Sleeping together?

The trio went to the dining room after settling the matter, Yuxi sat beside yang mi as he dished food into her plate, she smiled at him silently thanking him. Shancai looked at her brother with curious eyes because this was the first time he was being sweet to people apart from his family. Although, Yuxi was adopted Shancai loved him like her real brother because he was kind, cute and loving.

"Shancai, your plate" Yuxi said as he collected the plate in her hand to pour rice and vegetables in it, later he passed it to her.

"How's it?" Yuxi asked yang mi, seeing her face lighten up after eating it, it gave him joy because he was the one who prepared it.

"It's great, you are an amazing chef, can I learn from you?" Yang mi asked as she ate another spoonful of rice then, meat which was placed on top of her food.

"Yang mi, you are neglecting me for my brother, you aren't even talking to me" Shancai complained as she pouted her lips looking childish to Yuxi, in his eyes girls were childish when pouting like a kid, Shancai is twenty two yet she behaved like a four year old kid.

"I'm sorry Shan Shan, I'll not do it again" Yang mi apologized seriously which made Shancai laughed, she was only kidding but who knew that this naive yang mi would take it seriously.

"I'm only joking okay, I'm seriously not upset that you aren't talking to me, you need brother more than I so I'll give him to you, but let me warn you, I might be kind and act all nice but I turn into a demon whenever someone hurts my brother, I won't forgive even if it's you" She spoke then swallowed on the food on her spoon, she then smiled at yang mi as if her words didn't weigh anything at all but yang mi knew the truth which was immense.

The talk went on with yang mi being asked series of question by Shancai till they finished their dinner. Yuxi had offered for yang mi to come stay in his room while Shancai who had her ears open widen her eyes at her brothers words, they should sleep together? but they were yet to get married!

"It's none of your business stop sticking your nose to where it doesn't belong" He suddenly spoke and Shancai knew he was referring to her with the way he was looking at her as if deciphering her thoughts which wasn't audible for him to hear at all.

"Okay okay, I know bro, it's not a big deal" She replied to him as she silently walked out of the dining room, Yuxi sighed as his eyes fell on his sister's back, he knew she was already picking an offence to which he didn't mean, his step sister was always like that, she had an issue controlling her emotions, there was a time her father had reprimanded her for doing something which wasn't acceptable at all, he could vividly remember that she had left home for a month without coming back!

"Let's go yang mi, it's getting late" Yuxi spoke in a hushed tone and he pulled her with his hands and started to walk up the stairs, when the got in front of the door, his hands dipped into his pocket to search for his keys and when he found it, he opened the door and both of them entered. The door was closed shut.


Xue lin had a hectic day in the office, she was even advised by Aaron to go home to have a quick rest because he was still stuck in a meeting and didn't know when he would be done. She wanted them to go back home together but Aaron seem to have lots of work to take care of so he had to send her home alone of course with his car and the driver, sun hao which he trusted. He couldn't leave her all by her self.

When xue lin got home, she was greeted by the butler, she went into the dining room to quickly have her dinner because she hadn't eaten anything apart from her lunch which she had with Aaron of course secretly in his office and away from pest eyes. After eating the dinner and was very full, she rested for a while and then she decided to retire to her room.

On getting to the room and closing the door shut, the lights suddenly went out and xue lin wondered if it was only her room or the mansion in whole, she tried reaching for her phone in her bag and when she turned it on to tap the flashlight icon, the phone suddenly powered itself off making her wonder what the hell was going on, all these couldnt be a mere coincidence could it?

She tried moving closer to the lamp placed on the table to turn it on but it seems that it was far from arm's reach which was again surprising to her, she suddenly became scared when the curtains started swinging themselves due to an unexpected wind which came at full force, she tried controlling her feeble mind but it was hard, everything was hard for her to take into her head. What is going on in her room or is this another room which she wasn't supposed to enter, she doubted it.

Then came the strange sound as if someone moving in the room, she turned her eyes sharply to look around but she couldnt see anyone, "Xue lin" she heard her name in a bare whisper and she lost it all, she screamed at the top of her voice but no one came to her rescue, she flung her bag which was held in her hand and she quickly pulled her heels to be able to run quickly away from this haunting room, did she get into the wrong room?

When she ran towards the door, light illuminated from behind and xue lin felt cold sweats on her body, her hands were unsteady on the door knob and her eyes looked like someone who was trying to escape for her dear life. slowly she turned to face the light in which her eyes widened beyond control, she was sure she would get it pulled out of her sockets, two people stood in white in her room, what even frightened her to the core was that their legs seems invisible, she was only seeing the from their head to their knee.

"W-Who are you people and what are you doing here?" Xue lin spoke after finding the little courage in her which she was sure wouldn't last at all.