Chapter 3

Edgekeep greeted the morning and people began moving around. Damian woke up early as he always did and opened the windows to his bedroom.

As a chief, he had multiple servants waiting on him but he preferred to do his activities himself. In fact, he only had some old servants waiting on him and even they were only there to keep him company while playing board games or chatting.

Opening the window he observed the people of his little town bustling in the distance and travellers leaving the town early in the morning. Some were coming in his mansion's direction and circling around it to enter through the backdoor.

The people coming through the backdoor were the workers in the mansion and guards on duty for the day. Damian smiled as he watched the men and women moving about.

It had become his morning routine to watch the townsmen early in the morning after being appointed here as a town chief. His life did not have much joy aside from his wife and children, even so, he grew fond of this little town at the edge of the kingdom.

He sucked in the fresh cold air through the window and stretched his body a bit and drank some water placed beside his bed table.

Putting on his robe he made his way out of the bedroom barefooted, pushing open the bedroom door he walked out. There was nobody to disturb him early in the morning as he had already told his servants not to do so.

He walked out of the hallway and descended the stairs, the mansion was not grand but only a three-storey house just a bit bigger than other houses in the town. Damian's bedroom was on the second floor so he got down and was greeted by some servants and maids doing the morning chores.

The servants seeing their master coming down bowed slightly but not too much and continued doing their work. After working for the chief for years and understanding his personality the servants and townsmen knew their chief did not like an excessive show of respect.

The mansion was not filled with any luxurious gems or decor but simple wooden furniture and some old paintings hanging on the wall. Damian walked through the hallway and exited through his backward door entering the garden as well as the training ground he built for himself.

The garden was filled with many types of flowers and plants with different colours. The flowers sparkled with colours as he walked past them as if to greet him. The orange early sunlight made them look even more spectacular.

Damian smiled seeing the cheerful flowers in the garden reminding him of his wife. Who would always be attending to the flowers in the capital and the peaceful atmosphere created by her.

He built this garden to remind himself of his wife and the training ground for himself to spend some peaceful time. he approached his training field which was just about the size of a football field.

Aside from some stone rings resembling a combat arena, there was not anything else. After coming to the centre of the field Damian sat down and started his meditation alone.

His breathing was calm and steady as he inhaled and exhaled slowly in a rhythmic manner. As he continued to breathe in and out the sunlight scattered around him. The wind started to revolve around him, slowly it started to contract and expand around just like a heartbeat.

After a long time, the wind and the scattered sunlight around Damian contracted and expanded following his heartbeat. When the frequency reached the same as his heartbeat he opened his eyes slowly and exhaled a long breath.

Adjusting his breathing Damian stood up again and he joined his palms to each other in front of his chest. The dust around him got shoved away from him as if he was inside a transparent glass ball.

Nothing penetrated 2 metres around Damian aside from the sunlight. He stood motionlessly for some time with his eyes closed again.

The invisible shield around slowly started to vibrate and only calmed down as he loosened his palms and opened his eyes. His short brown hair vibrated slightly as soon as he opened his light brown eyes which shone with a yellow spark.

The spark in his eyes slowly faded away and he let out a long sigh. The invisible shield around him vibrated and finally, the dust flowed back in by the wind as if it was removed.

His body twitched from many places as soon as he sighed. Damian looked at his body twitching. "It still requires some time before being fully healed, and it does not even include the spiritual wounds."

His voice sounded a bit rough and hoarse at the same time somewhat weak. "Nevermind, the old age is catching up to me now, I just hope before my time comes I can feel my peak power again."

In just a few moments he calmed down and his voice became smooth and calm. After calming down he clapped his hands together causing the dust to scatter away from him again.

Stretching his body again he began exercising again, the exercise did not include any weights or equipment but only his body which was filled with muscles. He stood at a height of 6 and a half feet tall with a robust body, but not either much large or slim.

But even then as he moved his body slowly while exercising, it caused the wind to be generated around him revolving the dust again and the ground beneath his vibrated as if he was pushing the ground itself, but no cracks appeared on the ground. The sunlight flickered as it passed through the area around 5 metres of his body.

After finishing the body training after almost an hour he got up again. the whole training field was without any dust as if someone had just cleaned it up. Exhaling some air out he stretched his left arm out as a long wooden shaft appeared in his hand.

After moving around the shaft for some time his eyes sparkled again with light. He stomped the ground with his shaft, causing the ground to once again vibrated as soon as the shaft touched the ground.

But the vibrations did not exceed outside the training ground and were only kept inside of it otherwise even the mansion would've felt the vibrations. Lifting up the shaft he brandished it as if it was a spear and moved his body and performing his spear moves.

The shaft created a whooshing sound as it moved through the air, the surrounding space started to show lines crisscrossed as if it was being cut by a knife. The lines were disappearing as quickly as they appeared but in their place, new ones were made.

As the sun appeared fully over the horizon Damian slowed down his moving body and the shaft disappeared shortly after. Clasping his palms together again and stopping the training, he started walking again towards the garden with hands behind his back.

His clothes were soaked with sweat as he started walking but slowly they started to steam and the sweat was evaporated by the time he left the training field. Damian moved slowly as he approached the table placed in the garden and quietly sat down alone to relax.

An old servant pushed open the door slowly after some time as he carried a teapot and some cups and placed them on the table. The old servant stood beside the table quietly, he was an old man almost 60 years old with grey hair but he stood straight without any problems.

The wrinkles around on face showed the impact of time on his body. Damian used a wet towel beside the teapot to clean his hands and started to pour tea himself. "Come Louis sit down don't just stand there."

The old servant slowly sat opposite to him after Damian telling him. Damian put a cup in front of Louis as he pours again for himself. The old servant simple watched Damian as he poured the tea and sipped slowly and picked up his cup to his mouth.

They drank the tea slowly without talking as if they were strangers, halfway through they both turned their heads towards the garden entrance as a toddler ran towards them.

The toddler was not much old but only about a year old but he still ran without falling over. Seeing the toddler run towards them, both The master and servant smiled kindly.