Intrusion Of Privacy

The succubus rised up into a sitting position, and stared at Nalan. Although she was naked, her long purple hair served as an overall which covered her nakedness. So…the atmosphere between them was not awkward.

" N..alan. " The succubus called out, the words rolling out of her tongue, eliciting a refreshing sensation to the ears.

" Yes. Nalan. What's yours?" Nalan asked, with confidence. It was the best option to try and get familiar with a stranger, who might eventually become more than a stranger.

" ?"

" Yes. Don't you remember?" Nalan moved closer to her , making sure she wasn't invading her private space. Xia followed after. Her silver eyes stared at the succubus.

" I do. My name is Liena."

Nalan beamed, and said brightly. "Nice to meet you Liena! "

She carried Xia and stretched her forth towards Liena's face.

" This is Xia , and that girl over there is Yunxi."

" Ah! Nice to make your acquaintance ." Liena rubbed Xia's head, and replied with a smile.

Xia flayed in Nalan's hand, trying desperately to get rid of her grip.

" What's wrong? " Nalan asked worriedly, as she let go of Xia , who quickly ran over to Yunxi, and sat in her arms.

" It seems she doesn't like me." Liena chuckled, seeing how puffed up Xia's cheeks were and how hard she was glaring at her. If looks could kill, Liena would have been mutilated badly.

" Ahhh…? " Nalan looked confused. Xia was such a cute and docile cat. Why would she not like someone like Liena? A gorgeous and kind woman.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

Nalan turned around to see Liena eating the shells around her.

" What are you doing?" She asked.

" Um? It's nutritious for me. "

" Oh.."

' Is she really a succubus?' Nalan thought as she watched Liena eat the shells.

" Umm…Could you help me with some clothes?"

Nalan quickly diverted her eyes from Liena. She had forgotten that she was actually talking to a naked lady. A red hue appeared on her cheeks, as she looked somewhere else not meeting Liena's gaze. " Oh…Yeah , I think."

Meanwhile Yunxi was meditating. The rate of absorption was increasing. She could now see Mana out of her body. Mana was everywhere. It was as abundant as Oxygen.

She looked around. Xia's Mana was silver white in color, and seemed gentle. Nalan's was green in color, and docile. While Liena's was….

Just as she was about to intrude into her body, Liena's gaze flicked to her , but that didn't stop Yunxi. She concentrated more, and saw a wisp of pink Mana . Just as soon as she saw it , it vanished.

However, that was the time when Liena placed her hand on Xia's head. Feeling the probing she released her killing intent which made Xia flustered, and getting away from her.

What happened was enough for Yunxi to know that Liena was dangerous. She steeled her mind and continued meditating. Xia sitting on her laps wasn't a distraction, instead they both started meditating with Yunxi guiding her.

( A/N: Remember that they communicate telepathically. )

Hours passed by . The time of the day couldn't be known from inside the cave. Days might have passed. Yunxi stopped meditating after reaching a bottleneck.

She opened her eyes slowly to Liena sitting in front of her . Xia was no longer in her arms.

Yunxi wasn't nervous or afraid. She looked around, and found Xia and Nalan sleeping. Seeing them in good health, she breathed in relief. She hadn't known that meditating was so crucial. Immediately one starts, it's hard to stop.

" What ? Do you really think I am that kind of person?" Liena asked, pursing her lips, like she was wronged.

Without a change in expression, Yunxi said bluntly.

" You are a demon. "

Liena's eyes became wide, but it seems Yunxi wasn't done yet.

" A ruthless and cunning creature. One without shame. "

" What..?" Liena was taken aback. She looked at Nalan with pain in her eyes. It seems Yunxi's words hit her.

" Don't take offense, but that's the general information about demons. And you are exhibiting one of their characteristics by sitting in front of me …naked. "

Liena's sad face slowly changed. Her lips curled into a smile, as she leaned forward.

" Is it? ~ But it's my nature. I am a succubus, not a human. We don't wear clothes. Apparently you don't see me as who you claim me to be. "

" We would leave after they wake up." Liena said, looking in the direction of Nalan and Xia.

" We ? " Yunxi asked.

" Yeah, We . All of us would leave together. " Liena answered with a smile.

" No way, baby girl! You are on your own. " Yunxi quickly refused.

" Why ? You had the chance to eliminate me when I was unconscious, but you didn't. That means you want me. "

Yunxi stared at her , flabbergasted. Her lips twitched hard , as she used every willpower she had to stop herself from flaring out.

" And why are you calling me baby girl? I am older than you." Liena said, smiling widely.

" Do you remember who you are ? " Yunxi asked.

" No . Only…my name. " Liena answered,embarrassed.

" You literally just hatched out of an egg, and you don't have any idea about anything.You are basically a baby. " Yunxi said, smirking slightly after seeing the constipated face of Liena.

" I have basic knowledge of things. " Liena defended.

Yunxi just stared at her with a ' Are you sure?' look. Liena sat back.

" If the clothes you are wearing is what your wardrobe consists of , would you mind giving me some? Intrusion of privacy is a great offense~" Liena smiled after seeing Yunxi's raised eyebrows. She was able to make her change her expression, even if it was just a raised eyebrow. It was a feat not many could achieve.

Nalan waved her hands, and a bundle of clothes dropped on Liena's laps.

" Have you worn them ? They have your scent. " Liena asked, as she brought the clothes close to her nose. She was trying to irk Yunxi.

" You can walk around naked for all I care ." With that said Yunxi got up and walked towards the sleeping duo. She set up her own sleeping bed , lay down on her side, and closed her eyes.

Minutes later, she felt a dip beside her, but she didn't acknowledge it.