Wrathful Nalan...One Shouldn't Get On Her Bad Side

Nalan held the two short swords in her hands, and flashed forward. One after the other, the Goblins kept falling down. It seems she had put in many points in her agility, but she wasn't anywhere near Yunxi's speed.

Seeing their comrades falling one after the other, the Goblins were filled with rage. They attacked angrily, which made their strength increase, and stopped Nalan's pace. She had no other choice than to engage in close combat with them.

During the fight, she had taken a glance at Yunxi, but was met with her serene face and closed eyes. Nalan gritted her teeth, and increased the strength behind her fists.

On the other hand , Xia was taking care of the Goblins easily. She was much more experienced than Nalan, and coupled with her invisibility, she was invincible on the battle ground.

The fight was already going on for like thirty minutes now. And Nalan was sweating buckets. They were inside a cave , where there was no outlet for ventilation.

At one point in time, She had already kept back her short swords, and was engaging in physical combat. Her fist kept smashing the hearts of the Goblins into pieces. She didn't care whether it was a male or female. She looked like a maniac, as she moved around.

' Ah! This girl appears weak but she is a tigress.' Xia thought as she watched Nalan fighting, letting out her anger on the Goblins.

Nalan gave one last hit to a female Goblin on the head. Her fist directly impaled into the head of the Goblin, brain matter spilled out.

" Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Nalan breathed heavily as she stared at the badly massacred bodies on the ground. She felt the urge to vomit, but kept it in. She would be seeing a lot more gruesome sights, so she better get used to it.

" Your fighting prowess and battle strategy has increased a bit. Next time, try to make yourself clean while fighting. The water storage would go down soon, and I don't think there's any water source around. " Yunxi reprimanded her , as she cleaned out the suspicious matter from her body, before handing her a vial.

" Drink."

Nalan wasted no second, and downed the content. Slowly, her breathing became steady, and her body became strong. She had leveled up a few times before, but Yunxi had told her to stop the notifications to avoid distraction. But she had felt it during the fight.

" When are you going to introduce me to her ?" Yunxi lifted her head and looked at Nalan with a raised eyebrow .

Seeing her looking behind her shoulders, Yunxi turned around to see Xia with her invisibility on.

" You can sense her . "

" Yes." A smile bloomed on her face. With increase in level, Nalan's sensitivity had increased, along with her Mana. She noticed Xia because of her Mana.

Xia canceled her invisibility, and Nalan couldn't hold in her gasp of surprise.

" Om! She is beautiful. Her fur is so warm. " Before Yunxi could blink twice, Nalan had appeared beside Xia , and carried her in her arms.

" Meow ~! " Xia moaned, as Nalan weaved her hand through her fur.

Seeing her reaction, Yunxi sighed. Who would have thought a ruthless beast can act so cute.


{ Do you want to loot your kills?}

Nalan looked at Yunxi, her eyes relaying her intention.

" Yes."

The bodies of the Goblins turned into particles, and left some materials. There were weapons, copper, and some miscellaneous things. Nalan put them inside her space ring. They would sort it out later.

Yunxi walked forward, and the duo followed behind. They were so quick to create a strong bond. During their first dungeon experience, Nalan had heard from some students that Yunxi owned a mysterious beast, but she hadn't seen it , so she thought those students made the story up.

But when they wanted to escape, and something pulled her , she became suspicious. The fight now confirmed her suspicion.

They walked back to the first intersection they came in contact with, and moved towards the second path. This should be the way to the next group of Goblins.

" The next group is going to be levels higher than the ones you just fought with. Be careful. " Yunxi informed Nalan.

The cave was hollow, allowing three rows of people to pass. Nalan held her breath, not inhaling the stale air. Who knows what might have been added with it ?

Yunxi sighed, seeing Nalan's scrunched up face.

' It would be fun interacting with her. ' Yunxi smirked afterwards.

They walked for a while until they arrived at a door. Standing In Front were two Hob-Goblins, with high levels. They weren't Nalan's match or Xia's. They were Yunxi's opponents.

Yunxi stared at the Hobgoblins , accessing their strength. The Hobgoblins seeing the intruders raised their clubs, and pounced forward to attack.

Suddenly, they fell to the ground with a hole in their foreheads. Yunxi used ' Ice needle ' . The ones she unleashed now were more powerful than the one she first did. She had more control of her Mana, and wasn't exhausted like before.

While Nalan and Xia were fighting, she was meditating. And it has shown its effects.

Nalan stared at Yunxi with stars in her eyes. It was like she was seeing her idol for the first time. Yunxi however looked more colder than she normally appeared. A cold beauty!

( As expected of my master!) Xia commented proudly.

" Let's go." Yunxi said, her cold voice snapping Nalan out of her stunned state.

Nalan didn't feel bad or take offense. She happily skidded towards Yunxi, and they walked up to the door.

