20 gathering materials

Within 2 hours various disheveled skinny people shuffled through the tent, seeing the person in charge they shivered and bowed. The commander asked them to get up and requested their help, he also ordered the soldiers to give them some food and water. With great appreciation the group of scrawny individuals gobbled up the food and asked how they could help.

Sharing the plan, the group praised the great idea before requesting that they need a map and their equipment. With a relevant order soldiers came back carrying strange devices, the group began to turn into grump old people yelling at them to be careful and not touch things arbitrarily.

Of course a careless soldier damaged some equipment and he was sent to shovel feces at the temporary latrine.

After careful set up the experts began to work identifying the terrain and finding traces of wildlife while the botanists would assist with some details like what animals were attracted to.

The images of various creatures intimidated the military personal while those big family representatives had scared themselves silly some wetting or soiling themselves. Some had feinted from fear, the soldiers were trying hard to hold back their laughter while either dragging or escorting the representatives out.

When they all left there was growl of laughter that ring through the tent, almost every one of them had suffered from the hands of these people and seeing them embarrass themselves it was a great relief. Even the old commander was smiling a bit, it seemed that even he had his fair share of troubles with those people.

Finally a list was compiled and given to the person in charge, there was an imperceptible frown on his face but it vanished. He just asked "is this enough."

The group all nodded their heads readily if it weren't for the commander having a big authority they might even want to yell at him for questioning their judgement.

Soon the soldiers had gotten the list and was about to set off to find things that would attract these beasts. The botanists and wildlife experts were constantly stressing the importance of handling the different substances. Some of the soldiers had to doused with foul smelling nauseous substances beforehand which greatly displeased them. Gareth chuckled when he saw that scene he had also wallow in beast residue from time to time. Many of the botanists and wildlife experts had wanted to go with them but only a couple of them eventually left with the soldiers the rest sent their assistants instead.

The assistants were instructed to tell the soldiers what to do and how to handle the equipment and were allowed to yell at them as much as they like.

These assistants were surprised and overjoyed, being able to yell at soldiers after being yelled at their teachers for years was a kind of release for them.

Soon they all headed out, and it constantly attracted attention due to the constant yelling of the scientific personnel. Gareth himself couldn't wait for them to come back and listen to their experiences, he knew that in his desperate time he had also taken extreme measures to survive.

5 hours later the group had returned, many had pale faces and white complexion, some had to stroll back naked covered in various organic matter. The scientific personal seemed to have a great field day, their smiles on their faces seem to indicate that this was a common thing to them, there were some exceptions to that as some of the soldiers had misstepped or alerted the various wildlife and were still being scolded as they returned. Looks of embarrassment was evident and some had sacrificed an arm, leg or even both.

Still with the advanced technology of humanity it was possible to grow a new arm and leg with not to many differences.

Of course there were a few complaints from the personnel which caused some soldiers who thought they had gotten away with lackluster effort or shoddy workmanship sent to disciplinary are for punishment. Although everyone returned, the experience was not very pleasant.

Gareth listened to the experiences of some soldiers while reminiscing of his own encounters, some soldiers had to crawl into strange openings which they later realised that it was the anus of some strange creature. Other soldiers had to act in a strange manner then get molested by different body parts, while some had to eat some regurgitated object. Each story was equally disgusting, one soldier had to jerk off an alpha male cryptbeast, it had numerous genitalia and by the time he was done he was simply covered in foul smelling fluid. Others had it lucky and only had to roll in some droppings, wear some animal parts or put some strange plants on their body.

All the soldiers wanted to take a shower, while others soon began developing strange symptoms and were sent to the sickbay. The assistants all chuckled from every soldiers reaction, saying how it reminded them when they first started.

With the various strange organic substances collected new soldiers went to take inventory and have a debrief, this time they were to sneak into the bandit camp. As the experts were not allowed to come with them this time, they were especially serious on how to deal with each substance. Gareth volunteered to assist and only after diligent persuasion was he reluctantly allowed to go. His job was to carry a few eggs and put it in the food supply, if he could make some of the bandits eat them that would be even better. Anyone eating the eggs would release a subtle fragrance that was detectable by the parents of the eggs so it was clear what would happen next.

Of course he would supervise the other soldiers with his experience as per agreed upon.