A small bug skittles across the sand moving with agility and caution. Every few moments it would burrow itself in the sand to hide then pop out a few meters away.
It lifted its mouth into the air and caught the scent of something. Turning its direction to its source. It quickly scuttled towards the scent of food in this barren place of death.
It finally arrived at source of the scent, it saw others just like it already licking the blood of a wound opened by a larger creature.
Seeing comrades it happily ran up to them and began to eat the blood dripping down with great relish.
Other small creatures began to find themselves to this new source of food, one by one they would find an exposed part and start eating.
Soon a large lizard with six legs and head on top of its body approached it saw the unmoving body and paid no attention to it but set its eyes on the countless critters resting on the body.
It's long tongue began hanging out and it began to drool seeing the rest before him, it went into a mad dash as it headed towards the largest congregation of bugs.
It had just put one foot onto a protruding mound of sand when suddenly the sand exploded and a man who's looks were deformed and bleeding burst out of the sand.
Countless bugs were sent flying and it literally began raining bugs. This large lizard was shocked first by the body suddenly rising then its dream of it having rain bugs come to fruition.
With its dream becoming reality it neglected the human being who was slowing getting himself up. The lizard if it could smiles would be grinning wildly as it frolicked and jumped up to occasionally snap up a juicy fat bug.
Gareth was having the same dream again. He was knocked off a vehicle and flung into a large sandstorm. There his armour protected him from being torn to shreds by the razor sharp sand flying at incredible speed.
Inside he fell into a large blue light where he was subjected to extreme torture. His body would be morphed liked playdough and spat out looking like a freak. Then he would be swallowed again and pulled apart into millions of fragments. His mind was still active and he could feel the connection with all his fragmented body and they all sent him one signal, PAIN!
He would constantly be swallowed dissembled reassembled and spat out. With the rare occasion of him being assembled back to normal however due to his mind being a mess he couldn't move his body in time before being swallowed again by another passing blue light.
He didn't know what time it was before he could consciously survey his surrounding while still being subjected to insane indescribable amounts of pain. When he finally got his body returned back to normal he managed to move away from a moving blue light.
Finally able to survey his surroundings he saw an indescribable scene. Countless blue lights of different proportions moving at different speeds in a background full of whitish blue threads.
A tiny portion of a segment of the threads would fray and a strange creature akin to a squid would emerge and absorb the frayed end into their body.
He could barely see a strange semi visible field that surrounded every blue thread. While he observed he unintentionally got part of his foot to enter one of the transparent fields. The next thing he knew his foot had disappeared. He just felt a short numbing sensation before it disappeared.
Gareth asked himself, "where have I ended up?"