On A Whim

I let Fal's statement hang in the air as I absorbed the weight behind her words and the implications that they would have going forward. 

For a start, I had already begun to consider the idea that perhaps staying with the Guard after this disaster had cleared up wasn't the right move for me. I had the feeling that I would be able to get much more done on my own than I would by taking orders from some stuffy Squadron Leader like Belana, in fact, I'd already proven as much by ruining Lara's plans in the Clan Pren base. 

There seemed to be a real lack of leadership in the upper ranks of the Guard. The leader of the whole outfit had landed their most well-protected planet in serious hot water, pun not intended considering the ocean-world nature of the planet. Did I really want to get stuck in a situation where I wouldn't be allowed to help someone just because my commanding officer didn't want me to?

The answer was, of course, simple.