Chapter 23 - The prank that led the way.

Jia and Jack's attentive eyes had caught them leaving the dance floor.

Immediately, Jia left the floor and followed suit, followed by Jack. The other guard seemed to immediately be making a call to someone. They had only reached halfway towards the lift when she caught up with them.

She immediately withdrew Liqin from the girl's shoulder and looked at his face placing her hands on his shoulder. Liqin suddenly realized the identity of the other girl near him, and pushed her aside, and laid his head on Jia's shoulder.

Thud! The other girl fell to the ground. Zhao Qiang immediately rushed and helped her stand up.

Zhao Qiang bowed down, apologized, and said, "I am sorry for the misunderstanding."

The manager had also reached by then, along with several security officers.

Jia pointed to the girl, who was the cause of the incident, and said, "Jack, could you guide this lady and her friends, till we investigate the truth of the matter?"

The girl resisted, and said, "Whom do you think you are meddling with?"

Jack looked down at her and then politely answered, "Miss, if you do not want a police intervention, then it would be in your best interests to co-operate with us."

Zhao Qiang gestured, with a stern look, and said, "It would be in your best of interests, to co-operate till we find the truth out. Trust me, I will ensure you are secure Chynna."

"Has she won you over with a single dance?"

Zhao Qiang shook his head and replied, "No one can take the place that you have in my life. Trust me, it is for your own interest, that I am asking you to comply."

Chynna sighed and said, "Fine." She then followed the security to the special room, where the whole group was detained.

As she was out of sight Zhao Qiang turned to Jia and said, "I am sure there was no intent to hurt him in any manner on their part. I am extremely sorry for the turn of events. Do you need assistance in helping him back to the suite?"

"Jack will be assisting him back to the suite. I think you should be getting back to your friend to gauge the exact turn of events."

Zhao Qiang paused and replied, "Fine, I will take my leave then."

Jia was as fierce as a lioness protecting her cubs when it came to the security of her near and dear ones and was fearless when the situation demanded. She was also trained in taekwondo.

After Qiang was out of sight, she looked at the manager, and said, "Well, Sam could you explain how the heir to the hotel got drugged in his own resort?

I didn't react before them, because the reputation of the resort would have been at stake. That girl seems from an affluent family. Get the evidence ready before the arrival of their guardians. I give you fifteen minutes to browse through the security for evidence."

Jack returned in the meanwhile, and said, "Let us take him to the suite before things get worse. I just found out from the boy, that they drugged him to win a bet. It was a prank, that resulted out of a bet amongst the friends. A doctor is on his way."

Jack held Liqin and took the lift to the suite while Sam gave orders to the security unit for gathering evidence.

Jia looked at Sam, and said, "Don't involve the police, as it was only a prank. Ask them to call their guardians for a briefing."

She pointer her finger to him and asserted, "None of them should leave before their wards reach. They need to be taught a lesson so that history is not repeated with anyone else. Also investigate the security lapses, if any, and take actions where required. Kindly prepare a detailed course of action to brief Mr. Li Bao and Mr. Chang Liqin on the same tomorrow morning."

The last statement sent shivers down the spine of the staff, and they all got into action. The very thought, that the nephew of the Li household had been drugged in his own hotel, was ground enough for some stringent actions, for all those involved.

Back in the conference room Chynna and the group were waiting restlessly pondering over the course of action, that would be taken against them.

Zhao Qiang was angry with Chynna, over her immature and childish behavior, and had already called her father, and apprised him of the situation who assured her of help on the way.

One of the security officers in charge, informed them sarcastically, "You guys have the guts to drug the nephew of the chairman of the Li Empire."

This statement of the security officer got all of them nervous, and they were now sure, that they would not get support, even from their guardians in their favor.

The security officers, in the meanwhile, got the evidence, that they required, for action to be initiated and prepared for briefing the guardians on the turn of events.

Jia quickly traced her steps back to the suite, where Jack had been. She walked in, picked up two glasses of cold water, and helped Liqin drink it as he continued blabbering, "I need to confess something to you, Jia."

Sam called up, and informed Jack, "It was unearthed, that the kids had already placed a bet before reaching the resort to play the prank, and was already in possession of the said drug. The drink was passed on by the group to one of their own; hence the steward without hesitation passed the laced drink to them."

In the meanwhile, the doctor arrived, and checked, and said, "It's a mild dosage. The impact will subside in some time. Give him a cold bath."

After the doctor left, Jack helped Jia to reach Liqin to the bath and opened the shower.

Jia turned around and instructed Jack, "I'll take care of things down here. You go down, and ensure, that the kids are reprimanded well, by their guardians."

Jack walked back to the lounge, where the guardians were waiting with the wards. He informed them of their wards' wrongdoing, and also produced the CCTV surveillance as evidence to incriminate them.

The wards, on being satisfied with the evidence apologized and requested them to be handed over to them, for a strict reprimand and introspection.

Jack agreed, and handed them over to the wards as per the instruction of Jia, and said, "You should be grateful to the heirs of the Li Empire for not initiating a criminal investigation."

Zhao Fai, the father of Zhao Chynna, requested an audience with them, and Jack responded, "I need to check with them before I commit. You can give me your number; I will get back to you if they oblige."

Mr. Li Enlai, and I have had a long-standing business relationship since the layout of the resort had been planned."

Zhao Qiang took the lead, walked ahead, and said, "We would like to extend our sincere apologies in this regard. It was just a prank on the part of some immature kids.

I am extremely sorry, to not have been able to initiate a timely action to avert the same. Hope it can be overlooked, as their immaturity for once, without it being investigated further."

Zhao Fai extended his hand and added, "I understand, that it would not be the appropriate time to seek an apology, from the parties aggrieved, however, I believe, that we should not conclude, without seeking an official apology from the aggrieved party in person.

Moreover, the children needed to be taught a lesson, so as to not to indulge in such dangerous activities."

Jack shrugged and responded, "This would not be the right time, as anger would overrule wisdom. I would appreciate it if you could give me the chance to make an appointment for you. This matter, at present, is already settled with your sincere apologies."

Zhao Qiang gestured to Zhao Fai, and he replied, "Fine we will do as you say."

They agreed, and exchanged visiting cards with Jack, and left with their wards.