Telekinetic Force

I had been through the loop at least a hundred times at this point. 

I'd tried talking to my companions through multiple of those loops, but half the trouble was getting them to believe that it was actually happening, and then they never ended up having anything useful to say anyway. 

In this loop I decided to do something that was actually useful. 

After the last couple of fights I'd managed to accrue quite a few upgrade points, and so far I hadn't had the chance to go through the system to see what other abilities I could grab along my current job line. If there was something I could upgrade to now that would help me get out of my current time looping predicament, then I was going to take it. 

I brought up my system menu and tabbed over to my abilities page. I had a whole 18 active ability points for me to play with, which meant I could pick up one of the more midrange magical abilities that were open to me.