Chapter 27 - The warm proposal.

As they reached the resort, Bao asked, "What are your plans for the evening?"

"We plan to have a candlelight dinner. Why don't you join us?"

Bao looked at her, and then exchanged glances with Liqin, and said, "Don't you think I would be the third fiddle tonight? You guys enjoy yourself. I would prefer the warm solitude of my hot spa, with some books, and dinner in my suite tonight."

Bao checked his watch and added, "It is already two o'clock, let's have a quick lunch together before I leave for the meeting."

After they finished their lunch, Bao left to prepare for the meeting, and Liqin and Jia, withdrew to the warmth of their room to take a nice nap.

As they entered the room, Jia said, "It was quite hectic today."

"I will just take a fresh bath, and come back."

As he returned after the bath, he said, "It's your turn now."

As she walked into the bath, Liqin sat down and checked some of his emails.

As Jia walked out of the bath drying her hair, she saw him checking his mails with his hair still wet, she took his towel, and said, "How can you sit like this with your hair so wet? You might catch a cold."

Liqin smiled, and said, "Well, someone had pampered me, and committed to dry my hair daily."

Jia picked up the towel and responded, "Then you need to go find that person out."

As she turned, he held her by hands, and pulled her into his arms, and said, "Well, I would enjoy being pampered by you."

She picked the towel, and started drying his hair, and said, "Here you go. I need a reward after this."

Liqin laughed, as her gentle hands caressed his hair, and said, "I have only one reward with me at present."

Jia looked at his naughty smile, and said, "Why do I have a feeling, that I need to run from here?"

As she started to wiggle out, he held her more tightly, and lay a peck tenderly on her left cheek, then on her right cheek, and then on her forehead, and said, "Well, those are three, and the fourth one is—"

Before he completed the statement, he landed a tender moist peck on her lips, and said, "Does that count? I think it falls short of a reward."

The tender moist touch of those peach-pink petals of love made the otherwise carefree, and extrovert Jia blush, and she dared not to gaze into those deep eyes earnestly seeking for her.

Liqin, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy this bliss of change in her, from an extrovert and bold young girl to a shy and blushing young lady, that evoked a joy beyond measure, and a feeling of knowing her more deeply, and closely.

As she got up and prepared to leave, he once again pulled her into his embrace, and gazed into her eyes, which were filled with love for him, and looked unto him with yearning.

He held her head with the palms of his hand, and bend down to moisten her rosebud partition with his, as they bloomed in unison, removing petal after petal, with deep hues of love. The fragrance of peppermint in his wet hair locks, blended with the fragrance of lavender in hers, as her long locks entangled with his curls.

After a moment of bliss, Liqin paused, and blurted, "Well, I think we might end up crossing our boundaries in this manner. That is not appropriate now. You take a rest. I have some discussions to be completed with Bao."

Jia was stunned and looked unto him for answers with her prying eyes over his sudden change of demeanor.

Realizing the situation, he said, "You know I respect you as much as I love you. I would want to spend every moment with you in my arms, but not just because of me wanting you, but because of me being responsible for you. I want an intimacy based on love, and responsibility, rather than on the base of a lustful moment of togetherness. That is a kind of responsible, loving feeling, that ripens, matures, and blooms as time passes, rather than fading with time."

Before another statement could be said, Jia hugged him tightly, and said, "I would be honored to spend my life with you."

The clock seems to have stopped, in honor of their love for each other, as they stood still in embrace, to be interrupted by a call on the mobile of Liqin.

Liqin quickly picked up the call as the display showed Jack, and answered, "Is it done, Jack?"

He replied, after a statement from Jack, and said, "I will be down in half an hour."

He walked up to the closet to change, and said, "You take some rest. I have some work down there, first with Jack, and then with Bao."

As he prepared to leave, Jia hugged him, and said, "Come back soon. You need some rest too."

It was past six o'clock in the evening when Jia finally woke up to find a bouquet, placed near her head, with a gift box and card, that read, "Meet me at seven o'clock in the evening, at the garden near the hot springs, for an evening to remember."

Stunned Jia thought, "What could this guy be up to now? Well, I need to be dressed to my best."

