The World Ended ???

" Library..? Yunxi, do you know about this world?" Fu Rong asked, brushing the stray hair blocking Yunxi's view behind her ear.

" No. That's the reason why I wanted to go to the library. " Yunxi shaked her head languidly in denial.

" Ahhh …. You need knowledge of this world. " Fu Rong sighed.

" This is going to be a long night. " Chu Qianye added.

" Let's talk about this while we are having dessert, Hmm ?~ " Fu Rong said with a smile, as she gestured for them to take their seats.

Immediately after they had taken their seats, maids trooped in and served exotic desserts on the table.

Its tantalizing aroma seduced Chu Yunxi as she greedily gulped it down. The others watched her with a smile.

After taking a few bites of her desserts, Fu Rong began.

" It all began thirty years ago. At that time , this world was like your past world. Natural disasters started becoming rampant all over the world. Storms raged, cities were flooded. Tsunamis that were a thousand meters high, swept away buildings, destroyed so much infrastructure and took away lives.

Continuous mega-volcanic eruptions that destroy anything that comes in its path. At first, everyone thought it was normal, but when it became constant and lives and properties were lost, humanity, then realized they were done for. "

"After one month, the natural disasters stopped. The climatologist announced that there wouldn't be any natural catastrophes happening. People all breathed in relief. They were happy they could sleep peacefully, without having the fear of getting caught in a sandstorm or tsunami.

Everyone slept soundly that day, but what they didn't know was that for most of them, that would be the last time they would sleep. The next day everyone woke up to darkness. The sun was absent, and it was just 7:00 in the morning. Everywhere was dark, and no one had the guts to go out. Electricity went out, and all electrical appliances shut down. "

" People started panicking, and said it was the end of the world. People called the phenomenon, the uprising of the apocalypse.

Black holes started appearing, and numerous monsters and beasts came into our world. Meanwhile, most of the humans were locked up in their houses, with their doors and windows closed, and didn't get to see the spectacular view. Only the most daring of us all watched it. "

" You ?" Yunxi asked, wide-eyed.

" Yes. Me and your dad. And some others. We just got married at that time." Fu Rong said, proudly. She smiled, with a slight blush adoring her face.

" Wow !! " Chu Yunxi exclaimed. She wasn't expecting something like this. The blush on Fu Rong's face became more prominent, as Yunxi praised.

" I come from a ninja family. As time went on , we evolved with technology, but we still used swords, and secret weapons. That's how we were able to survive during the apocalypse. " Chu Qianye said, saving his wife from Yunxi's assault. He knows she was reminiscing about when they first met. And doing that, she was remembering some….*cough* .... R- rated stuff.

Instantaneously, she was back to ice Fairy mode , and she continued.

" Soon , the people became desperate after their food stocks finished. They had no other choice, but to go out. Instead of getting food outside, they became food for the new residents. And some died due to the toxic air.

Some were lucky to be saved by the military. But the military weapons were merely effective against the beasts and monsters. Since then, various resources had been used up to survive, and the population had been reduced to half. Plants and animals turned into ferocious beasts, and food became scarce. Out of desperation, people started killing themselves for food in order to survive.

Humanity was struggling to survive, and all hope was lost. Suddenly, people started awakening abilities and talents. Those who experienced the opening of the black holes got powerful abilities and talents. "

" Slowly, humans fought back and got back some of their lands. We were able to filter out the toxic air, and build a barrier around the land. Gradually, scientists started thinking of ways to create new things since there was no longer electricity. Some Awakened were able to tame some beasts and take them as familiars.

And that's how this country was created. We were able to control the influx of beasts and monsters from the black holes near us , by making the awakened clear the holes frequently. The holes were like another world filled with treasures and also dangerous beasts and monsters. The treasures we found were used to build this country back. Although we are safe here, outside the barrier is hell . But some monsters and beasts still find their way in. So , the awakened get rid of them before they start harming people. "

" So the underworld she was talking about was the black holes?" Yunxi asked.

" Yes. Some of the black holes are connected. So you might see others from another country there. Clearing a black hole can take weeks or months. "

" I am going tomorrow?" Chu Yunxi was astonished. Her family was letting her out of their sight for some hours?

" Of course. " Fu Rong , answered as a matter of fact. It was not a choice.

" You shouldn't be downcasted if you have no talent. Before the arrival of talents, we were capable of protecting ourselves. When the black holes appeared, and numerous beasts and monsters came out, we were able to fight back with our gadgets and strength, not because we had talents. Without talent, you can shine out if you have the will to." Chu Qianye explained carefully to his daughter.

" She has talent. " Fu Rong was quick to interrupt.

" Honey, do you mean…."

Fu Rong stood up , and walked to the exit of the dining room, and said;

" Come along,dear. "

With that said, she walked out. Chu Yunxi and the others followed.

They walked into a bright room, at the center was an orb placed on a half pillar. The source of light was the orb. The orb was milky white.

" This…..a testing stone? " Chu Yunxi felt the same aura from the one at the school, but this was on another level. She felt calm, and clear headed.

" Found it in one of our raids in the black holes. Apparently even artifacts, weapons, and nonliving things in the holes have ranks. The testing stone used in the school was C rank. This is an A rank testing stone. " Fu Rong beamed a smile at her , as she stood beside the pillar.

Chu Yunxi moved forward, like a pull, she placed her hand on the orb. It shined brightly, for a minute before stopping. Slowly, words formed on the top of the orb.

" S…rank Alchemist and ice Mage !!! " Chu Yunxi read out loud. She was amazed.

" Yep. We have the same talents. " Her sister was beside her as she said with a smile.

" Dear, you know your dad is an S-rank Alchemist, and I am an S-rank ice Mage. We discovered that some of the children of the first awakened inherit their parents abilities, and sometimes talents. " Fu Rong walked up to her girls and placed a hand on their shoulders.

" And we are the only people who have S-rank talents, but no one knows. Hehehehehe ~" She smirked.

Chu Yunxi already knew about it , after going through her memories. That's why she didn't freak out after realizing her hand was healed. No scar remained or even a trace that something happened on the hand.

" I created a device that can hide your true talent. If people knew about our talents, we wouldn't be able to eat peacefully. " Chu Qianye was now standing beside the group of ladies.

" This necklace..? " Chu Yunxi asked with uncertainty in her voice.

" Yes. But that's not its only use. Explore it yourself. " He smiled while ruffling her hair.

" It's late and you have a lot to do tomorrow. Come on, go to bed. " Fu Rong walked them out of the room. They were about to take a step up the staircase when Yunxi, stopped suddenly in her tracks.

" Wait, you found me in the alley, right? Then, did you see that three eyed beast? I was unconscious because of it. "

Chu Yunxi remembered something very crucial, she had ignored.


A/N: I appreciate all those that gave my book a chance. Comments, Votes, and rates are welcomed. Keep it coming.!😁