

I shouldn't have said those things to Eleanor. I can't have her playing with my mind where I'm so busy. I'm not the average college guy who can date anyone who he wants to. I can't go and party every night because I have a daughter to take care of.

Eleanor is very different. I thought she either would be a bitch or too good. I'm lost in my thoughts until I see Paris cribbing, I pick her up from her crib and bring her to my chest. She immediately calms down and keeps her chubby hand on my hair. I bring her hand down and kiss it. She's still a little fussy which means she's hungry.

I take her to the kitchen and try to make her milk with one hand. This is the most difficult task to do with her. I groan in irritation. I suddenly hear Eleanor's door open. She was still wearing the oversized t shirt from before. She entered the kitchen and took Paris from my arms and Paris actually didn't make a sound about it.

"Everyone needs some help sometimes Noah",she said while Paris was trying to get her hair in her hands. She immediately got tired of not having her hair so I think she sighed and rested her head on Eleanor's chest.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said. I know you're trying to help",I apologized and made the milk.

"Is your headache okay?",she asked.

"Uh no,but don't worry about it",I shakes the the bottle and squeeze a little drop to check the temperature.

"I can feed her, you can go rest", she took the bottle from my hand.

"Thanks, but you don't have to do that",I said.

"I love spending time with her, go before I make you",she threatened. She's so cute sometimes well always.

"Fine fine",I raise my hands and chuckle. She head backs to her room with Paris in her arms and her bottle. I sigh and go to my room. Maybe I'll get a little sleep.

I go to my bathroom and wash my face and look at myself in the mirror. Honestly I look so tired. I haven't had good sleep in many weeks. I didn't have Paris by a one night stand instead I had her with my girlfriend Violet. She was the typical blonde bimbo, I don't know why at the first place we started dating.

When we found out she was pregnant I knew our life was gonna change but I was ready for it. I didn't know that violet was gonna change so much. I didn't force her to have a child but I instead told her it was her choice because it was her body.


"Baby, calm down it's your choice okay?",I tried to calm her.

"What are we gonna do Noah, I don't want a child",she cried.

"Hey hey, it's gonna be okay, I'll be there with you in every step",I hugged her.


After sometimes Violet decided she'll have the baby but I didn't know she would just abandon her. I did everything to make her feel better. But after giving Paris birth she told me to have her custody since she didn't want to be her mother. I mean who says that. After discussing this case with my father's lawyer he told me that if I have this custody then Violet can never come and claim that Paris is her daughter.

I leave the bathroom and lay on my bed lost in my thoughts about Eleanor and Paris. They both became so close only knowing each other for just weeks. I don't when darkness consumed me.

I suddenly woke up with the thought of Paris. I was worried about her. I know that Eleanor would take care of her but still. I leave my room and knock at her room but I hear no reply. I slowly open the door and tiptoe inside just to see Paris sleeping on top of Eleanor. I let them sleep and head to cook dinner.

I start cooking some spaghetti for dinner and it takes around 30 minutes to do it. I serve the food on the dining table and go to wake up Eleanor. I go to her room and see her sleeping with Paris. I tap her a little to wake her up, she opens her eyes and see Paris sleeping on her. She then gently picks up and sets her down to sleep on the bed and keeps a pillow beside her.

I raise my eyebrows at her as she leaves the room and points me to come outside too.

"Is your headache okay?",she asks and rubs her eyes.

"Yeah, thanks for taking care of Paris",I cleared my throat. "I also made some dinner, why don't you get fresh and eat?",I asked.

"Sure,thanks". She goes back into her room and I wait outside for her. Few minutes later she comes back with a high ponytail and a change of clothes.

"So what'd you make?,she asks while her ponytail was swinging in the air. I would love to pull on her hair while pounding into her. Shut up! She's your roommate.

"See for yourself,I even served it for you",I chuckled.

She giggled "you're a man full of surprises",she pats my back. She's so small compared to me.

We walk over to the dining table and I pull out a chair for her sit. She looks at me giggling "you are a sweetheart sometimes aren't you?",she asked. I just tried to ignore the question and went to the kitchen and brought some parmesan cheese to top on the pasta.

"So tell me something about yourself?"she takes a bite out of the pasta.

"My name is Noah and I am a business student in University of Chicago", I said.

"Everyone knows that, I'm your roommate for the next 1 and a half years I should know somethings", she smiled.

"Well that's for you to find out slowly",I take a bite from my pasta. After eating she gets up and picks up the plates and heads to the kitchen.

"Wait, you don't need to wash the plates",I stopped her.

"It's fine, you cooked so I can wash",she started washing the plates with water and keeping them aside. "I'm gonna keep them in the dishwasher so it's fine",she washes her hands and walks over to the refrigerator.

I lean back on the counter and see what she's doing. She takes out a box of chocolate covered strawberries and brings them to me. I raise my eyebrows at her but she then bites into on of the strawberries. She smiles and takes another strawberry and offers me but I deny. I see the corner of her lip was covered in chocolate so lean down and whisper "I'd rather eat it from here",I lick the chocolate of the lip and her body tenses.

"Then you should do it properly ",she leans into me and as soon as I reach to kiss her we hear a cry from paris and pull back from each other

"Fuck",we both whisper and I leave to bring paris here leaving Eleanor in the kitchen.