She picked the box, untied the ribbon, and opened it to find a beautiful lavender full-length silk gown, self-embroidered with Swarovski crystals, with a portrait neckline, and a laced back, sequined with Swarovski.

Inside the box was another jewelry box, that had writing on it in Liqin's handwriting, which said, "A jewelry to the jewel of my life." She opened it to find a beautiful amethyst necklace.

She held her head and thought for a moment, "Is he planning to propose tonight? If so, I need to dress to my best."

An hour passed in preparation for the evening, and as she stood before the mirror, she looked gorgeous, with her hair tied in a bun to match the elegance of the gown and the amethyst necklace.

As she admired herself, there was a knock on the door. She opened, to find Bao looking stunned in awe, as he said, "Is the princess ready, for an evening to remember?"

Jia laughed, and said, "Yes. Of course! What are you guys up to?"

Bao smiled and replied, "That's the surprise of the evening. You look stunning in that dress. Liqin knows you too well, to choose what looks good on you, and matches your taste as well."

Jia pointed to her dress and necklace and asked, "Did he choose these? —When? —Wait a minute. You guys spent your time shopping in the afternoon."

Bao shook his head and replied, "Yes! You guessed it right. Can we proceed now? I don't think we should keep him waiting, after all these efforts."

Jia walked to the garden, accompanied by Bao. As they stepped onto the entrance of the garden by the pool, the lights went on. The complete pathway was sprinkled with petals of pink, and red hue, arched with rice lights, that lighted the whole garden. A troupe of musicians played the song 'A thousand years.'

As they reached inside the garden, there was a huge heart sprinkled with red rose petals, and bordered with petals with a pink hue.

Liqin was waiting in the garden, looking stunning in a black tuxedo and a bow tie, with a billion-dollar smile, that could win a million hearts. He, however, was waiting for the only one heart to be his forever.

As Bao and Jia entered, Liqin held out his hand, for Jia to hand over hers, as she walked up the steps, that reached to the table laid with an off-white satin table cloth decorated with fragrant candles.

Bao turned to then said, "Well, my responsibility ends here, I would like to leave you both to each other now. Have a nice evening."

As he walked away Liqin said, "I am so blessed to have him as my best friend, and brother."

Jia smiled and replied, "That's true. We owe him for all, that he did for us."

As she completed her sentence, the music changed to 'I wanna grow old with you.' Liqin stood up and asked her for a dance. As she handed over her hand, a glow of love shone on her face, and with every step they took, time stood still in awe of their love.

As the music ended, Liqin looked into her eyes, and then went on his knees removing a ring from his pocket, and said, "Jia, I want to grow old, with you in my arms."

With tears of joy in her eyes, for the years of waiting, since the high school days, that she cherished him, she said, "Me too." She then held out her hand for the ring. He then sealed her forever, with a blue heart-shaped sapphire.

As they held each other in the warmth of each other's embrace, an era of solitude paved the way for the dawn of blissful companionship.

As they retired for the day, to the peaceful ambiance of their suite with her head on his shoulder, and arm in arm, Jia said, "Let's call mom and dad, and inform them."

Liqin looked at her, and said, "Now?"

Jia shook her head and said, "Yes."

They called their respective parents and guardians, and informed them of their decision, and sealed their joy with their approval.

Liqin then hugged her tightly and said, "Let us inform Bao about it." Jia replied, "Yes."

They then called Bao and shared their joy of receiving approval from their parents, and guardians.

As the first rays of the dawn, spread its golden wings into the suite of Liqin and Jia, Liqin woke up and lay there staring at her. The pink peach satin gown complemented her fair complexion. Her face shone in the full glory of the sunlit room.

He bowed down gave a peck on her forehead, and said, "I can wait till the ceremony."

As his tenderness touched her forehead, she opened her eyes with a smile, and said, "Good morning. What were you saying?"

Liqin brushed through her hair and said, "I just said, that I can wait till the ceremony."

Jia held his face with her palms and said, "Wow! I am proud to be the owner of this special creation."

Liqin smiled back and said, "Thank you. I am honored too."