A Quest Hidden In A Hidden Quest!

They turned to face the direction Yunxi pointed out. It was a hut. The only difference it had from the other huts was that it was smaller and the door was made of wood.

" Wow! This thing had mastered illusion so well. If you hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have known despite the fact that I am an illusionist. " Liena turned to face Yunxi with glittering eyes. " You deserve to be my master ~"

Yunxi didn't comment. It's not that she couldn't or didn't want to, but because she was in the middle of something.

Liena was an ancient succubus, one that was very very rare. She was different from the other succubuses, from the knowledge she had of them. Liena wasn't a sex-crazed demon, instead she was war-crazed. She was always ready for battle. Being ancient, she was versed in illusions, but her memory was sealed. But still….

' It seems that our enemies aren't simple.' Yunxi walked towards the hut, and stretched her hand forward. As her hand was about to touch it, another hand came and held her hand tightly.

" Once you open this door, it's death for us."

Yunxi slowly turned her head to face her, " It's better than waiting to die." With that said, Yunxi pushed open the wooden door.

Behind the wooden door, was something unexpected. Three tombstones dug into a pile of sand, simultaneously. Three people were buried in the hut.

Nalan moved closer, and looked closely at the tombstones, " Li Wang….Li Qing...Long Zhanye…"

Her eyes lit up, and she abruptly turned to face Liena and Yunxi. " These people are the doctors who were first infected by the plague."

Liena smiled, and stretched her hand forward, and patted Nalan's head. " That's good, baby girl. You said something right for the first time."

Nalan blushed brightly after hearing the compliment. She shyly twisted her fingers, and looked up at Yunxi.

Yunxi with her indifferent face met Nalan's expectant eyes. Bored of looking at her eyes, she turned to face the tombstones.

" You are right about one thing. They are doctors, but they didn't die of plague. "

" What do you mean?" Liena asked.

" Infected with the plague, who would be willing to come near them, talkless of giving them a befitting burial?" Yunxi asked back.

Liena folded her arms, and looked at the tombstones, with comprehension in her eyes. " Does it mean…"

" Yes. They weren't killed because of a plague. Infact, there was no Plague. "

" Then what really happened?" Nalan couldn't help but voice out .

Yunxi looked at the tombstones for a while, and sighed. " They were killed due to the greediness of humans. They had captured the beast, according to the woman's story, right?"

Nalan nodded and said, " Yes. "

" You know well enough that the beasts are big, and three of them alone can't finish it. My best guess is that they brought it back, but due to the desperation and greediness from the others, the meat was snatched from them.

They traveled in groups, some of them are families. The doctors disagreed and wanted a share of the meat, since they were the one who killed it. The powerful awakened were angered by their audacity, and killed them , setting an example to the others. One of the doctors had a family member, who eventually buried them. With a heart fueled with hatred, they did something. A curse." Yunxi explained.

Liena looked shocked, after digesting the news.

" A curse…? They are hard to deal with. For such a large-scale death, the curse must be higher than level five."

Nalan looked confused. She didn't get the meaning of what they were talking about. She wanted to talk, but decided against it.


[ Hidden Quest Completed! The village is ridden with Doctors Plague. Find out the cause .

Difficulty: Very Hard

Time limit: 5 hours

Rewards: Phantom Steps×3, Backpack of Sharing, Lying through the teeth×3, Blue tearstone ring.

Reward allocated to the group leader, Chu Yunxi.]


[ A Quest hidden in a hidden quest! Group leader Chu Yunxi, has proven to be good at strategic planning, and mental thinking . Hope to see how well you would do in physical prowess!

A Quest hidden in a hidden Quest Completed! The Doctor's Plague is actually a level 20 curse, family love! Everyone wishes to be showered by the love of a family!

Difficulty: Ingeniously Hard!

Time limit: None

Rewards: Diary of the florist,Sunheart Locket× 1.

Rewards allocated to group leader, Chu Yunxi! ]

Yunxi calmy stared at the floating screen Infront of her, coolly. Nalan's eyes were star studded as she stared at the rewards, while Liena's eyes kept twitching.

Liena looked at Yunxi, a smile yet not a smile emerged on her face. " Hmm…Group leader~" She called out in a lustful tone. Her eyes changed between pink and purple.

With the speed of light, an ice needle moved forward towards Liena. She quickly docked down. Nalan's attention was caught as she stared at the nonchalant looking Yunxi, and a terrified Liena.

Liena stood up , and turned around. Behind her was an ice needle stuck to the wall, slowly freezing it. She turned to face Yunxi and gulped down her saliva. "I..a..m.. Sorry! "

Yunxi just stared at her without answering. Liena's body trembled in fear, sweat trickled down her chin, as she waited for an answer. The tension in the hut increased as seconds ticked.

Meanwhile, Yunxi was staring at the Floating screen in front of her.


[Item Information]

Item : Phantom steps

Rank: A

Availability: rare

Restrictions :-

Damage: -

Description: A pair of black flare-heeled boots. When wearing these boots, your steps are halfway through an ethereal plane. They make no sound, leave no trace, and they don't trigger traps or magic effects that require you to step on them.

Condition: Healthy!

Effect: Once a day, you can click your heels and move through other objects and creatures as if they were invisible.

Time limit: As long as the host is not bleeding!

Weakness: -

[ End of Item's Information]


[Item Information]

Item : Backpack Of Sharing

Rank: B

Availability: Uncommon

Restrictions : -

Damage: -12 Vitality ( When a stranger touches it)

Description: A black backpack made by the intricate workmanship of a master Craftsman.

Condition: Full of life!


Time limit: -

Weakness: Fire

[ End of Item's Information]


[Item Information]

Item : Lying through the teeth

Rank: B

Availability: Uncommon

Restrictions : -

Damage: -

Description: A set of porcelain dentures.

Condition: Full of life!

Effect: The user can hold these once a day to gain advantage of a deception check.

Time limit: As long as the host is breathing.

Weakness: Bad breath

[ End of Item's Information]


[Item Information]

Item : Blue tearstone ring

Rank: A

Availability: rare

Restrictions : -

Damage: -

Description: A black ring with a large rare tearstone jewel embedded in it. One out of the set of rare rings.

Condition: Full of life!

Effect: Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.

Time limit: -

Weakness: Level 50

[ End of Item's Information]


[Item Information]

Item : Sunheart locket

Rank: SS

Availability: Legendary

Restrictions : Mage

Damage: -360 damage to Vitality ( evil creatures suffer fire damage)

Description: A heart shaped locket, which shines like the brilliance of the sun. Wearers gain advantage on disease saving throws. This locket can be used ten times a day , and can only be charged while bathed in dawn's first light.

Condition: In fine feathers!

Effect: On command: Sacred flame, Aura of vitality, Fire shield, Mass cure wounds, Greater restoration, Heal, regenerate, True resurrection ( only once): When the spell is used, the locket shatters and the brilliant light is lost forever.

Time limit: After ten usage.

Weakness: An evil creature with a higher rank.

[ End of Item's Information]

Yunxi looked at the displayed items deeply.'They all fall into the support lane.'

" Mas..ter…" Liena stuttered out.

Hearing her voice, Yunxi snapped out of her thinking and looked towards Liena with worried eyes. " What's wrong?"