The Scan

The first thing that I noticed about the world we had crashed into was the fact that I could breathe, which meant that the atmospheric mix was in the livable range for organics. 

A plus for our long term survival. 

If we'd landed on a world that had toxic air we would have been dead before we could have even begun our escape attempt, which obviously would have sucked quite a bit. 

The atmospheric composition was probably incredibly close to Earth because the sky was a deep blue just like my home world's sky was. For light to refract that way and come out looking blue by the time it had breached through the atmosphere and reached the ground the atmosphere would have to have been very close to what I was used to.

The second thing I noticed was the three stars hanging in the sky. 

One of the stars looked about as large as the sun did back on Earth, while the other two were much further away and were much paler.