City Under The Mountain

Yr'Arl, the predator and I all slipped through the door.

  It had opened only just enough to let the three of us in, and as soon as we had made it from the brightening outdoors into the dark tunnel it swung shut behind us, locking all three of us in complete darkness. 

I let BB come up and out of our Synchro mode, I'd need to pick his databanks on any of the species we came across while we were in the city. Especially the races of anyone in positions of power. 

The lights of the tunnel flickered on, a bright and harsh fluorescent light that made me blink a couple of times. 

The tunnel that we were in was truly cavernous. It stretched down into the ground for what looked like at least a mile before shutting off into another massive door, much like the one that we had walked in through. 

The way that we had come in was clearly meant for ships.