Chapter 2

The Edgekeep town was situated near the mountain range and forest. As a town closest to the forest merchants and brave adventurers seeking fortune in the forest would stop by for rest as well as to make some money.

The town did not have any speciality or attraction other than the forest which had herbs, beasts, as well as some rare trees which only grew inside the forest. But the town's chief was a kind man known for his kindness and bravery so few conflicts arouse inside the town.

Because it was a remote town, the kingdom did not pay much attention to it but the chief always made sure to always keep the town safe. He was known to be a retired royal knight who apparently served the previous king but due to injuries he received over the years, resigned his position as a royal knight.

But as opposed to living a luxurious life in the capital he chose this remote town. The reason being his wife, who was born here but died shortly after giving birth to their second child.

It was not permitted for royal knights to marry in normal circumstances but the king made some exceptions for his long services. Even after his retirement, the chief served the royal family as a knight instructor at the academy for some years.

As his children grew up he asked the king for the position as chief in this town and the king granted him. He moved to this town for about three decades now, his eldest son became a knight under his father's instruction and moved to the capital to serve the royal family again.

His second child who was his daughter married another knight serving the crown prince from the kingdom who sacrificed himself in the war. After being widowed she moved here along with her son and her husband's parents who were only farmers.

The chief cared for the town just like his own children and even built a small school for children for free. Along with the connections he made during his service he asked for his colleagues some help setting a proper water system and searched for some mines nearby.

He even recommended some talented youths to the knight academy in the capital and because of that the people always praised the chief for his kindness.

It was the end of summer and winter was just around the corner so people began waking up early to do extra work and preparing for the winter. But because the chief always made some preparations nobody was much worried about the food shortage.

"Are you sure about the child? Can we afford it at this time? The miss might not like if I were to take a leave from work." the woman's low voice could be heard from a small house.

"I will think of something, the lord would definitely listen to us if we plead." The morning light seeped into the small house by the widow showing a couple arguing about the soon to be born child.

The population of Edgekeep was not high but just around thousand not including the travellers. So people did not have to worry about finding a job, but it also made the pay smaller compared to other developed towns and cities. So people would feel burdened if they could not work because of some reason.

This couple, in particular, had just recently married and were expecting a child but prices in the market recently shot up because of war with the neighbouring kingdom. And as it was a town close to the forest which was a good source of materials, its market also showed some changes.

The husband worked for the town chief as a guard and the wife was a simple maid to the chief's daughter. Even though the chief and his daughter were kind and did not abuse their power on commoners, they still feared the chief would fire the wife if she could not do her job properly.

After some light breakfast, the couple changed into their working clothes and prepared to move out of the house. The house was not in a great location but just beside a small river moving through the town.

Aside from a couple of other houses, there was not any particular about this area. It was cheap to live here than in the town centre where only somewhat rich people lived.

Just as the couple was closing the door after leaving they noticed the old man living beside them fishing in the river. He just moved here a couple of years ago before they got married. But the husband was a little familiar with the old man as this was his family house.

The old man was somewhat strange as he never interacted with other people too much and would be fishing beside the river all day almost every day of the week. But he would always greet people passing by or his neighbours whenever he saw them.

As expected the old man turned his head towards the couple greeted them. "Good morning. It is a great day today as always, are you going to work?"

The couple smiled at the old man as the husband reply." Yes, the chief decided to celebrate his grandson's birthday next month so all the workers in the mansion are busy for these few weeks."

The old chief was not fond of extravagant lifestyle but he doted on his grandson and could be seen praising him everywhere in the town whenever he got the chance to do so.

"Oh! I should prepare something as a gift for the little chief then." The old man said while showing a kind smile. Just as the couple thought the old man would return to his fishing as he always did, the old man opened his mouth again.

"Congratulations to both of you as well for the coming baby." The old man smiled at them as kindly as before but the couple was slightly astonished how the old man knew that as they only found out about the baby yesterday when they went to the village wisewoman because of his wife's discomfort.

The old man saw them standing stunned, he smiled again and said. "The wisewoman comes sometimes to have a chat with me and I'm also similar to a doctor."

The couple finally moved and looked at each other and turned to the old man again who still was not finished talking. "You can knock on my door anytime if you need anything."

The husband finally moved his body and bowed his head slightly to thank the old man. "Thank you, sir, we appreciate your kindness." The wife followed her husband and thanked the old man.

The old man waved his hand around saying." Don't worry about it, come in the evening after your work I will take a look."

The couple talked some more with the old man and shortly made their way towards the east part of the city where the chief and his daughter lived.

Seeing them moving further away the old man again looked into the river while murmuring to himself in a low voice. "The time is approaching, but it should be enough if the child is willing to learn from me."

After moving some distance from their house the wife could not help but ask her husband again. "I will apologize for the miss today and ask for the leave after few months."

The husband looked at his wife astonished but did not say anything for a while and kept walking with her. "Yes the miss is a kind woman, she will not be angry with you. Just do not be rude, I will also ask the lord chief if there's any extra work to do."

They discussed their plans as they moved slowly in the morning dew as people began appearing from their houses either going to their work or setting the stalls outside for the shops.