Chapter 1

The heavy smell of different inks, types of papers, and a variety of leather flooded the entire massive grand hall; Filled with bookshelves containing numerous books, scrolls, stone slates and parchments made by different materials of various sizes and shapes.

Dozens or maybe almost a hundred people were moving around the hall carrying or moving the books and other things. But they made almost no sound by doing so as if to not disturb the people who were sitting around the hall either reading, writing something or discussing with others and even they did not make any sound as if they were only moving their lips or being capable of reading other's mind.

Most of the people here were old and even those that appeared somewhat young, their eyes showed differently. Just like most of these old people, by the somewhat isolated corner with fewer people, an old man was writing on what appeared to be a diary or a book.

He was using a simple table made of unknown wood which was filled with different types of reading materials. Even the surrounding tables and floor were filled with scrolls and books but nobody came up to him complaining about it.

The old man had a head full of white hair reaching his back, and brown eyes which were slightly cloudy maybe due to old age. He was sitting there wearing simple white coloured clothing which resembled a robe.

Sitting slightly bent on the chair he leaned towards his left side as wrote by his right hand while still using his left hand to draw some obscure drawings and symbols in circular or in different shapes. His eyes appeared cloudy as if he was out of focus but his hands were moving extremely fast for someone of his age.

He finished filling the book in front of him after some time and casually placed it behind him where some other similar books were placed in stacks numbering hundreds. Nobody came to pick those books behind or around him for that matter.

A new and clean book filled with white papers appeared in front of him again and he started to write on it using both of his hands. While he was doing his writings a man slowly walked towards him.

He looked around the age of 30 but mannerisms of a much older person as he walked. When he appeared or how he appeared was unknown.

The people in the hall did not even look in his direction aside from some young people who bowed their heads slightly towards him. As if he did not notice them bowing he continued walking and the young people raised their heads after some time without any discomfort or annoyance.

After reaching around 2-3 from the old man who was writing the man stopped and continued to stand there with hands behind his back.

The man standing there had short grey hair and orange coloured eyes which made him appear quite strange. Just like the old man he was wearing a simple blue robe and had a small brooch in the shape of a brush attached near his chest.

Aside from that, he did not have any noticeable ornament on him.

Time passed and people in the Grand hall slowly took their leave and were replaced by others but there were now considerably fewer than before. The old man slowly closed the book he was writing and placed it aside as he began cleaning up what appeared to be his pen.

The man standing there finally moved forward and picked up a book placed on the table but the old man continued to clean his pen slowly with a white cloth.

Even though he was cleaning the pen the piece of cloth did not get stained by the ink from the tip of the pen. Soon he put the cloth aside and closed the pen with its cover.

The man slowly opened the book and read some pages while the old man leaned back against his chair with his eyes closed. After some time the man opened his mouth while still reading the book.

"Are you sure about leaving the sect?"

His voice sounded a bit rough but at the same time pleasing to the ears. Hearing the man talk the old man kept his eyes close and slowly talked.

"You know the time has come for me. There is no need for an old man like to continue staying here just for the sake of it."

Both of them did not show any emotion or expression on their faces as they talked and kept doing what they were.

"There are still some things you could do here. The younger generation will need someone like you even if it is for a limited time."

The man reading the book said slowly after hearing the old man.

"Most of the things I could be useful for are all written here in these tomes, the young children will find them if fate allows them to."

The old man said calmly to the man and continued leaning on his chair while keeping his eyes close.

The man sighed slowly and said.

"The fate could also take these tomes away if it set its mind to it."

"But would it dare to do so?"

The old man said without any concern.

The man turned his eyes away from the book for a moment to look at the old man and flipped the page soon after.

"I guess it would not. Where will you be?"

The old man slowly opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling of the grand hall. The ceiling looked like a sky filled with stars and planets as well as some diagrams made by stars.

After some time passed the old man said.

"Who knows? Maybe some mortal countryside village filled with old people?"

Time passed and the grand hall began to fill in again with people. But nobody minded them as if they were invisible.

The man also stopped reading the book, placed it on the table and raised his head to look at the stars on the ceiling. His voice sounded the same without much emotion.

"We still need you here or the casualties will not lessen."

His voice sounded the same without much emotion even though it sounded like he was talking about the lives of people.

The old man still showed no emotion himself while saying.

"It is sad but not possible for me to stay any longer. I've already lost whatever powers I had this time."

Time passed but both of them stayed silents staring at the ceiling.

The younger man finally moved his gaze from the ceiling and looked at the old man while saying.

"Then I suppose this is farewell."

"I've recorded most of my studies and discoveries into these tomes but saved some of them for my future student."

The man showed no emotion while saying in a slightly rough voice.

"The future student? Is there anyone from the sect, or somewhere else?"

"I've not found any but maybe in the near future. But you can go ahead and place these tomes free of restriction, aside from the more forbidden ones."

"They will be proceeded by the elders after some time."

"Maybe I'll send some talents here later if I encounter any in my journey."

The man said nothing and started to walk away from the old man while the old man kept sitting there watching the stars.