so close

After having their date which was successful this time without any of the two being disgusting and irritating each other. Yang mi could vouch that today was the most incredible day in her entire life. She had never been this happy and satisfied before, she thought that life was being unfair to her but after meeting with this man, Yuxi she could tell that her colourless life would have more meaningful colours to it.

"Let me drop you at home" Yuxi proposed as he open the door for her to get in his car, but yang mi politely refused. Even if that's what she wanted, she couldn't possibly agree this quick.

"No, don't worry, I'll be fine on my own" She replied as she let go of her hand which had entangled with his ever since they were in the restaurant, releasing her hands from his, she felt the warmth being replaced by the coldness that she didn't like.

"I insist" Yuxi said again with his eyes probing at her and hoping that she would agree.

He himself didn't know when all these started he just felt like he wouldn't be happy if he doesn't see her or if he wasn't with her, all these feelings were growing like never before making it hard for him to let go and making it easier for him to want her.

Yang mi breathed out before she replied "Okay" and then she got into the car.

Yuxi started the car and began driving the car along the smooth road, the ride was completely silent with yang mi looking out the window while Yuxi kept stealing glances at her.

"Is anything on your mind?" Yuxi asked as he used his hand to control the steering wheel while the free hand went over to caress hers which was placed on her lap, comforting her.

"Nope, I'm just happy that today went well, what of you? you are happy as well aren't you?" Yang mi asked and she saw him nod while flashing his bright smile at her, she couldn't count how many times he had smiled at her today.

"Yeah I am, it's definitely the best day... no... not the best, guess when" Yuxi teased as he brought her hand forward to his lips to kiss her hand tenderly which made yang mi's cheeks burn red, butterflies began to flutter wildly in her stomach and her heart began to leap out of its cage, he really had a huge effect on her.

"I'm not good at playing the guessing game" Yang mi answered as she tried taking her hand back but Yuxi was fast to grab it and caress it again, she really needed to call her racing heart, just what is happening to her right now, this was their second encounter after the fist one had been a flop, does her heart really need to flutter this wildly? she asked herself as she tried calming down her raging nerves.

"Then what games do you play, just guess... alright I'll tell you..." He said as he removed his gaze from the road and stared deeply into her eyes where his dark blue ones met her sapphire eyes.

"The day I met you at that restaurant was the best day of my life, believe me yang mi I could never stop thinking about you and I never found you disgusting, you are beautiful sweet and the most pure woman I've ever met and what I want right now is for me to be with you, forever, would you let me be your man?" He asked with his intense gaze still fixed on her.

Yang mi was lost for words, she couldn't even form the words she could say to him, what should she say, should she agree to him quickly or tell him to give her more days like most women do? but what if he slipped from her hands and another woman gets him, no, she definitely would not let this opportunity slip. He was a good person she could tell from their very first encounter, he did many things to her like making her heart race and rendering her speechless, wasn't that the kind of man she dreamt of having, the one who would love her till the end of time, the one who would silence her by pressing his lips on hers and the one who would never leave her no matter the circumstances. She hoped Yuxi turned out to be the man of her dreams at least she should give him a try.

The two of them were suddenly interrupted by the sound of an incoming vehicle which was honking since.

The two cars were very close to hitting each other and causing an explosion if Yuxi didn't change direction, "Shit" He cursed in his mind as he let go of yang mi's hand and used the both of his hands to control the steering wheel.

"Phew, that was close" Yang mi stated as she touched her chest, her heart was beating wildly, what just happened? they could have almost died of car accident. She realized that playing love in a moving car was quite risky.

"Are you alright? I'm sorry I lost focus" He apologized sincerely and hastily parked the car to a side of the road.

After parking the car, he reached for the back seat to get his water bottle and then he passed it to her, thank Goodness that he was quick to recover from his daze if not, the two of them would end up in the hospital because of him.

Yang mi gulped the water down her throat and tried breathing steadily while closing the water bottle, she used the back of her hand to wipe the water that had slipped down the corner of her mouth, while her eyes looked back at Yuxi who was feeling concerned and worried for her.

"I'm alright, what of you?" she asked him.

"I'm okay, I'm so sorry for losing focus" He apologized again as he patted her back.

"It's okay, let's just forget about it, we both didn't plan for it right? so stop blaming yourself for it I also took part in it" Yang mi said as she tried comforting him placing her hands on his,. "Let's be fast, it'll soon be nightfall" she said again

"Mn, you are right" Said Yuxi as he started the car and drove away.