Chapter 5

Edgekeep town might be at the remote corner of the kingdom but after their new chief arrived, he applied many of the ways the capital used to manage the town.

Sure it was not applied in the whole town because it was unnecessary to make the townsmen's lives more complicated. But he used them in his own mansion and some other important facilities to ensure that the people were getting fair treatment.

The elder Morris who sat behind the table to manage the whole servant quarters was a retired official and scholar from the capital and moved with Damian here to spend peaceful time.

He did his duty and work in a proper and just way so when the couple asked the leave permission he only told them to follow the proper procedure.

The couple was relieved hearing elder Morris. They knew about the rules here and had heard about people asking for leave but there were not many who used that.

Because people were afraid that they will lose their jobs or get their salaries shaved off after asking for a leave.

The couple bowed their head to the elder and were just about to leave when they heard him talking again this time to the wife.

"Young miss has made some arrangements for the pregnant servants working here. Do not forget to mention it in the reason and she will make some arrangements for you."

The couple was stunned at first and hastily thanked the elder as well as the young miss. They had heard that the young miss helped some people but those things were just rumours in the workplace and nobody announced them publicly.

Hearing this made them somewhat light-hearted because this solved some of the worries they had. They left after thanking elder Morris who merely nodded.

The couple separated after picking up their working items. The guards usually wore leather armours made from beasts found inside the forest. Not only were they flexible to be worn comfortably but also sturdy enough to protect from knives and arrows to a certain extent.

The town was not in danger of war and only had to deal with some animals running from the forest sometimes but even they were dealt with by the adventurers and was not much of a problem for the town.

As for weapons, the chief only allowed the use of wooden staves and only some high ranking guards were allowed to use the spears.

The maidservants and others who worked inside the mansion only had an apron and shoes made to be used inside the mansion.

Elder Morris noticed the couple leaving the quarters and continued doing the work as he also had to attend school after this.


The old man fishing beside the stream was still there as if he were a stone and not moving. His long white hair flowed alongside the wind as he sat there seemingly lost. He did not even seem to notice as an old woman slowly came and sat behind him on a chair.

The old woman was slightly hunchback with a head full of white hair and dressed in clothing that resembled some sort of religious clothing.

Her face was covered in wrinkles and her green eyes were dim but they would sparkle with light from time to time. Around her neck was long neckless made completely with some stones and leaves.

Despite being separated from the tree the leaves still did not wither or showed any signs of decay as if they were freshly plucked.

The stones and leaves were covered with strange markings and appeared to be attached without any string or anything similar.

"Did you see the woman I told you about?" The woman spoke after some time while sitting on the chair crossed legs as if to meditate.

The old man kept his silence appearing as if he did not hear her speak. Seeing that the old man was not responding, the old woman spoke again but in a slightly loud voice.

"I SAID DID YOU SEE THE WOMAN I TALKED ABOUT YESTERDAY?" The old man flinched the moment her words were spoken.

Turning around his head he asked in a puzzling voice. "Just talk slowly don't shout; I can hear you just fine. But, what did you say again?" while asking he turned his head around to continue fishing.

The old woman being used to him talk this way did not continue and only repeated her question.

"Oh yes yeah, they are my neighbours I saw them just this morning." The old man said hearing the question.


"Huh? What more is there?"

"Is the child suitable?"

"Oh that, don't worry too much the child is yet to be born."

"Is that so, then I will not bother with that again.

But what happened to our deal?" The old woman asked with strange light after hearing his thoughts on the woman.

"In a few days or maybe in 3 days come again." The old man said without turning his head.

The old woman shivered slightly hearing his words and her eyes shone with light. She stopped shivering and calmed down while getting up from the chair.

She bowed her head towards the old man slightly and turned to walk away from the stream.

The old man did not seem to notice the old woman leaving as if he did not hear her.

The old woman walked slowly while people around her looked at her and spoke in a little polite way as she passed by them.

She clenched her withered fist from time to time and released them shortly after.

While looking at the town bustling with people she murmured slowly.

"Just a few days, just a few days. And I will once again be able to walk out of this tiny place."

She sighed as she walked on the busy road.

The old woman was non-other than the wisewoman of the town. And was well respected by the townsmen for her abilities to treat the patients.

For as long as they could remember she was here in this town even when they were children. And her appearance had not changed much despite how much they grew old.

Some assumed her to be a divine healer while others said she was a witch and kept their distance. But the people with negativity were a minority and only those who were new to the town.

While the majority of the townsmen who spent their multiple generations here had heard their presents talk about her and her abilities.

Even their new kind chief was seen talking with her on multiple occasions and he appeared somewhat respectable while talking.

The old woman reached her small hut built outside of the town near a small pond away from the hustle and bustle of the town.

The hut was not big but was enough for a single person to live and receive some guests if they had any.

It was facing the pond while surrounded by a compound made of vines and small plants. The compound as well as the small hut appeared as if it was made naturally and not by hands. It had a calm natural aura around it but most people only felt somewhat refreshed and nothing more.

The pond was also relatively small and was only produced because of a small underground stream.

The old woman opened the wooden gate covered with vines to her house and reached to her door.

She entered the house and looked around while walking slowly until she reached the window facing the pond.

Her eyes shone with light but also a bit of anticipation.

"It's been a long time, would anyone remember me after all this time?"

Her eyes showed reminiscence and longing. She sat down after hearing some people walk towards her small hut as she unfurled some books and papers in from of her.

The knocking came from the door as spoke in a low voice.

"Come in."