The act

The car parked in front of a mansion which stood tall and proud hovering over the car, Yuxi switched off the engine and alighted from the car. He went to the back seat to get the luggages which belonged to yang mi, bringing them down from the car and steadying it, he said to her, "Welcome to my home, come on get down or you want to stay there forever" He spoke flashing his smile at her as he walked ahead of her with the luggages in his hands.

"You live here? wow it's so big" Yang mi blurted out, unable to control the emotions that was surging through her now, she was astounded, elated and surprised. She couldn't believe he owned a house like this.

"Yeah I live here, but don't worry, you'll be living in here permanently very soon" He spoke leaving yang mi with wide eyes, she looked shocked with the words he spat.

"W-what?" she wanted to ask but he hushed her lips with his and then he placed his free hand at her back and pushed her lightly forward that she started walking ahead of him.

Getting to the double doors, yuxi ringed the doorbell and in less that a minute it was Opened by the butler who was dressed in a black suit, black pant and white shirt. "Good day master" He greeted yuxi as he took the luggages from him, his eyes scanned his master and he found a woman next to him.

"Good day ma'am" The butler greeted while bowing his head, yang mi who had never received this kind of utmost respect before didn't know how to behave, the last thing she would do was to behave arrogant so she greeted the butler back with her head slightly down.

Entering into the house, she couldn't help but gasp loudly, this was more beautiful that she expected it to be, she composed herself and acted like she wasn't surprised further but yuxi had already caught the expression of being surprised on her face. He silently smiled to himself as he draped his arms over her shoulder, he walked her forward.

They got closer to the parlor where there was a large firewood and arm chair around it, yang mi's eyes caught a lady sitting on the chair as she sipped from the wine effortlessly, she looked young, elegant and gorgeous to crown it all, she looked dangerous because she was wearing all black. Anyways she looked super cool, concluded yang mi in her mind.

Feeling a gaze on her, the lady stood up while placing her glass cup on the glass table, a smile came to form on her lips as she walked closer to them, yang mi could deduce one thing and that was that this lady looked intimidating and also arrogant.

"Hey yuxi, glad you are back" She spoke as she walked closer to give him a peck on his cheeks which left yang mi wide eyed, she couldn't deny the fact that she felt lower compared to this lady, she felt jealousy hit her like arrow which pierced through her heart upon seeing yuxi being pecked on his cheeks by her. What shocked her more was that yuxi hugged her and kisses her cheeks also.

After their gestures, the lady finally took notice of her, her eyes dark as she gazed at yang mi would felt damn intimidated, "And who are you?" She asked her voice was cold and freezing which made yang mi shiver and cower in fear, she slowly started slipping to yuxi's side for safety against this strange looking woman.

"I'm yang mi" She finally spoke while bowing her head at the lady, she just didn't know how to treat people who were of high class, she believed that they should be treated like god while someone as measly as her shouldn't be getting this treatment.

"Yuxi why would you bring a woman in here, am I not enough for you huh? why did you bring her here, don't tell me you have a thing for her?" The lady asked as she furrowed her eyebrows while clinging unto yuxi's shirt, where he had his eyes cold and forehead creased at her.

"What if I have huh? what are you going to do about it? let me tell you since it hasn't been clear to you, we are over! over I say, now don't let me see you here again" Yuxi shouted at the lady which made yang MI's eyes directed at yuxi for some explanation, was this the kind of man he was? did she foolishly and blindly believe he was different?

"Why? I love you so much and see I have a good piece of news for you, I am pregnant of our child, the child is yours and mine, it's 'ours' do it would t be nice if we separate right?" She asked him emphasizing on 'Our' as she rubbed her flat stomach.

"you and your child should leave my life right now, I don't want you anymore" Yuxi spat as he tried pushing the lady away from him, yang mi who had been silent this whole time couldn't believe her ears and eyes, after putting a lady in this condition, he would leave her? that's so surprising of this man, he had a sugary mouth to deceive every girl but look what he's doing behind the facade of that gentle face.

She shook her head unable to believe all these things unfolding right before her eyes, she had made a mistake, a terrible mistake yuxi is a man that shouldn't be trusted, in fact he is a complete jerk! She yelled in her mind.

Being furious, she grabbed her luggage in an attempt to go away from him, she never wished to see him again, never! just as she was about to reach the door she got surprised with what she heard.

"Let's drop the act sister, we've played enough" Yuxi spoke as he caressed his younger sister head lightly.

Sister? thought yang mi in her head, so was this all a play? does that mean that she had misunderstood him all these while. wasn't she the stupid one here for misunderstanding him?

Yang mi where are you going, don't tell me you are leaving after watching our beautiful play, don't do that dear, shouldn't you rate us?" He asked as he walked closer to her to hold her arms with his hand, he pulled her closer to himself.

"Don't be scared, I'm not that kind of person okay, any you are the only one I would like to be with and I'll never leave you okay?" He asked as he pulled her closer to his younger sister who stood in front of them with her hands crossed over her chest.

"Hey, I'm Shancai, yuxi's junior sister, it's nice to meet you yang mi, you see me and my brother have been acting a play in the house to entertain ourselves so this is the last part of the play after this one there won't be any, so don't be scared, I'm not pregnant and definitely the child won't belong to him" She said ad she walked forward to hug yang mi while caressing her hair.

"You can call me Shan Shan, let's be friends from now on okay?" Shancai asked and yang mi nodded as she shook shancai's hand which was stretches forward and with that her nerves had calmed down, she didn't believe she was so foolish to have believed the play but it wasn't her fault, they acted like pro's.

The way she had spoke to him and he had replied with coldness in his eyes to Shancai made her believe the whole act, she couldn't believe that it was a play to entertain themselves, she should really commend their efforts because for surely they could get into the entertainment industry quickly with their money and skills. They surely did great!.