Starting With An SSS-Rank Talent, And Two SS-Rank Talents

Yunxi walked into the forest, calmly. The forest was devoid of any human presence. The teams of students had gone off separately. Who knows how many people would survive in an hour? This is the underworld. One could get killed at any moment without knowing what hit them.

As for Yunxi, She was the only lone wonderer.

She walked through the dense forest, keeping her guard up.

" So. . . What happened after that burst of light? Where were you?" Yunxi asked Xia. The forest was silent, and walking was getting boring. She decided to start a conversation to pass time.

( With you. I was invisible. I appeared after there wasn't anyone around. )

" Ohh. . . " Yunxi nodded.

' For my parents not to sense its presence, that means its rank is very high. ' Yunxi thought as she leaped up onto a thick tree branch.

( What is it ? Is something wrong?) Xia asked worriedly.

" Yes. Be alert. Something has noticed our presence. "

There was no need to make Xia feel safe. It needs to get used to it, because it would experience it more in the future. From the tree branch, She could properly scout her surroundings for any danger.

She was surrounded by ten meter tall trees, which didn't house any living thing.

Yunxi looked keenly at the tall grasses on the ground, and saw a crouched figure with red eyes. A predator waiting patiently to pounce on its prey.

She was trying to gouge what kind of creature it was , but it blended well with the green grasses. Although it wasn't green coloured, but the abundant of grasses made it hard for Yunxi to see. The only thing she clearly saw was its eyes.

" Xia, I don't know what species that thing is, but its definitely dangerous. It would be a bloody fight, and you need to…" Yunxi wasn't able to finish her sentence when she saw the figure flying at her.

" What ?!!! " She had just splitted her attention for a moment, but that was enough for the creature to make its move.

Yunxi jumped down from the tree, and looked up at the creature that was now standing on the branch she was on moments ago.

Now , she could see what kind of creature it was . But what she saw made her eyes quiver.

It was an adult black rabbit! A flying rabbit?!!! No, it didn't have a pair of wings. So how the hell did it fly ? ! A skill?

Yunxi stared hard at her opponent. Although, she was having a thinking session, her attention was solely on the rabbit. She didn't want to get cut into pieces by its claws.

Just then , the rabbit released its claws which were very sharp. It was preparing for battle.

' Thank goodness, Xia is hidden. Although, it is a rabbit. It looks like an adult wolf. My first battle isn't going to be easy. '

The rabbit flew forward, with its claws, glinting with murderous intent. Yunxi sidestepped, and unsheathed her sword. The rabbit couldn't stop its momentum, and Yunxi used it as her advantage.

With the sword in hand, she turned around and slashed its neck.

The rabbit fell down on the ground, dead. Yunxi flipped her sword, and got rid of the blood on it before sheating it back into its scabbard.

Xia appeared on Yunxi's shoulder, as she walked up to the corpse of the rabbit.

( That was too easy! Woohoo!!!) Xia cheered.

Yunxi's expression was indifferent. Killing the rabbit was too easy, because its level was low and her sword was powerful. If the sword couldn't penetrate the rabbits fur then , the consequences would be unknown. And the most reason why she could was that, the rabbits movement was predictable. It wasn't an intelligent animal.

" Well, let's take it along before some other beasts appears because of the blood scent. "

She crouched down beside the rabbit, and touched it. She intended to keep it in her space ring. Like, who knows how long she would be here? It was better to stock her resources well. One can't fight on an hungry stomach.

But what she was expecting didn't happen. Instead of the beast entering into her ring, a floating blue screen appeared Infront of her.

" Huh…?" She knew what it was! Heck!, she had been wondering whether it was present in this world or not. It was none other than the . . . . . System!!!


[ Welcome, Newly Awakened!

Your world as you know it is in the apocalyptic period. Numerous dangerous species of beings have hit your world, Earth 002. You are now responsible for your survival. ]


[ Congratulations!!! Only 0.01% of the newly awakened have been able to defeat their first opponent without breaking a sweat. You have a bright future ahead of you. Keep it up!!!]


