someone from the past

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you find this chapter interesting and please drop your comments on it so I would know your thoughts and yes it'll also help me in writing the next chapters...

Thank you and don't you forget, I love you all...


Xue lin reckoned that she was in the wrong room so she looked around but the room was hers and Aaron's but... how and why were these two strange people here? they were strange because their bodies were glowing white, their clothes white and the woman had a small golden crown on her head.

"It's me Yi ran, your master" Yi ran was the first person to speak, it had been a while since she had heard xue Lin's voice so now was the perfect time to hear it and also they came here to persuade her to go with them because there was an upcoming war in the heavens and they needed her help because she was one of the god's so they could achieve their aim by eradicating the demons who wanted to infiltrate their territory.

"Master? I have no master! why and what are you looking for here?" Xue lin demanded.

"I'm lin Yi, the king of the seventh heaven, you must have forgotten about us but soon you will remember, you are one of us Xue lin and you need to return to where you came from, you have to leave everything behind and go back to the place you came from" Lin Yi, the king spoke leaving no room for argument as he disclosed her hidden identity to her.

"You must have been lost, I'm not in any way related to you!" Spat xue Lin as she clenched her fist in anger, this people wanted to take her away from here, just who the hell do they claim to be?

There's definitely no way she was going with them, it was just impossible because she wouldn't want to leave Aaron, but what xue kin didn't know was that, it was better to leave now that later when she would inflict a bigger pain on Aaron by leaving both her child and him.

"You have a terrible tongue I must say, is that how to speak to your king, anyways you would be rude since you don't remember who I am but with time, limited time, you would get to realize, Yi ran let's go" Lin Yi said and with that they both vanished from the room leaving xue lin stunned.

They just disappeared like nothing had happened in the first place, xue Lin didn't know the emotions surging through her right now, she was angry, confused, desperate to know more and... she just doesn't know what she's feeling, she crouch to the ground as she tried to control her emotions however, the lightning power in her was already taking control over her and before she knew it, her hand started sparking with lightning, her eyes widen with horror after seeing her hand, that wasn't all, her eyes had changed into the darkest blue, like the color of the ocean.

Standing up straight and staring at herself in the mirror, she knew she had transformed into something she couldn't phantom and it had taken a huge toll on her making her faint on the ground.


Aaron loosened his necktie once everyone was out of the room and the meeting went successfully, he could feel his whole being aching most especially his head, he felt it hot. Rubbing his temple with his slender fingers and his eyes closed as he enjoyed the night breeze from the opened window, he really enjoyed everything being quiet and peaceful like this.

His euphoric mood didn't last for a longer time as he heard someone's voice he didn't think he would hear again, he thought he wasn't going to come across this voice again but here it was as it spoke softly.

"Aaron, what a surprise to meet you here" A woman spoke as she entered into the office with her heels clinking on the marble floor, she dressed in red and her dark hair was tied neatly into a high ponytail, she looked so elegant and definitely alluring with her full pink lips.

Aaron slowly retracted his hand from his head and his eyes widen the moment he saw the woman in his front, "Sang tian? what are you doing here? who let you in?" He threw questions at her unable to keep his calm, this was someone from the past who is here to spoil everything he had built so far.

"Calm down Aaron, I know you miss me and I miss you too, let's sit shall we?" She spoke as she sat on the table with a wide grin on her lips showing her perfect white teeth making Aaron feel uncomfortable with her presence, without thinking, he dragged her arm and began walking her out of his office.

"Still violent as before, I like it, especially that night when you had bit my body mercilessly, I would like for us to do it a-" she was cut short by Aaron's cold and deadly voice before she could complete her statement.

"Get out now!, didn't I tell you not to come back huh? didn't I pay you well that night? and again I had made myself clear that I was under the influence of alcohol that I drank, you know very well the kind of man I am right? so get lost now while I'm being nice" Aaron spoke harshly as he dug his nails into her pale skin which started to bleed.

"Oh really?, I want to know if you can still keep your cool after seeing this" She said and then she called, "Miles, bring me the brown envelope" She stated with her eyes staring into Aaron's as she spoke, and not long a tall man entered with a brown envelope on his hand, he bowed before handling it to his mistress and then she told him to leave.

"Mm, take this" She directed towards Aaron and handed the envelope to him in which he snatched from her hand with force making her chuckle.

With furrowed eyebrows and annoyed expression he opened the envelope to see pictures of his nude self with this irritating woman, he knew something outrageous like this was coming but he just couldn't believe that this woman had the gut to want to blackmail him with these, she must have someone who was instigating her to do all these.

"And what's with this? do you think I really care if it gets out or if it's all over the world, you must be really stupid to think you can mess with me sang tian and what of you? aren't you a woman who should be protecting her dignity and pride, aren't you in this picture also, what would people say about you, women in the community wouldn't look up to you" Aaron spoke as he used the pictures in his hand to slap her front face.