
The predator snarled a high-pitched screeching noise that seemed to echo off the trees around us. 

"I get the feeling that it's probably got our scent," I said, taking the time to push BB down into Syncro mode now that I had a little bit of space. 

I wouldn't be able to use the majority of my abilities, that much was obvious to me. There was too much risk in unleashing my manna when BB and I still had so little control over it. 

That meant no using my energy beams or my propulsion and antigrav, moves that had become second nature to me over the past week. 

But passive effects? Things like enhanced cognition from the speed I was moving? That would come in very handy indeed. 

"I would agree with that statement, Squadron Leader Jacob Lyre," Yr'Arl said, "At this point trying to escape would likely be futile. We must fight, and defeat the creature."