they raised their eyebrows at his as if trying to intimidate him and ask if they weren't beautiful.

"Stop looking at me, you aren't beautiful Gina, no matter how much makeup you put on, your pimple face is still visible" The guy spoke.

"You... What of your face huh? Even rats would laugh at you"

"What are you saying? Rats are still beautiful compared to this junk, who do you think you are to insult us huh?"

As they continued with their bantering, the door revealed a beautiful woman dressed in a black short skirt, a pink shirt and a black suit, she paired it with a black high heel. Her hair was tied in a ponytail while strands of her hair fell to the sides of her face, her lips was painted red and she was wearing a diamond stud earrings. As she walked forward, the people began to stop fighting as their gazes were all directed to this angel who walked in, every step of hers made their heart beat faster.

She was seemingly glowing, just who was she? was she the new secretary? Oh Lord, the ladies in here would be put to shame by this new recruit.

"H-Hi" Xue lin spoke nervously as she waved her hand and flashed a sweet smile at them that made their jaw drop.

"Oh she is killing me"

"I am going to post this to the new group chat, a new girlfriend found, blush*"

"This is an angel sent from heavens, just what is she looking for in the human realm, anyway she is mine"

"Enough everyone, get out if your trance right now and say hello" The manager said and everyone offered their bow to xue lin.

"Are you the new secretary? what's your name?" One of the girl's who already liked xue lin from her appearance asked.

"Yes I am and I am xue lin, I look forward to working with you guys and I hope you can guide me properly also I hope we can work together to achieve our aims thank you..." Xue lin said nervously, she had prepared herself for a longer speech but when she walked through the door, everything she had memorized had flew to the back of her head, she just managed to say a few lines out of everything and thankfully these people standing right before her all look friendly, she finished her statement by giving a bow to them.

They all introduced themselves to her and the human resource manager explained a few things that she needed to know while working in their company, She showed xue lin her cabin and left her alone.

Xue lin stood in the middle of the room as she looked around, there were paintings hung on the wall accompanied by the company's logo, there was a book shelf by the right that had sort of business related books, there was a large computer placed on the table. The room wasn't that spacious but should be convenient for her, she walked over to the swivel chair and sank into it.

While turning around, she noticed that the curtains weren't open so she stood up to open it and there stood a huge glass window, you could easily see the interior of the boss's office. She looked around from the window and sighted Aaron who looked displeased, his face was still wearing that frown, he was somewhat busy with a puzzle in his hand.

As if sensing someone's gaze on him, he turned to look directly into xue Lin's eyes, he had offended her this morning by shouting at her even when she didn't do anything wrong, he was just so frustrated about everything, because of someone that was coming to ruin his happiness, sang tian, he wondered why the woman is trying to show up now after many years that they departed.

Xue lin was the first to break their eye contact, she shut the curtains back together and sank into the chair, she turned on the system as she began working on it, she was trying to forget what he did to her this morning but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't forget the way he had shouted at her, ever since then, they hadn't spoken to each other.