[ The higher-ups have taken a liking to you. And decided to gift you something, to express their happiness. ]


[ Congratulations On awakening an SSS- Rank Talent [ Endless Extraction]!!!!!!!]

Yunxi's vision was becoming blurry, with the way the system was energetically writing on its screen, and how it was blowing flowers when congratulating her.

" Woah! I have three talents. Is that even possible?" Yunxi asked.

The system was silent. It had expected Yunxi to be shocked or extremely happy. But her expressions were indifferent , like she was already expecting it or was already used to it. How is that even possible?! Or is she…


[ It is very much possible. There are a lot of beings that posses more than one talent. ]

" Ohh…So, SSS-rank isn't the highest, is it ?"

Xia looked at Yunxi with a raised eyebrow. Why was she silent, and staring into space. Meanwhile, Yunxi was speaking with the system in her mind.

[ That… You are not powerful enough to have access to this information. ]

Yunxi's mouth twitched. The answer was glaring. There are more ranks.

She looked at the rabbit, and asked the system,

" So, extracting…like it would extract everything including its skills? "

[ Yes.]

" Okay. " She concentrated on the rabbit, and it turned into particles. After it receded. There was only its meat, claws, some fur , hide, bones, and a vial of blood on the ground.


[ Extraction of Adult Rabbit, Successful!!!

+5 Agility, and Seven Attribute points.Gained Skill, Jump! ]

It actually dismantled everything, and saved her the stress of looking for a hunter. She knew that looting wouldn't give her some important parts of the animal. And she did this for experiment, because it wasn't a powerful animal. She wouldn't dare do it, if it were.

Xia was stunned after seeing what happened, and asked Yunxi who explained everything to her. She now knew the reason why Yunxi was acting kind of weird earlier.

' Status '


[ Name : Chu Yunxi]

[ Race : Homosapiens]

[ Level: 1]

[ Exp(next level) : 20%]

[ Class: Swords woman]

[ Talent: SSS-Rank (Endless Extraction),SS-Rank(Alchemist),SS-Rank(Ice Mage ) ]

[ Strength: 25]

[ Dexterity: 31]

[ Agility: 35]

[ Intelligence: 75]

[ Vitality: 100/100]

[Defense : 30]

[ Willpower: 42]

[ Endurance:55]

[ Luck:95]

[ Free Ap(Attributes Points): 7]

[Adaptability ( Mana usage) : 25]

[ Health Points( HP): 1000/1000]

[ Mana Points(Mp): 200/200]

[ Familiar

Unknown: Hosts authority isn't high.]


[ Skills

Appraisal (Active)

Sword Mastery (Level 6): Ability to utilize the sword like a limb of the body.

Shadow steps (Level 4) : The technique where one moves silently, and won't be noticed.

Rythm Echo ( level 4): A technique that utilizes shadow steps. One moves at a certain rythm, creating afterimages.

Jump (level 1): Agility type technique.]

[ Inventory]

[ Equipment

( Shadow Sword

Rank: A (Evolvable)

Description: A sword forged by a skilled Alchemist. A sword that is as fast as a shadow. A skilled user can bring out its full potential. Deals 100% damage to a target below its rank. )

( Father's Locket

Rank: S( Evolvable)

Description: An artifact forged by a skilled Alchemist. It is a device that conceals one's power, and also acts as a defensive and offensive mechanism when host in danger. ) ]

Yunxi stared at the screen with a stunned face.

' S-rank… This is one of his greatest inventions. To think that he would give this to me…' Yunxi thought with a smile.

She kept the rabbits parts in her inventory, and resumed her journey.

" Ahan… I shouldn't use the sword, unless the situation is dire." She said as she saw the amount of blood around.


A/N: Hey, Readers!!!! It's your Author here, again.

Well, I saw a bit of votes. Although, it's not much, it actually made my heart fluffy. I was really happy, and it actually encouraged me .

This chapter is dedicated to those who commented, even though it's only one person🤗, and those who sent power stones.

It would be great if I can get power stones, and comments regularly. And it would be awesome if I can get positive reviews. 😉