Li Xiaomi

Hearing Yunxi's voice, Liena trembled. Her waterfall hair cascaded down, covering her face.

Yunxi blinked twice, and looked towards Nalan, whose eyes were on her. Nalan shaked her head, and Yunxi got the message: She had no idea what happened.

Yunxi sighed in defeat, and walked up to Liena. She moved the strands of hair blocking her face behind her ear. Liena was still refusing to look into Yunxi's eyes.

Yunxi grabbed her chin, and raised her head up. Liena's eyes were glittering with unshed tears. As Yunxi gazed into her eyes, she saw the frozen wall behind, and realized what happened.

" What were you trying to do ?" Her voice was stern, and authoritative.

Liena looked elsewhere, and shaked her head.

Yunxi had had enough, and firmly gripped her chin, and turned her face back to the position she wanted. Now, they were staring into each other's eyes.

" Words." Yunxi said coldly.

Liena's trembling became evident. She was trembling like a leaf, and Nalan had to wipe her eyes to see more clearly.

" I…ahh!" Liena winced in pain as Yunxi increased the strength in her grip.

" I wanted to whip you to submission!!" Liena screamed out. Her chest heaved up as she breathed.

" What..?!!!" Nalan's mouth opened wide in surprise. ' Whip Chu Yunxi..? How dare you!'

" Why? " Yunxi calmly asked. Her reaction was unfazed, like she was expecting that response. The attack earlier was due to the new skill she gained after hours of meditation, ' Mana Sense' . Any Mana with bad intentions aimed at her would be countered by an attack of her own , regardless of whether she is aware or not.

Liena bit her lip and answered Yunxi. The fear she was feeling had reduced. "Because.. I am clearly older than you, I should be the group leader."

Yunxi removed her hand , and stepped back. " I was chosen because I am better at strategic thinking, and mental planning. I have the traits of a group leader. But don't worry, we will battle it out when you regain your real strength. Right now, I am stronger than you are. It would be one-sided. Okay ?"

Liena looked up and shyly answered."Okay.

Yunxi chuckled, amused with Liena's antics. She just discovered another side of Liena, which piqued her interest.

" Since we are good, we should come back to the mission at hand. "

Liena's expression changed back quickly to her serious face. It was as if she wasn't about to cry earlier. " They aren't watching here."

Yunxi nodded, and a small pink book appeared in her hand. It was the diary . The cover was decorated with sunflowers. Yunxi gestured for the two to come closer, before she opened the book.

The first page read:

{ It was another boring day at the University. I closed my eyes and leaned on the window sill, the sun rays spilling on my face. The boisterous noise my colleagues made was like a lullaby slowly drifting me to sleep.

Suddenly the noise stopped. I wondered what happened and opened my eyes. My black eyes collided with teal green ones, and I fell in love immediately. I fell in love with someone other than my flowers.

You know what they say about ' love at first sight'? ' It doesn't end well. But I was a romantic person, and disregarded it. I let my emotions control me, but I wasn't brave enough to say it. Well…maybe because I wasn't also beautiful enough. I didn't deserve him.

Him sitting beside me was also not helping. I couldn't focus on what was taught. The only thing I could think of was him. His smile, how his lips would lift into a beautiful arc …..}

Yunxi turned it to the next page .

{ I told my elder siblings and my mom about it, but they told me to focus on my study first. I loved my family so much, and followed their advice. But it was still hard , with him sitting beside me everyday.

As days went by, we became best friends and I was happy. Although he loved me as a friend, I didn't. I loved him, not as a friend but something more. Meeting him was a blessing in my life, he allowed me to see the world from different angles. I was so grateful to have been a part of his life.

His impact on me started having effects. My grades increased and I became more outspoken.}

{ Today, I am turning twenty! Finally, I would have my sweet freedom. Mom never allows me out of her sight…so protective! But ,I am not complaining. Afterall, I am the last child.

There was a great climate change these days, but that won't stop me from celebrating my birthday. I invited my friends and best friend.

We all had fun and partied to our heart's content. Late in the night, since we were having a sleepover, I finally mustered up my courage and confessed my true feelings to him. I didn't want to tell me at first, but I wanted an answer.

And I did get an answer. I was rejected horribly. He was my best friend just because I was brilliant. His words hurt me so much, and my family threw him out of our house in anger.

I cried and cried, until no tears could come out of my eyes. My family told me to forget about him. But, how could I ?!

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met. }

The writing stopped, and only blank pages remained, with spot of tears. It seemed that she couldn't write anything due to the grief she was feeling. Yunxi continued to Open the pages.

{ Our cat became wild and strange, but we thought it was some hormones at work. Mom was going to take him to the veterinarian the next day.

I came out of my room to get something from the kitchen. There, I found my mother lying in her own pool of blood, scratches all over her face and neck.

I stood rooted at the spot, and couldn't move. My mind went blank, as tears unconsciously streamed down my face.I was unaware of what was happening around, until my sister screamed out my name.

I turned around to see our cat lunging at me . Boom! Blood splashed on my face. I looked at my sister holding a gun with wide eyes. A bullet lodged in the heart of the cat.

She strapped the gun , and walked up to me fast. She pulled me into a hug , and slowly pulled me away from the kitchen.

" Xiaomi, everything is going to be alright. We are here. " She said. I was too distraught to understand what she was saying.

My brother examined my quiet countenance, and said I had developed severe trauma.

Everything happening around me …I could only see my mom on the floor…blood around her body. }

{Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you are generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes, your best investments are the ones you don't make.

Everyone awakened, but I didn't. My siblings love me . }

{ I am tired. Ah! I think I am dying from hunger. Maybe….I would see her soon!}

{ I miss my mother! I miss my twin siblings! How could they ?! How could they do this to them ?! How could he ?! He…they…. killed them?!

I don't regret the things I have done, I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance! }

{ I…will take vengeance for this! I don't care what I have to do .}