With a push from Nalan, the doors opened.

What they saw next, wasn't what they were expecting to see.

Inside, there was a horde of Hobgoblins, the highest was at level 41, which should be the Goblin Boss. They all had hard ons, as they stared lustfully at a voluptuous woman , who appeared to be in her twenties. She had long purple hair, which covered the entirety of her body, in a seated position.

Actually…she was naked, and seemed to be sitting on a pile of broken…shells? Did she just hatch out of the egg?!

" Ah! She is in danger. Let's help her. " Nalan's good side came into play.

( Yes! Let's help her .) Xia added, supporting her. They both had their most pitiful look on.

Yunxi's eyebrows twitched, as she stared at them with a stone face.

" Stop it. That wouldn't work on me. And moreover, are you stupid? "

" You clearly know that attacking this horde is sucide? Do you want to die ? If you want to die badly…be my guest."

Yunxi stepped back, so they can move forward without any obstruction. They both stood rigid to the ground, not daring to move an inch.

" Tsk…" Yunxi hissed in anger. She didn't rebuke them too much, because she knew they didn't really know what's happening.

" Then … Why are we still staying here? Shouldn't we leave before they notice us?" Nalan asked after a while, when Yunxi's anger had cooled down.

" That was what you should have asked from the start. They should have noticed us from the moment we opened the door, but they didn't. And don't you want to collect your reward for hard work? "

Nalan was confused. ' What reward?' She didn't quite get the underlying meaning of Yunxi's words.

Yunxi had appraisal, and was able to see only the race of the woman sitting on eggshells. All other attributes were locked. Even without appraisal, she knew something was wrong the moment the door opened, and the Goblins didn't react.

" She is a succubus. Do you still want to help her ?" Nalan stiffened at the words Yunxi said.

' Succubus…Demons…the most feared creatures of darkness. No wonder…the illusion.. . Prey on sexual energy. ' Nalan shivered as she analyzed the situation.

Subconsciously, she moved closer to Yunxi.

' She picks on quite fast '

Yunxi would have left with her two companions, but she knew that they wouldn't run far. The succubus would catch up to them without lifting a finger. It took her almost all of her strength to break through the illusion from the Goblin.

In Front of her was the real master of illusion. She could only play her cards right.

Slowly, the Goblins' faces became pale , and their skin color changed from green to brown, before they collapsed to the ground breathless.

The woman looked up and stared at Nalan with her purple - pink eyes before falling to the ground.

" Wh..at just happened?" Nalan couldn't help but say. The shock in front of her was too much.

" Loot these bodies. " Yunxi commanded before walking towards a part of the wall , and unsheathed her sword. Just as her sword was about to hit the wall, a bright light came out.

Yunxi covered her eyes due to its intensity. After the light receded, there were boxes beside Yunxi's feet.

The light had attracted Nalan, who had already finished looting and keeping them.

" What was that ?"

" Reward for clearing the dungeon." Reading books about dungeons had come into play. What she had wanted to slash into two was the dungeon core. It seemed she had scared it a bit too much, considering the amount of boxes on the ground.

" Really?" Nalan had already crouched down, and was about to open one of the boxes, when a stern voice resounded in her ears.

" Don't, if you still value your life."

She slowly retracted her hand back, and looked up at Yunxi.

" We can't open it, because we need her permission." Yunxi explained.

" Oh… What happened to her?" Nalan asked as she crouched beside the slumped woman.

" How should I know? I am not a healer." Yunxi replied sarcastically.

" But you know almost everything ." Nalan disagreed.

" You think I know everything because you don't have any idea about what some things are." Yunxi sighed, and turned around. She walked to a quiet place in the cave , and started meditating.

" Humph! I would get the rewards and not share anything with you. " Nalan pouted her lips as she harrumphed.

" Meow~!" Xia agreed with her. They were the only ones who worked hard, and killed a lot of Goblins.

" Yes! Xia , let's wake her up quickly, and be the first to get the rewards ."

Nalan's hands glowed green, and she placed it on the woman's head. An hour passed and there was no response from the woman. And Yunxi had decided to stay out of it.

" Is she dead ? Should we just loot her?" Nalan had already reached her pinnacle of patience, she couldn't hold it anymore.

Just as she was about to ask the system to loot the woman, the woman's eyes blinked and fluttered open. Her purple eyes sent shivers down Nalan's back.

" H..i . My name is Nalan, and I healed you." Nalan managed to squeeze out the words from her mouth.

' She wouldn't harm her savior... right?'


A/N: Hi there, readers!!! It has been a while since I last updated. 🙂

Here's another chapter I was able to come up with after getting some comments. Thank you all for giving my book a chance! But could you consider leaving comments and power stones? It motivates me to write, knowing my readers are interested in my book.

And also consider leaving a review, so new readers can see the overall opinion of my book. Thanks 🤗