Ice Fairy, Fu Rong

They walked into a large room, passing by workers along the way. There were two people seated at a large table, with ten empty chairs left.

All sorts of delicious, and luxurious dishes were laid on the table, but no one had taken their first bite. It seems they were waiting for them to arrive.

Chu Yunxi and her sister occupied two seats. As soon as they were seated, they all started eating.

' No talking? I am in big trouble. The only time this happens is when mom is really angry. ' Chu Yunxi thought as she ate her food as slow as she could to prolong the wrath of her mother.

As soon as the maids cleared the table, Chu Yunxi was immediately attacked.

" Yunxi, you could have dodged it . Why did you take her attack headon?! And why did you leave the school alone?! What if something had happened to you ! You don't care about anything else, but at least you should care for your life."

A woman in her mid forties said, sternly. She had silver soft hair, and eyes. She was breathtakingly beautiful with her voluptuous body. She is her mother, Fu Rong. Her silver eyes were as cold as ice as she reprimanded Chu Yunxi.

" Honey…." The only male sitting at the table, said worriedly. He had coal-black hair, and eyes. He was slightly muscular, and handsome. He is their father, Fu Rong's husband, Chu Qianye.

He was worried after seeing how Chu Yunxi looked down at her hands, sadly….?

Meanwhile , Chu Yunxi was having a debate in her head.

' Arghhh…! They act the same. The only thing that differentiates them is their hair and eye color. Why can't I get a normal mother…?!

Past life was business centered. This life expresses her love in a disciplinarian manner. If I don't give her an answer, I won't be able to sleep. No wonder, she was nicknamed Ice Fairy.

Okay, it's time to settle this once and for all. ' Chu Yunxi came to a resolution.

" Don't. She needs to know how her actions affect us. Now that she's okay, her actions are even worse. " Fu Rong directed her anger to her husband. She turned her attention back to her daughter, demanding an answer to her earlier questions.

Chu Yunxi raised her head up to see her father and sister looking worried while her mother was raging.

" What happened to me? Why couldn't I talk ? Now that I am okay…. What do you mean by that?" Chu Yunxi replied to her with questions instead of answers.

" What. . . ?" Fu Rong's fierce expression dropped. Her eyes quivered, and her lips parted slightly as she stared at her daughter, stunned.

" You can't tell me . But you blame me for actions I commited subconsciously? " Chu Yunxi looked at her mother, without blinking. She was set on getting an answer from her.

Although the original….no. The past she wasn't concerned about anything, but she knew what was going on. Her mother never told her whether her condition was normal or not. But Chu Yunxi goes with the latter.

Because during her memory recap, she saw how she was fed potions of different origins when she was young. Why would she be given potions, if there was nothing wrong with her ?

The past, she never bothered to know why. But this present she badly wants to.

" Yunxi, mother didn't mean anything. She said it out of anger. " Her elder sister tried to reason with her, but she wasn't going to back down without an answer.

" No. She's speaking about the fact. I think it's high time you stopped hiding the truth from me. You wouldn't want me to find out from another, would you? Maybe, then , I would leave and never come back. You wouldn't be able to find me. "

" No! I would talk. Don't you ever think of leaving. " Fu Rong said softly, with shaken eyes. Her silver eyes moistened with unshed tears.

Chu Yunxi smiled, triumphantly. She just found her mom's weakness . Although she wasn't sure if it would work, from her mom's earlier outburst, she decided to give it a try. If it were her past life mother, she would just dare her to try and leave.

" It. . . happened two months after I conceived you. A monster found its way into a shopping mall. I was there alongside your sister, when the monster started attacking people. The security couldn't handle it, and from the way it was moving, it didn't care about anybody but me . Precisely, you.

It just stood in front of me , and didn't attack. It was when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach that I realized something was wrong. I killed it, but it was too late. The….*sniff* ….. damage had already been done." She couldn't hold it in anymore, and started crying.

Chu Qianye was quick to be by her side, and consoled her.

" After experiments, we found a necromancer who identified the monster. A dark type monster that feeds on souls. You have a powerful soul, and its scent led it out. After it was killed, all the souls it had devoured would come out. But your mom had already killed it a long time ago, before the necromancer arrived. So your soul was lost, since it devoured you last, you came out first. " He continued, considering the fact that his wife couldn't talk at the moment.

" That was the first time I saw mom so lost, and the first time I saw her cry. When you left and we found you out, she became lost like that time. " Her sister added.

" That….I …. am sorry, mom. I shouldn't have said all those . " Chu Yunxi was guilt shaken. If she had known this was the result of her probing, she wouldn't have said anything.

" * Sniff* …. It's okay. Taking that hit from Cheng Rouyu , I am proud of you. " Fu Rong smiled, flaunting her beautiful face, even though she didn't know she had that kind of air around her.

She stretched her arms out, and Chu Yunxi was quick to be in her warm embrace. Her elder sister and father also joined, having a family hug.

Cheng Rouyu was the woman in military getup, and her sister's rival. She had metal B rank talent. When Chu Yunxi held her hand, she activated her talent, making small sharp metal spikes on her palm, which hurt Yunxi.

" I also have something to say. " Chu Yunxi said carefully, observing their expressions after the hug.

" About your other soul journey? " Fu Rong smiled.

" Yeah. . . . "

" Sure. We want to hear it. " Fu Rong encouraged her with a nod. And so did the others. Seeing this, Chu Yunxi's courage skyrocketed.

" Well…..I didn't have great parents, and didn't actually live a great life. Although I never lacked material things, I didn't have what every happy child had. That world's technology is not as advanced as this one. " She told them everything that happened from the time she could understand things around her up to the time she died.

" I wish I could see those people right now, and give them a piece of my mind. How dare they ?! " Fu Rong said, her ice cold expression back.

" Likewise. I think they would serve as great guinea pigs for my next invention. " Chu Qianye added.

" You should get back at those classmates of yours here, since they aren't different from your past life. " Chu Zhi said.

" I definitely would. There is no law against that here. " Chu Yunxi nodded with a smirk adorning her face.

" Why did you leave your school? " Fu Rong asked.

" I wanted to find information about this world, but there isn't a single library. "