Klatissi Vs Ke'Zuc

Vadton didn't come to join the rest of us who were sitting on the bean bags, instead, he stood stoically away from the group to observe the next fights. Suffice it to say, Vadton was a bit of an edge lord. 

"I must admit, it seems that I underestimated Vadton's abilities," Akash replied to my jibe. "I had thought that the moment he became trapped in Xylla's manna cage he would be done for. However, the strategy and strength he displayed to pierce through the barrier was quite ingenious." 

"If there's one thing I've learned, you should never count your chickens before they've hatched," I said cheerily, forgetting I was in a room filled with aliens who had probably never even heard of a chicken before. 

"What is a chick-ken?" Yr'Arl asked, struggling with the new human word. Clearly that wasn't translated very well by whatever had been translating everything into English for me.