
Yuxi hurriedly left Aaron's office because he didn't want his friend to complain of being too disturbing. As he was walking through the halls he caught sight of a lady that was about to enter through the revolving door so he halted in his tracks to get a full view of the lady since her stature and profile looked familiar.

"Isn't that miss pinkie?" He asked himself as he remembered yang mi wearing all pink and being so cute on their date that was messed up.

He placed his hands on his waist as he tapped his feet on the ground impatiently waiting for the lady, when she came out of the revolving door, he was absolutely sure it was miss pinkie.

He swiftly unbuttoned two of his buttons, combed his bangs with his fingers, he licked his pink lips and the last thing he did was to put on his dark shade. He stood leaning on the pillar as he crossed his leg and placed his hands in his pockets.

Yang mi walked past the pillars and when she got to a certain pillar she stopped and looked left, and there he was, he slid his shades down his nose to make sure that she saw his eyes and when she saw it, her eyes widened and she turned around to leave but Yuxi was quick to snatch her hand.

"Miss pinkie where are you heading to?, didn't you come here for something or someone?" Yuxi asked as he rotated her around until she was held between his strong arms.

"Eh! what are you doing? let me go!" She exclaimed at him, her heart was beating wildly in her chest. The position they were in even made her body hotter that her cheeks turned red.

"What have you done miss pinkie, oh you have put me in a dilemma, just look at what you've done" He said as he held her hand and slowly he brought it up towards his hard chest, he placed her hand directly on his bare chest.

'Whats this?" yang mi asked herself as she felt his hard chest rubbing against her palm, she had never felt anything like this in her entire life this was just a new experience for a saint mary of a girl that she was. Her body temperature was rising the more he kept rubbing her palm against his bare chest.

"Uh... w-What? I - did something to Y-y-You?" She stammered uncontrollably that Yuxi Burst out in laughter because of her innocence, she just looked like a cute little puppy when widening her eyes.

"w-Why are you laughing?" She asked again unaware of her cute expression.

"You are funny miss pinkie, anyways I would like to elaborate on what you did to me since you don't realize, one, you've made me start thinking of you like a crazy man, two, I've been having sleepless nights, three, I've been dreaming a lot about you and trust me they are good dreams, like us getting married and having family together and four, you are making me want you" He said straightforwardly like ever, Yuxi wasn't the type to beat around the bush he prefers saying out whatever that was in his mind.

"O-Oh I am sorry about that, but how is it my fault?" She asked confused, her eyes searching his for answers to her confused state.

"it's your fault, you are making me experience all this things ever since I set my eyes on you at the restaurant, now, that day I didn't mean to leave you alone I just left for the pharmacy to get you drugs" He said and then he searched his pocket for the tablet and passed it to her.

"I realized you were burning hot and you have catarrh so I had to act quickly, I'm sorry for making you misunderstand, don't you ever think I left you there because I was disgusted, I will never be disgusted at your appearance yang mi, I will forever be happy to have met you and know about you in that restaurant so can we just forget about it and move on?" He asked as he shifted the hair that has come to settle in front of her forehead to the back of her ear.

Yang mi's heart skipped a beat after realizing what she did, her eyes were about to pop out of their sockets after listening to all his confessions. She swallowed on her saliva as her eyes wandered around knowing fully well that his gaze was fixated on her.

"Can we?" He asked again and she turned to look at him.

"I-I-f you want to" she replied stammering, she felt his lips curve into a satisfied smile as he gently pulled her waist with his arms closer to his body, his hand held her face and he lowered his head to place a light kiss on her lips.

Yang mi felt thousands of butterflies swimming at the same time in her stomach,she felt her body burning like she was thrown into a furnace. As she didn't know much about stuffs like this, she just wrapped her arms around his neck urging him to deepen the kiss... They seem to have forgotten that they were in the Wang's corporation displaying their romantic feelings making those who are still single become ashamed of themselves.

Yuxi broke the kiss and stared down at miss pinkie who had flushed red at that moment, "Is that too intense for you?" He asked when he saw her breathing hard, was he too rough with his kiss? he doubted that he didn't even put much pressure on her lips yet she was breathing like this, what if he was actually wild, would she have fainted?

"Mn" Replied yang mi as she still held unto his arms for fear that she might fall and embarrass herself.

"Let's go on a date, you and me together, today, right now" Yuxi proposed not leaving any room for discussions, his voice sounded like he was compelling her.

"Okay" Replied yang mi as she wasted no time in agreeing to them having a date together. And with that, she was happy that they reconciled with each other she hoped that this date turned out to be better than their first date and should be memorable for them both.

A/N: Sorry for updating late, please forgive you shameless author and vote for her book, please make this book happy and I'll also make you happy by releasing beautiful chapters. Thank you❤️❤️❤️