Man-Eating Rabbits

Traversing through the forest, Yunxi saw a lot of fruits and herbs. With Appraisal, she was able to differentiate the poisonous one from the nonpoisonous one. She picked both. One wouldn't know when it would come in handy.

" Ahhhh...!!!! What the hell is that?"

" Get it away from me!!!"

" You …..are leaving us to die?!!!"

" Ahhhh….!!!."

" Ahhh…..!!!!"

Yunxi heard the voices and decided to check what's happening. She jumped on a very tall tree branch, and saw what was going on.

A team of students encountered a group of rabbits, the same rabbit she killed. But this was the entire family. The students panicked when they saw their sharp claws. They tried to fight back, but they couldn't.

Seeing this, three students, two males and a female communicated with their eyes. They used their fellow colleagues like a meat shield, and escaped. Leaving them to die at the hands of the vicious animal.

( Cruelty!!! They are worse than beasts!) Xia was angry. Beasts wouldn't leave their own kind in the face of death, and run away with their tails in between their legs like a coward.

Yunxi was feeling the same way. But her expression was indifferent.

( Are we going to let them be eaten?) Xia asked after seeing the way Yunxi was looking at them as the rabbits were eating them.

" Yes."

( What?!!! How can you be so cruel?!!!) Xia looked at Yunxi with disappointment on her face.

" I am not cruel. Jumping down there is like asking for death. You saw the way the rabbits attacked, and that giant rabbit that did not move is definitely bad news. " Yunxi explained.

' System, can I still extract their skills if they are bones?'

[ Yes! ]

( So…what are you going to do now ?) Xia asked. She doesn't even like humans since the day she was born. But looking at how they died miserably, she felt pity for them. She wanted to at least give them a befitting funeral.

" We will wait. "

( Wait…? For what ?)

" For them to eat to their satisfaction, then we attack."

( We…?!)

Yunxi turned her head to face the cat on her shoulder.

" What , you plan to stay on my shoulder forever? Didn't you say you wanted to grow?"

( Ah…Hehehe…I was just surprised that I would…) Xia answered nervously after seeing Yunxi's dark eyes.

" I would abandon you if you are useless. " With that said, she turned her head back, and watched the feast going on.

( Ahh…! What kind of master did I get ?!) Xia lamented in her head.

Yunxi used Appraisal on the group of rabbits, so she could know what she's dealing with.


[Man-eating Rabbit]


[ Sex: female]






[Skills: Jump ( level 4) : Agility type technique.

Claw( level 1 ) : Claws are very sharp. ]

[Status: Eating]


[Man-eating Rabbit]


[Sex: female]






[Skills: Jump( level 3) : Agility type technique.]

[Status: Eating]


[Man-eating Rabbit]


[Sex: female]






[Skills: Jump ( level 4) : Agility type technique.

Claw ( level 2) : Claws are very sharp.

Bite( level 3) : Teeths as sharp as a newly forged metal. ]

[Status: Eating]


[Man-eating Rabbit Queen]

[level: 10]

[Sex: female]






[Skills: Jump( level 8) : Agility type technique.

Claw ( level 7) : Claws are very sharp.

Bite ( level 10) : Teeths as sharp as a newly forged metal.

Stun (level 5 ) : A set target gets stunned, and can't move . ]

[Status: Eating]

' Wow!! That's a good skill! ' Yunxi was amazed after seeing the 'Stun Skill' . Her determination to kill the rabbits skyrocketed.

Xia on her shoulders felt chills run down her spine. She looked at the cause of such a feeling, Yunxi, and saw a terrifying smile on her face. How Scary!!!

( I should never get on her bad side. ) Xia shuddered.

" Okay. There are numerous level one , seven level two, three level three, and a level ten , which is the boss. The boss wouldn't attack us until we have exterminated her children. Until then, don't come into her radar, Got it ?"

( Got it!) Xia answered with a firm voice. She listened to Yunxi's strategy with rapt attention. She didn't want to miss any information that would make her experience Yunxi's wrath. Killing them after they had eaten was a nice strategy. They would be slow when moving with a filled stomach.

They waited patiently on the tree branch, until the rabbits finished their meals.

An hour later, they were done. And it was the trigger for Yunxi and Xia to attack.

Xia disappeared, and Yunxi jumped down from the tree. With a dagger in hand , she struck the nearest rabbit in its guts, killing it instantly.

" This dagger would do. "

The other rabbits haven't noticed her presence, because of the light steps. She moved quickly, and started going on a killing spree.

Xia attacked her enemies from behind, and the poor rabbits died without knowing what hit them. Well, she was attacking the level one rabbits like Yunxi instructed.

By the time the rabbits realized it was too late. They had exterminated all the level one rabbits.

The level two and three saw their comrades down, and went ballistic. Seeing them rushing towards her, Yunxi became giddy. In her eyes, they were all resources to make her stronger.